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Exercise 2. Eliciting and Linking Their Values to Your Product or Service. · Elicit what is important about having these skills.

Exercise 2


(Groups of Two or Three)


Eliciting and Linking Their Values to Your Product or Service


· Elicit what is important about having these skills.


· Link it to continuing to practice these skills today, and all through the future.



Exercise 3

(Groups of Two or Three)




· Choose the context in which you are going to be using these skills.

· Have partner pretend to be a potential client for that product of service.

· Elicit their values and criteria for pursuing that product or service.

· Feedback and link your service to their values.

· Give feed back to class.



Basic Criteria and Values Elicitation:

Exercise 4

Using Towards and Away from.


· New Partners:

· Contextualize.

· Groups of Two or Three.

· Get Rapport.

· Elicit Criteria and Values for learning, practicing and using these skills in your daily life?

· What’s important about _______________?

· Agree, feedback verbatim.

· Because?

· Agree, feedback verbatim.

· Ultimately what’s important about_____________?

· What will having (use ultimate value here) Do for you?

· Note whether they are using a towards or away from Strategy

· Start talking in terms of their strategy:

- If they are “towards”, use “moving towards” language.

- If they are “away from”, use their values and criteria with “away” from language.


· Flip the strategy – If they are towards, start talking in “Away from” phraseology, for a few minutes, paying attention to your partner’s responses.


· Flip back to their primary motivation strategy.

· Link it to your product or service.

· Get feedback from Partner on what they experienced.

INDUCTIONS (Appendix 1)



Adapted from the original hand drop induction by Gerald F. Kein


Use the Eye Lock with This Technique …


(Stand or sit to the side of your client. )


(Extend your dominant hand with your palm up but keeping your elbow bent and close to your body say to the client. )


" Place your hand in mine... like that - Got it?


(Have the subject extend his or her hand outward palm down) (Now say to the client... )


" Now, look at me. " (Point to your forehead specifically the optic triangle or space between the eyebrows! )


" At the count of three, press down against my hand. I'll be pressing up against your power... Got the idea? "


" Now, follow my instructions completely! "


" One" (wagging your finger at the subject with each count)


" Two" " PUSH, PUSH, PUSH, that’s right... push hard, that's good! "

" Three" - " Now let your eyes become heavy, droopy, drowsy and sleepy... closing, closing, closing... "


(If you have to, pull the subject's eyelids shut with your thumb and index finger.

Now instantly pull your hand out from under the subject's and say, " SLEEP! " and tap the subject on the forehead with the palm of your hand. )


Then say,


" As I rock your head gently, allow your body to go loose, limp and deeply relaxed. "


(Do a five to one count for eye catalepsy) (Attraction to a proper depth)


Dave Elman Induction

David Snyder Version


Now, take a long deep breath and hold it for a mental count of 3, 2, 1 and let that breath out with a sigh. (Perform the action with the client)                                      ·

As you exhale this breath, allow your eyes to close and with each in breath, I want you to imagine a glowing ball of energy forming above your head and with each and every out breath you take, I want you to imagine that ball of energy flowing downward from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.


Permeating every cell and every atom, relaxing all the muscles as it goes so much so that with every breath you take and every beat of your heart your body and mind simply continues to relax deeper and deeper as you listen to the sound of my voice.


Now let go of the surface tension in your body.


Just allow your body to relax as much as possible right now.


Now, place your awareness on your eye muscles and relax the muscles around your eyes to the point they just won't work. When you're sure they're so relaxed that as long as you hold on to this relaxation, they just won't work, hold on to that relaxation and test them to make sure THEY WON'T WORK.


(Allow 3 or 4 seconds to test then say)

Good, that’s right, now stop testing.


Now, this relaxation you have in your eyes is the same quality of relaxation that   I want you to have throughout your entire body. So, just let this quality of relaxation flow through your whole body from the top of your head, to the tips of your toes.


Now, we can deepen this relaxation much more. In a moment... not yet. but in just a moment I'm going to have you open and c1ose your eyes.

When you close your eyes, that's your signal to let this feeling of relaxation become 10 times deeper.


All you have to do is want it to happen and you can make it happen very easily. Ok, now, open your eyes... now close your eyes and feel that relaxation flowing through your entire body, taking you much deeper. Use your wonderful imagination and imagine your whole body is covered and wrapped in a warm blanket of relaxation.


Now, we can deepen this relaxation much more.


In a moment, I'm going to have you open and close your eyes one more time. Again, when you close your eyes, double the relaxation you now have.


Make it become twice as deep. Ok, now once more open your eyes... close your eyes and double your relaxation... good. Let every muscle in your body become so relaxed that as long as you hold on to this quality of relaxation, every muscle of your body will not work.


In a moment, not yet... but in just a moment


I'm going to have you open and close your eyes one more time. Again, when you close your eyes, double the relaxation you now have.


Make it become twice as deep. Ok, now, once more; open your eyes... close your eyes and double your relaxation... good. Let every muscle in your body become so relaxed that as long as you hold on to this quality of relaxation, every muscle of your body will not work.


In a moment, not yet but in just a moment, I'm going to lift your {right or left) hand by the wrist, just a few inches, and drop it.


Now, if you have followed my instructions up to this point that hand will be so relaxed it will be just as loose and limp as a wet cloth, and will simply plop down. Now don't try to help me or hinder me in any way.


Simply allow that hand to drop down into your lap only at the rate and speed with which you can go all the way to the very basement of relaxation.


Now. Let me do all the lifting so that when I release it, it just plops down and you allow yourself to go much deeper.


(If subject helps to lift hand says, )

" No, no let me do all the lifting, don't help me. Let it be heavy. Don't help me. You'll feel it when you have it. "


Now, that's complete physical relaxation. I want you to know that there are two ways a person can relax.


You can relax physically and you can relax mentally.


Now that we have relaxed your bod y we are going to begin now to relax your mind just as deeply, let me show you how to do that.


In a moment, not yet. but in just a moment.


I am going to ask you to begin slowly reciting the alphabet backward, out loud, starting from the letter Z.


Now, here's the secret to mental relaxation, with each letter you say, simply double your level of mental relaxation, with each letter you say, let your mind become twice as relaxed as the time before.


Push those letters all the way out of your mind make them smaller darker harder to see, tum your internal volume all the way down ·make them gone.


Now if you do this, you will notice that by the time you reach the letter T, or even sooner, you will quickly discover that your mind will have become so relaxed, you will have actually relaxed all the rest of those letters that would have come after T or even sooner, right out of your mind, there just won't be any more letters.


Now, you have to do this, I can't do it for you.


Those letters will leave if you will them away. Now start with the idea that you will make that happen and you can easily dispel them from your mind.


Now, say the first letter, Z and double your mental relaxation. Client: Z

Hypnotist: Now double that mental relaxation, let those letters already start to drift away.


Client: Y

Hypnotist: Double your mental relaxation. Start to make those numbers leave Client: X

Hypnotist: Now, let them be gone. Dispel them. Banish them. Make it happen, you can do it; I can't do it for you. Push them out.


Option A:

When the client grows quiet you can ask him... are they all gone?




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