Eliciting Criteria and Values (Continued…)
WARNING! IF YOU USE THIS TECHNIQUE TO HARM SOMEONE THEY WILL MOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH TO HURT YOU IN RETURN! Please always use this technique with wisdom and discretion People Under Your Influence Are Also Under Your Protection! Eliciting Criteria and Values: The most important factor in eliciting criteria and values is – Rapport!
The deeper your rapport, the better the quality of the criteria and values you can extract from the client/subject.
The All Important Question to elicit a subject’s Criteria and Values is:
“What’s Important about ________________? ” The Process of Eliciting Criteria and Values:
First and Foremost, you must set your outcomes:
· Outcome Number One – Get Rapport
· Outcome Number Two – Elicit Criteria Eliciting Criteria and Values (Continued…) Steps in the Process: · Rapport – Gain Rapport through any one or more of the techniques you have learned during this training.
· Ask the Criteria Question “What’s Important about…? ” (Fill in reason they are coming to see you).
· Agree with what they say.
· Repeat their words back verbatim.
· Ask what is important about (whatever they answered for the first Criteria Question).
· Agree with them.
· Repeat their words back verbatim.
· Ask an indirect criteria question – Because? (This will elicit 2nd or 3rd level criteria depending on when you use it.
· Agree with what they say.
· Repeat their words back to them.
· Ask the Question “Ultimately Mr. or Mrs. X, What’s important about being having or otherwise experiencing X? ” (This should be the level two or three criterion you have just elicited.
One very powerful and interesting Distinction you will quickly come to discover as you go through the process of eliciting values and criteria is the motivational strategies of towards and away from, inherent in persons’ Criteria and Values.
Understanding Towards and Away from…Can’t You? The function of all criteria is to serve as a motivating force to move you towards the things you really want and/or away from the things you don’t want. In a nutshell, people are either motivated to move toward their goals, or to run away from their problems. Neither strategy is right or wrong, nor is one strategy preferable to another. In fact, almost everyone uses either strategy at one time or another. The usage changes as the context changes.
The Magic Question: The Magic Question that can elicit a " towards" or " away from" Strategy is:
What Will Having (insert criteria here) Do for You? Eliciting Criteria and Values (Continued…)
Indicators of “Towards” and “Away from” Strategies:
After asking the towards/away from elicitation question pay special attention to the type of wording they use to describe what their criteria and values will get them.
“Towards”: When eliciting criteria, pay attention to words like: Attain, achieve, goals, include, solutions, accomplish, etc. When you become aware of your subject using these words, you can instantly recognize that you’re dealing with a person who moves “towards” the things they want.
“Away From”
When you hear your client or subject using words like:
Escape, exclude, avoid, evade, “get away from, ” “won’t be___”, You can be very certain that you’re dealing with a person who moves away from their problems.
Advanced Criteria and Values Secrets of Instantly Transforming Values Make sure that when your feedback criteria and values during your persuasion message that you use exactly the same words and/or “labels” that your subject uses… Why?
“People Want to Hold On to The Labels They Give to What They Want”
Subjects tend to fall in love with the labels they put on their values and criteria. Hence trying to change the “label” of said value will ultimately result in an overall weakening of your persuasion message and possible loss of rapport.
However, while the subjects “label” of their values and criteria is basically immutable, the definition of those “labels” are not set in stone and in fact through the use of language patterns you can quickly and conveniently “redefine” or “change” the meaning of any Criteria or Value “Label” they give you.
For all practical purposes although the outer label of the value stays the same the meaning of it changes which means for persuasion purposes – “You Have Changed their Value” This will technique will be covered more in depth during the Killer Influence Advanced Training. In the meantime, master your basics and experience your life being utterly transformed by the power of just these champion level persuasion tools because your absolutely on your way to becoming a “Master of Influence. ”
Basic Criteria and Values Elicitation: Exercise 1 (Groups of Two or Three)
· Get Rapport. · Elicit Criteria and Values for learning, practicing and using these skills in your daily life? · What’s important about _______________? · Agree, feedback verbatim. · Because? · Agree, feedback verbatim. · Ultimately what’s important about_____________?
· Feedback criteria from highest level to lowest. · Have partner give feedback on what they experienced both during the elicitation and during the feeding back of their stated values and criteria.
Basic Criteria and Values Elicitation:
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