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Moral diseases of the spirit. Or maybe psychology does not have methods for diagnosing these dangerous, and most importantly, very contagious mental illnesses? She will have to help her, because the consequences of these diseases are no less than those of

P. I 82

The strength of any concept necessarily increases in proportion to its activity. This necessity is the Law of Strengthening. (1. 7. 3) I 82

The more often the correct concept works, the stronger it becomes with each act of its activity. The mind always corrects " wrong concepts", which does not at all give them strength. Correct concepts are only strengthened in each new act of their activity.

Everything is simple here.




There are many of them, starting with the most common ignorance. And it is not difficult to understand the symptoms of each of them.


But who should heal these moral illnesses? Psychology refuses to cure meanness and shamelessness, boastfulness and deceit, envy and undeserved ambition, etc. She believes that mean and cunning, boastful and proud people are healthy people.


Or maybe psychology does not have methods for diagnosing these dangerous, and most importantly, very contagious mental illnesses? She will have to help her, because the consequences of these diseases are no less than those of the plague, if she had not been treated at all. For example, in the early thirties, the unjustified self-confidence in his own and in the racial superiority of the leader of a large European state (a stupid and obsessive idea) infected the entire people of this country. It has become a national idea. This is an obvious fact. It was correctly called the " brown plague", since an ordinary plague for a single country would not have brought such dire consequences. And this despite the fact that the German national spirit arose from the hard work of a talented people, from a careful attitude to the results of their own and others' labor. These are national traditions. Nevertheless, an entire nation easily and simply crossed the threshold of common sense.


In general, no special proof is required that moral illnesses are among the most dangerous and contagious (bad example is contagious) mental illnesses.


P. I 83

 Moral illnesses are among the most dangerous and contagious mental illnesses, since a bad example is contagious, especially if this example of achieving prosperity or other superiority in any way. (1. 7. 3. ) I 83


Actually, this is only why, in this ideology, we have concentrated special efforts on the study of conscience and nature. And they did the right thing.

This is nothing new, for example, the Bible begins with the moral commandments. And in essence, all of it is aimed at improving the moral nature of man. But, despite all the efforts of the Christian Church, " things are still there. " So what's the matter then?


P. I 84. The main question of ideology

Why is the problem of moral imperfection not the main problem of the state? And what remains to be done, since neither the Church nor society has been able to cope with it for two thousand years, and modern psychology has completely withdrawn from its decision? (1. 7. 3. ) I 84


1. Pride (arrogance, disrespect for one's neighbor). The third US president, author of the 1776 Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, wrote that " all people are created equal, and they are all endowed by their creator with obvious rights, which include life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. "

Each person is initially no better or worse than the other. This is laid down by the Creator. Looking at equality from a materialistic perspective, natural selection has long weeded out imperfect humans. The weak were not able to pass it as the War of the Father of All. Each person is naturally endowed with some talent. He must develop it, improve it. There are no non-talented people. Another thing is that not everyone follows the path of developing their talent. But this is not difficult to fix. Actually for this, this ideology exists. It is only necessary to transfer its provisions to the level of applied science.

In general, nature has made sure that people have different virtues, but each in some of its own. And they are equal to each other in their original merits. Another thing is that some develop them, while others do not. However.


P. I 85. The principle of pride

 There is always a part of people who significantly overestimate themselves. They put themselves above their fellow tribesmen on the basis of the false premise that everyone around them will gradually get used to their insolence. The first sign of pride is arrogance. Pride opens the way to seeming omnipotence on the basis of a disdainful attitude towards one's neighbor. This is the first sign of a ruthless predator. (1. 7. 4. ) I 85


Does the state need such dogs? - Not. Family? - Not. To you personally? - Not.

The question is cleared.



Pride is a disease of conscience. It is connected with the fact that the concept of " I" in a person is formed incorrectly. This is a hint for psychology.



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