5. Put the necessary information about yourself into the gaps.
5. Put the necessary information about yourself into the gaps. So let me … myself. My full name is …. But my friends call me …. I am … years old. I am from …. My home town is famous for …. I like my home place because …. Now I live in …. My family is …. There are … people in my family. I live with …. Their names are …. I should be grateful to my parents for …. At school I was especially good at… My favorite subjects were …. Now I am a student of …. I want to study at this university because …. My major is …. I am interested in getting higher education because …. I’d like to get a job in the field of … I would like to tell you about my …. I like … very much. My dream is … I am keen on … too. I do …. and go …. When I have free time I …. Besides I like … . I devote much time to … because …. I think my best qualities are …. I am a very … person. I like to…. My weak points are …. I hate when …. In the future I want to …. I hope …. 6. Read the following dialogue. Make your own dialogue with your group mate to know each other better. Dialogue A: Hi! May I sit here? B: Hi! Yes, of course. You are welcome. A: I am Igor, but my friends call me Garry and what’s your name? B: My name is Lena. A: Nice to meet you, Lena. I haven’t known many people from my group yet. B: Oh, I see… Are you from Novocherkassk? A: No, I am from Armavir. It’s in Krasnodar region. And you? B: I am a local. I’ve lived in Novocherkassk since my birth. A: You are lucky. You didn’t have to leave your family and friends. B: Yes, and is your family big? A: My mom, my dad, my younger sister and my elder brother. Besides, I have two grannies and a granddad. And I miss them very much. B: Wow, you’ve got a really big family. And my family consists of my mom, dad and me. But I have lots of uncles, aunts and cousins. By the way, where do you live now? Do you live in the student campus or rent a room? A: The student dorm is my home now. It’s not bad. But I‘ve never been on my own. B: Well, I can introduce you to some of my friends. They study at our university too. We are going to the park after our classes. Will you join us? A: With great pleasure. Thanks a lot.
7. Say a few words about yourself. PLATOV SOUTH-RUSSIAN STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY (NPI) 1. Look at the following expressions and try to remember them: 1) requirements – требования 2) staff – профессорско-преподавательский состав 3) institution of higher learning – учреждение высшего образования 4) to provide – обеспечивать 5) comprehensive – всесторонний 6) undergraduate – студент 7) initial – начальный, первоначальный
8) enrollment – общее число обучающихся 9) to comprise – включать, объединять 10) to include – включать 11) affiliated Institute – филиал 12) research and development institute – научно-исследовательский институт 13) associate professor – доцент 14) scholar – ученый 15) to contribute – делать вклад 16) Bachelor – бакалавр 17) Master – магистр 18) postgraduate – аспирант 19) student campus – студенческий городок 20) R& D center – центр научных исследований и разработок
2. Read and translate the text about Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NРI): Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NРI) is the institution of higher learning that provides comprehensive undergraduate, graduate and professional programs with the emphasis on engineering, science and technology. It offers multi-level specialist, bachelor, and master programs designed to meet modern requirements of business and industry. It was founded in 1907 (18 October) with the approval of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II on the basis of Warsaw Polytechnic Institute. The leading professors of Warsaw Polytechnic Institute were sent to Novocherkassk and formed the main staff of Donskoy Polytechnic Institute (DPI) with four initial faculties of mining geology, melioration, mechanics and chemical engineering. It was the 13th institution of higher education in Russia and the first in the Don region. The first rector of Donskoy Polytechnic Institute was the Russian scientist and mathematician professor Nikolay Nikolaevich Zinin. The University was designed by the Roguysky. The first enrollment of DPI was 150 students. In 1993 the institute received the university status and now it comprises 10 faculties, 2 affiliated Institutes, 5 institutes on the basis of the university, the Novocherkassk polytechnic college and the Graduate School of Management. There are the following Faculties: Faculty of Geology, Mining, Oil and Gas Engineering, Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, Faculty of Innovation Studies and Industrial Management, Mechanics Faculty, Civil Engineering Faculty, Technological Faculty, Power Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Electromechanics and Robotics, Agro-Industrial Faculty, Faculty of Open and Distance Learning. There are the following institutes at the university: Military Institute, Institute of the Basic Engineering Education, Institute of the International Education, Institute of Physical Training and Sports, Institute of Further Education. Every year more than 1500 students enter the bachelor and specialist programs and about 500 students continue their education in master degree programs of the university. The university is very active in the sphere of postgraduate education offering 54 Candidate of Science Programs, and 21 Doctor (Full Professor) Programs. The best students of these programs receive the honored scholarship named after Zinin N. N. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NРI) employs about 2050 members of higher-education teaching personnel. 80% of the teaching staff have an Academic Degree: a Doctor or a Candidate of Science. Professors of the University combine fundamental theoretical knowledge and work experience in modern industries in their teaching activities. Noted Russian scientists and scholars who had contributed greatly to the development of science and technology worked at the University, among them Tchirvinsky, Levkov, Abramov, Mil, Flerova and many others.
About 20, 000 students study at the University including 500 foreign students from 30 countries. There are 64 State Prize winners, 35 honored workers of science and technology, 2 Heroes of The Russian Federation among the graduates of the university. Platov SRSPU has developed a number of educational programs on promising areas of science and technology together with the leading technical universities in Germany, Austria, China, Italy and Vietnam. This allows the University to participate in the exchange educational programs by sending its undergraduates, graduates and professors to foreign universities and receiving foreign colleagues in the framework of academic mobility programs. The university is rich in history and traditions. It has its own symbol, flag and the hymn. In 2013 the University was named after Matvei Ivanovich Platov, an outstanding commander, Don Cossack Ataman, a general and the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Since 2014 Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NРI) has become the place for teaching and preparing Don Cossacks for the military state service. The University has some computing centers, some R& D and engineering centers, a student campus, a learning and teaching support cabinet (museum) of the SRSPU(NPI) history, a geological cabinet (museum), a printing house, a sports complex, a concert hall etc. The university library houses more than 3 million volumes of Russian and foreign publications. According to the RAEX rating agency, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NРI) is among the 50 best technical universities in Russia with the highest reputation among the employers and is included into the 100 best universities of our country. On the base of www. npi-tu. ru 3. Find in the above text the English equivalents to the following word combinations: учреждение высшего образования; многоуровневая программа обучения; соответствовать современным требованиям; основной профессорско-преподавательский состав; учреждение высшего образования; статус университета; научно-исследовательский институт; выдающийся архитектор; внести большой вклад в развитие науки и техники; лауреат государственной премии; заслуженный работник культуры; заслуженный работник высшего образования; аспирантура; докторантура, факультет, факультет информационных технологий и управления, технологический факультет, энергетический факультет, строительный факультет, военный институт, институт международного образования; высокая репутация; входит в сотню лучших вузов.
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