4. Answer the following questions.
4. Answer the following questions. 1. When was Platov SRSPU (NPI) founded? 2. What was the original name of the Platov SRSPU? 3. How many faculties did the DPI have? 4. Who was the first rector of the DPI? Who is the rector now? 5. Who designed the buildings of the DPI? 6. How many faculties are there at the university now? 7. What is the total enrollment of the University? 8. What educational programs does the University offer? 9. What prominent scientists and scholars of the University do you know? 10. What department do you study at? 11. What is your major? 12. Why did you choose Platov SRSPU to get the high education?
5. Retell the text. 6. Read the following dialogues and act them out. Make up your own dialogue with your group mate to discuss your study at the university. Dialogue I Kate: Hi, Ann. Haven’t seen you for ages. Ann: What are you doing here? Are you a student of Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NРI)? Kate: Oh, yes. I’ve finished school this year and entered the University. Ann: Glad to hear that. I am a third-year student of this University. Kate: And what is your major? Ann: My major is power supply of industrial enterprises. And what about you? Kate: I am going to be a chemical engineer, but I don’t know my major yet, as we don’t have any special subjects, connected with my major. I’m only in the first year. Ann: Do you live in the student campus? I’ve seen you there. Kate: No, I don’t. I live at my aunt’s. Come to see us. Ann: Thank you. Good-bye. Kate: Bye-bye. See you soon. Dialogue II Lena: Excuse me, can I ask you a question? Peter: Yes, please. Lena: Why did you decide to study at this university? Peter: You see, I would say that it is our family tradition. Lena: Really? Peter: Yes, my granddad, my parents and my elder brother are the graduates of the SRSPU. So I didn’t think much about the education institution to study at. Besides, I’m from Novocherkassk and I’d like to live and work here. And what about you? Lena: Oh, I see. As for me, I am not a local but I’ve heard much about the university from my parents. The diploma of SRSPU engineer has the high reputation among the employers. I’m sure I’ll find a perspective job when I graduate from it. Peter: No doubts. I wish you would. 7. Read about the outstanding graduates of the university and discuss their contribution to the engineering and science with your groupmates. Mikhail Leontyevich Mil (1909 –1970) is known as the founder and general designer of the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant. After graduation from the DPI in 1931 Mil began his career at the Taganrog aviation plant and then at The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute in Moscow. He specialized in the design of autogyros (автожиры/гиропланы). During the World War II Mil succeeded to improve the control of the aircraft loaded with ammunition. In 1947 he headed the Helicopter Lab which was later turned into the Moscow Helicopter Plant where Мi-2, Мi-4, Мi-6, Мi-8, Мi-10, Мi-12, Мi-24 were designed. Mil's helicopters won many awards and set 69 world records. Most notably, the Mil Mi-4 won a Gold Medal in the Brussels International Exhibition in 1958. In 1971, after his death, his Mil Mi-12 won the Sikorsky Prize as the most powerful helicopter in the world.
