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P. I 112. State development law (Hobbes's idea)

P. I 111

The state is an artificial (cultural) favorable environment for each of its people, and created by its own people. (2. 1. 3) I 111


It's simple. This is a very large family that owns land within their state borders. The state is an artificial entity, but it exists as a single living whole. Still, the basis of the state is living people.


The idea of ​ ​ comparing the state with a living organism is far from new.

“For art created that great Levifan, which is called the Republic, or the State (Commonwealth, or State), in Latin - Civitas, and who is only an artificial man, although larger in size and stronger than natural man, to protect and the protection of which it was created. In this Levifan, the supreme power that gives life and movement to the whole body is an artificial soul; officials and other representatives of the judiciary and executive power - artificial joints; reward and punishment (with the help

which each joint and member is attached to the seat of the supreme power and are encouraged to perform its duties) are nerves that perform the same functions in the natural body; the welfare and wealth of all private members is his strength; salus populi, the safety of the people, is their business; the counselors who inspire him with everything there is to know are memory; justice and laws are artificial reason and will; civil peace - health; confusion is a disease, and civil war is death. Finally, the treaties and agreements by which they were originally created, put together and unite the parts of the political body, are similar to that " fiat" or " let us make man", which was pronounced by God in the act of creation. " (T. Hobbes Soch. In 2 volumes. T. 2. M.: Mysl, 1991. p. 6)

 The state is one subject. This is one whole. This is Levifan. It should be considered only as a single, living and developing organism.


P. I 112. State development law (Hobbes's idea)

 Any state is always and necessarily a single self-developing system. A single self-developing object. (2. 1. 3. ) I 112


Its development is the development of a single living whole. It has no primary and secondary organs. We will not say that the heart is more important than the liver. Or vice versa. The state is also susceptible to its own diseases. Where the most severe form of the disease is undoubtedly the civil war. Everything is obvious here.






It completely depends both on the correct ideas of his management, and on his spiritual orientation to the future. In a word, on the level of his public consciousness. Public consciousness is Levifan's mind. Perfect social consciousness is its perfect mind.

Nothing is more important than the correct ideas of his spiritual and economic development in the consciousness of his society.

  There is nothing more important when there is a perfect and strong spirit of the nation, and it is directed by the authorities into the channel of a successful ideological program of spiritual and economic development of a particular state. Then a successful and wealthy state can exist and develop successfully literally on a bare rock. (As we do in Japan. ) We proceed from the facts given earlier.


The state is the most complex self-developing system. Its development program provides for thousands and thousands of interrelated parameters. There are economic laws of development. Nevertheless, there are also the necessary spiritual conditions for the successful development of any state. And any economic laws are powerless in the face of corruption, parochialism and the impenetrable incompetence of government officials.


P. I 113

 The first necessary condition for the successful spiritual and economic development of the state is the perfect and strong spirit of the nation.

                                                                                                         (2. 1. 4. ) I 113


The ideological consolidation of public consciousness is also extremely important here. The successful development of the state without this consolidation is simply not feasible.


P. I 115

 A necessary condition for the long-term and sustainable development of the state is the ideological consolidation of public consciousness in line with a single ideological program. (2. 1. 4. ) I 115


Ideological consolidation is a single vector of aspirations for the future. Otherwise, “… he breaks into the clouds, the crayfish moves back, and the pike pulls into the water. And nothing has changed". The greatest harm to such consolidation is caused by various party ideologies, in this reasoning it is quite obvious.



It is impossible to build a strong state in a year even with a strong, educated and consolidated spirit of the nation. Here you need at least several decades of hard work and one ideological direction (vector) of development.

P. I 116

A necessary condition for the long-term and sustainable development of the state is the continuity and implementation of successful ideological programs of power over a rather long period of its existence. (2. 1. 4. ) I 116


It is harmful for the state when each successive government offers its own cardinal ideological program. Then there is a " jump" of the state from one extreme to another. And it is clear that then his path to perfection is not straightforward, but is a very complex trajectory. Sometimes it's a vicious circle.



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