TO MORAL PERFECTION. • Justification of the goal. • Strength of mind. • Moral strength of mind. • Moral diseases of the spirit
WAY TO MORAL PERFECTION • Justification of the goal • Strength of mind • Moral strength of mind • Moral diseases of the spirit JUSTIFICATION OF OBJECTIVE Only moral imperfection of a person is the basis of many troubles. This is the collapse of the family, the collapse of the state, the collapse of the environment, numerous wars, etc.
P. I 78 Solving the problem of the moral perfection of the individual is the cornerstone of the solution of all human problems. This is the only way to preserve the human race. (1. 7. 1. ) AND 78
Otherwise, due to drunkenness, every third family will disintegrate. Otherwise, due to the idle talk of the leader (for example, Gorbachev), even a state that is provided with natural resources for thousands of years ahead of its comfortable existence will collapse! Otherwise, as a result of global warming, the world's oceans over the next thousand years will flood everything that lies one hundred and fifty meters above its present level. And there are many such “otherwise”.
In general, it is extremely clear that man most of all needs his moral perfection. Otherwise, he will be ruled by the power of an evil spirit, which blinds with the brilliance of momentary profit to the detriment of eternity. His ideology consists of just one phrase: " after us, even a flood. " But everyone knows very well what the ending of such an ideology is. We have already passed this and more than once. STRENGTH OF MIND We often use this term without thinking at all about its exact meaning. For example, is this how the human spirit differs from his soul? Yes, only that the spirit of a person is his mind.
P. I 79 The spirit of man is his mind. (1. 7. 2. ) I 79
An evil spirit is an evil mind. Such a mind is not tormented by immoral acts.
A weak spirit is the mind of a weak-willed person. This mind is tormented, his conscience hurts, but she whines quietly and is afraid to say a word. This is the conscience of a coward.
A vile spirit is the mind of a shameless person. Not only does he do everything on the sly (vile people are cowardly by definition), but he does not particularly worry about the sacrifice of his vileness. The motto of the vile one: " you have to deceive so that it never comes up. " He is afraid only for himself.
A good spirit is the mind of a kind person and strong in his beliefs. But even among good people there are few righteous, and every good person involuntarily has to resist the " bad" desires of his nature. This is a noble resistance to oneself, since there are few people whose concepts of conscience are so strong that their opposition to the instincts of nature occurs automatically, without any volitional effort (difficult decision-making).
P. I 80 Reasonable knowledge of any person is concentrated in his concepts and ideas. This is the spiritual cultural heritage of mankind, but to a certain extent, reflected in the consciousness of a particular person. (1. 7. 2. ) I 80
Reason is a cultural formation in the human psyche.
What is the power of reason? The strength of the human mind is measured not only by indicators of its mind, such as the completeness, truth and consistency of concepts, the ability to create and solve difficult problems. It is also measured by indicators of the strength of his convictions. The operating basis of the mind is made up of its concepts, therefore, a reasonable choice of decision regarding a specific situation mainly depends only on how strong the reaction of the concept corresponding to this situation is.
P. I 81. The principle of persuasion A strong concept is called a belief. It is the reactions of strong concepts that determine the strength of the human spirit (mind). (1. 7. 2. ) I 81
Other beliefs simply do not exist in the mind. A person does not doubt his beliefs, that's why they are beliefs. These are, proven by practice, strong and correct concepts. This is when a person is completely confident in each of his concepts. But beliefs are different. Here we are talking about a good and strong human mind. That is, about a strong and kind spirit. Kindness is a moral category. So, willingly or unwillingly, we are returning to the categories of human conscience. 2010-12-29
MORAL POWER OF THE SPIRIT Knowledge of cultural moral principles is one thing, but knowledge of unconditional adherence to these principles is quite another. It depends on the strength of moral concepts. In other words, from the strength of moral convictions. This is when the reactions of cultural moral concepts have a significant preponderance over the opposite reactions of other concepts and emotional instincts.
P. I 73. The law of the power of moral conviction The strength of conscience always and necessarily consists in the strength of moral concepts. Only then do the reactions of moral concepts have a significant preponderance over the opposite reactions of other concepts and emotional instincts. A strong concept is called persuasion (persuasive speech skill). (1. 6. 7) I 73
This law may well be called the law of moral strength of spirit. And in order for the good in your mind to be strong, you must not only form your own moral concepts based on the values of the Mother of Culture (she will not teach bad things), but you also need not be afraid to use them often.
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