Skripil Valentin Ivanovich, the mining engineer and the NPI graduate (1948), is famous for the discovery of copper pyrites [paı ꞌ raı ti: z] deposits (месторождения медного колчедана) in South Ural. He developed a method of accelerated exploration of copper pyrites deposits and proved the link between the copper pyrites deposits and volcanic rocks. Flerova Vera Aleksandrovna, the mining engineer, being a student, discovered the particles of molybdenum in quartz debris near the mountain range Tyrnyauz, Elbrus region during her internship. After graduation from the institute, she returned to the region and continued the exploration. This resulted in the discovery of the large ore deposit. Unfortunately, there was an accident and Flerova died. The top of the mountain where molybdenum had been found was named " Vera peak" after her. On the base of www. npi-tu. ru MY FACULTY, MY DEPARTMENT, MY MAJOR 1. Look at the following expressions and try to remember them: 1) majority – большинство 2) to be guided by – руководствоваться 3) the main motive power – главная движущая сила 4) achievement – достижение 5) substantial training - серьезное обучение 6) scientific attitude – научный подход 7) judgment – суждение 8) engineering equipment – инженерное оборудование 9) to install – устанавливать 10) highly qualified – высоко квалифицированный 11) to depend on – зависеть от 12) to train – обучать 13) to consist of – состоит из 14) department – кафедра 15) major – специальность, направленность 16) full-time form – очная форма 17) advanced – передовой 18) a notable contribution – значимый вклад 19) Associate Professors – доцент 2. Read and translate the text about one of the engineering majors: I am going to be an engineer and to be among the vast majority of people who are changing the world. An engineer is the main motive power of the technological progress. An engineer concerns himself with the application of science and technology to satisfy human needs. In his work he is guided by the latest achievements of science and technology. A modern engineer cannot do without knowledge in many fields other than those of engineering. He must get a substantial training in subjects of his major as well as in such subjects as computers and robotics, computer-aided design, environmental engineering, management science, etc. He must have a scientific attitude, imagination, be initiative and of good judgement. Thorough knowledge of foreign languages is also quite necessary for an engineer as a lot of engineering equipment and technical devices are imported from the USA, China, the UK, Germany, Japan and other foreign countries. He must know how to be able to install the devices correctly at a plant and to repair when necessary. An engineer must know perfectly what is going on in his field around the world. To make a highly qualified engineer depends much on the education.
I study at Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), which has a good engineering reputation throughout its history. It was the first institution of higher education in the Don Region. Now the future engineers are being trained in 10 faculties: Faculty of Geology, Mining, Oil and Gas Engineering, Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, Faculty of Innovation Studies and Industrial Management, Mechanics Faculty, Civil Engineering Faculty, Technological Faculty, Power Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Electromechanics and Robotics, Agro-industrial Faculty, Faculty of Open and Distance Learning. I am a student of Mechanics Faculty. This is one of the oldest in Platov SRSPU (NPI). It was one of the four initial faculties of Donskoy Polytechnic Institute founded in 1907. That time the students of Mechanical Faculty formed almost half the quantity of the first student enrolment of the DPI. Students were trained in five specialties: steam locomotives, electromechanics, flour grinding industry, factory machines, and agricultural machines. Throughout its history, the structure of the faculty was repeatedly changed. Now it consists of 4 departments. The department I study at is “International logistics systems and complexes”. The faculty offers 6 bachelor’s, 6 master’s and 2 specialist’s degree programs of education. My major is “The technology of transport processes” and I am taking a bachelor’s course. About 1000 students are taking a full course of training at the Faculty now. The students are being trained on the basis of the advanced equipment of science and technology. The educational process provides the knowledge of humanities and social economics, programming, foreign languages, the strength of materials, applied mechanics, management and others. Good knowledge of these subjects will help me in my future job. The classes are conducted with a wide employment of technical educational aids. The academic staff of the Faculty include 94 tutors, among them there are 14 professors, the Doctors of Sciences, and 75 associate professors, Candidates of Sciences. Many scientists who had been working at the mechanical engineering faculty within different time periods, made a notable contribution to science and technology. Among them are Mill M. L., the chief designer of Russian helicopters, Levkov V. I., the designer of the world first pneumatically padded device, Abramov N. M., the inventor of the system of ferroconcrete production. The Faculty graduates apply their knowledge and skills at the industrial enterprises. Among the industry partners of the Faculty are the “Airports of the Regions”, “Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant”, " EuroChim", " Rostselmash", " Baltika", " TagMet", " Rostdorservice", " Donavtotrans", " Mishkino", " Agrokom" and many others. 3. Find in the above text the English equivalents to the following word combinations: Большинство людей; главная движущая сила технологического прогресса; применение науки и технологии; человеческие потребности; последние достижения; научный подход; технические устройства; установить правильно оборудование; хорошая репутация; половина от количества набора; очная форма обучения; предлагает программы обучения; направление подготовки; передовое оборудование; образовательный процесс; широкое применение; социально-гуманитарные науки; сопротивление материалов; прикладная механика; железобетонная продукция; суда на воздушной подушке; применять свои знания и навыки.
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