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7. Read the text about a working day of a student in Australia and compare it with your working day.

7. Read the text about a working day of a student in Australia and compare it with your working day.

I am a routine fiend (фанатик), but after a year at university, I’ve realized that a structured day is a rare occurrence. Unlike many of my night-owl friends, I love an early start. If there is one meal that I will never fail to miss, it’s breakfast. I think that breakfast foods are anytime foods. Even if I am eating only a quick piece of toast, I never skip breakfast.

As an arts/law student, it is rare for me to have more than 12 hours of class time per week. Each semester, the starting time of my classes changes. At the start of each semester, I try to schedule my classes – squeezing my tutorials and lectures into blocks so that I attend university only two to three times a week. I don’t live near the university, so I try to maximize the time that I spend there when I do go.

I will often end up going to university five out of seven days anyway. I also schedule most of my meetings at the University and the institution has a plethora of modern and resourceful libraries, so I will regularly study there than stay at home and risk getting distracted.

I always try to bring in food from home if I have a long day at university, so I can avoid having to buy it. If I do buy food, however, I try to turn it into a social event, so I’ll catch up with friends at one of the campus cafes. I also enjoy buying a coffee every now and again.  

I have two part-time jobs – as well as being a student ambassador, I also work in retail. Often my retail shifts are later in the day. I feel as though everyone has a different opinion on whether you should work when you are a student. For me, there was no option. I had to work to pay for all the things that I wanted to do outside university, such as travelling.  

Although a huge part of being a student is actual studying, I also think that it is the extra activities that I participate in that help to make university life exciting and enjoyable. I decided to focus on the clubs, societies and activities that I am truly passionate about rather than spreading myself too thin.

I study French in the arts component of my degree, so I will often get involved in the activities hosted by the University of Queensland French Society. They put on brilliant cultural events as well as weekly language groups, which allows me to practise my French in a less formal setting.   

On the evenings when I don’t go straight to work, I like to make the most of the city’s proximity. Whether it is going to cafe for a bite to eat, visiting the central business district for a shop around, or travelling to Fortitude Valley for an open comedy session. If I have a day to spare, I like to visit the beach.  


On the base of https: //www. timeshighereducation. com/student/blogs/day-life-student-australia


1. Look at the following words and try to remember them:

1. native – родной 

1. to be founded – быть основанным

2. to be from – быть родом из

3. region – область  

4. to be located/ to be situated – располагаться

5. to lie on the bank of the river/on the shore of the…sea – лежать на берегу реки/моря

6. to grow fast – быстро расти

7.  places of interest – достопримечательности

8.  enterprise – предприятие

9.  in the centre of – в центре

10.  plant – завод

11.  countryside – сельская местность

12.  to be famous for – быть известным, знаменитым чем-то

2. Put the appropriate words above into the gaps:

Hi, I am Boris and I … Novocherkassk. My … town is not big at all. It … in Rostov …. It … the confluence of the Tuzlov and the Aksay rivers. Novocherkassk … by the Don Cossacks ataman Matvey Platov in 1805. From the middle of the last century Novocherkassk … and became an industrial town. A lot of industrial … and … were built in it. Novocherkassk … its architectural monuments. Among them a magnificent cathedral is … the town. But I like Novocherkassk for its beautiful ….

3. Make up sentences with the following words according to the example:

  St. Petersburg is a big city with a river Neva going through it.

1. A town\ city with a river going through it.

2. An industrial town\ city with a big factory or plant.

3. A town\ city which is quite dirty but surrounded by nice countryside.

4. A place on the coast with a warm climate where people often recreate.

5. A town\ city with a good transport system.

6. A rural area with a lot of farms.

7. A very exciting city with a 24-hour culture.

8. A town\ city by the sea with a fishing industry.

4. Make up 2-3 sentences with the following words according to the example: Moscow is a city of 24-hourculture. It has a lot of exciting cinemas and clubs.

1. Agriculture/fields/rural/farms

2. Greenery/parks/mountains/resort

3. Industrial/big plant/well-known products/economy

4. Traffic/transport/pollution/busy

5. Exciting/cinemas/clubs/24-hour culture

6. Coast/fishing/port/sea/beach

7. Museum/old/historic/architecture

8. River/bridge/ship/bank/boat

5. Read the questions and answer them:

1. Where are you from?

2. Where is your native city/town/village/settlement located?

3. Is it a regional centre?

4. When was your native place founded?

5. Who is the founder of your native city/town/village/settlement?

6. Are there any industrial enterprises?

7. What educational establishments can young people study at?

8. Are there any parks or gardens?

9. What are the hotspots (популярные места) in your native place?

10. What places of interest could you recommend to visit there?

11. What museums and monuments are in your native city/town/settlement?

12. What is special about your native place?

13. What would you like to change in your city/town/village/settlement?

14. Would you like to spend all your life in your native place? Why?


6. Read the dialogues and discuss with your partner your native place:


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