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P. I 100. Solon's principle. POWERFUL MAN

P. I 99

Ideology is the highest form of the preliminary activity of the human mind. (1. 8. 7. ) I 99


 The goal in ideology has the form of only meaning, but only until it is achieved. An aimless existence is for inanimate objects, for every plant already has a biological meaning of life. He must be written in his genes.

  A person's life consists of his actions (actions). It is a continuous series of his actions, and each action is aimed at achieving some goal. Deliberate (meaningful) actions are the results of the preliminary activity of the mind.

The mind is one of the masters of your body. This is an intelligent " I".

His nature (instincts) is the same master. This is the instinctive self. But the instincts are subordinated to the biological meaning of life, and the mind to the rational meaning. Who is stronger here?

If a person's reasonable intentions (reasonable meanings) lead him to the intended goals, then such a person has a meaning of actions (life).

If the goals (meanings) achieved are noble, then such a person is noble. If he pursues vile goals (meanings), such a person is vile. It all depends on the human conscience and mind.

That's all. Nothing complicated. Everyone could understand this without my explanation. But here's the bad luck. Not everyone would be able to tie all this into a single science ideology. They haven’t done it yet. And why?


P. I 100. Solon's principle

The main thing in the sense of each deed is how it will end. And a person's life necessarily consists of a continuous sequence of his actions. Look at the end. (Solon). (1. 8. 7. ) I 100


This formula is the essence of the meaning of life. Actually, the main function of the mind is preliminary activity. That is why he arose, to plan the correct future actions. And this provides for a clear vision of: and each future action (operational planning); and ways to achieve significant goals (tactical planning); and ways to achieve personal excellence (strategic planning). And we can confidently say that ideology is the science of correct strategic planning.




Apparently, this is already the next stage in the evolution of Homo sapiens. Man has not yet revealed even a tenth of his capabilities. It seems that nothing is impossible for a person at all. But if we also apply scientific ideological education to each person... then won't we get a superman? Not. We are not going to educate alone in this way.

Will we not accelerate its evolution? Maybe. And this is extremely necessary. For sooner or later, there will be a catastrophe of a cosmic scale. And the more prepared humanity is for it, the more chances it will have for its eternal existence.

Moreover, it is possible that today the Earth is the only carrier of intelligent life in our Galaxy. Otherwise, we would have long been accustomed to alien guests. So, the idea of ​ ​ eternal existence is presented here in the sense of preserving the mind not only on Earth, but on a much larger scale. But this is tomorrow.

Today, the power of an honest man is synonymous with his perfection. And the achievement by each person of the level of his mental, physical, economic and moral power is a wonderful meaning of his life. The main thing is that it should not be directed against your neighbor, but towards creative goals.

Moral power. Is this a play on words? Not.

Power over your own emotions is great power. This is the power of an honest and strong conscience.

The power of an honest man is also a synonym for his dignity. Isn't that a worthy meaning in life? It was and will always be. It was yesterday. It is there today. It will be tomorrow too.

The power of a person (taken in general terms) is his available means of achieving some visible good, and is either natural or instrumental.

Natural power is the superiority of the abilities of the body or mind, such are extraordinary physical strength, beauty, prudence, dexterity, eloquence, generosity, nobility. I nstrumental are forms of power acquired through the above qualities or through luck and are means or instruments of acquiring even greater power, such as: wealth, reputation, friends and the secret assistance of God, which is called a lucky chance. The nature of power in this respect is similar to rumor, which grows as it spreads, or similar to the movement of heavy bodies, which, the further they move, the more they increase their speed.

The greatest human power is that which is made up of the forces of the majority of people, united by an agreement, and transferred to one person, physical or civil, who uses all these forces or of his own free will, what is, for example, the power of the state, or depending on the will of everyone in separately, what is the power of a party or a league of different parties. That is why to have servants is power, to have friends is power, for all this means united forces. " (T. Hobbes, Works in 2 volumes. T. 2. M.: Mysl, 1991. p. 63)


The idea of ​ ​ the greatest human power is the most interesting here. Actually, this idea lies at the very basis of the emergence and existence of any state. After all, it is in the state that this greatest human power is realized.





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