Option B. Use fractionation to deepen trance then begin therapy. Hand Drop Induction. Group Hypnosis Induction
Option B. Many times depending on how good the memory of the client is they may still be reciting the letters beyond X or even T. what you will notice is as the client pushes the letters out and doubles their mental relaxation that the volume of their speaking will grow continually quieter.
When that happens use option B.
Make it happen! And when they are all gone go ahead and raise this finger to let me know (indicate which finger the subject is to use by touching it first)
Use fractionation to deepen trance then begin therapy
Hand Drop Induction Adapted from the original hand drop induction by Gerald F. Kein
(Stand to the side of your client. )
(Extend your dominant hand with your palm up but keeping your elbow bent and close to your body say to the client. )
" Place your hand in mine••. like that - Got it?
(Have the subject extend his or her hand outward palm down) (Now say to the client... ) " Now, look at me. " (Point to your forehead specifically the optic triangle or space between. the eyebrows! ) " At the count of three, press down against my hand. I'll be pressing up against your power... Got the idea? "
" Now, follow my instructions completely! "
" One" (wagging your finger at the subject with each count) " Two" " PUSH, PUSH, PUSH, that’s right... push hard, that's good! "
" Three" - " Now let your r eyes become heavy, droopy, drowsy and sleepy... closing, closing, closing... "
(If you have to, pull the subject's eyelids shut with your thumb and index finger. Now instantly pull your hand out from under the subject's and say, " SLEEP! " and tap the subject on the forehead with the palm of your hand. ) Then say,
" As I rock your head gently, allow your body to go loose, limp and deeply relaxed. " (Do a five lo one count for eye catalepsy) (Fractionation to a proper depth)
David X. Hand Shake Induction: This induction can be done as an instant or rapid induction depending on how you perform it. There are many version of the handshake induction this A version I created for myself that combines elements of a shock and rapid instant induction.
Extend your hand toward your client as if you're going to shake his hand.
As he reaches out to take your hand, grab his outstretched wrist with your other hand before he can make contact with your shaking hand.
Turn his palm over and towards his face, look point as his palm, point to it with your finger and say
" Look at your hand"
Slowly move his hand up and down as he stares at it. Tell him to pay attention to the various features of his hand... as he does so reach up and behind his neck with your free hand
Say the word... " Sleep"
And pull his head forward and down towards his chest.
Keep your hand on the back of his neck to sense the amount of tension he has. (The neck muscles always are the last to relax and the first to tense up)
Gently rock the subject back and forth or in circles as you deepen.
Group Hypnosis Induction
Can you feel that increase in relaxation? You should be able to feel that increase in relaxation all through your body. Now, this is physical relaxation and if you followed my instructions exactly, you should have an excellent state of physical relaxation this very minute. But we want you to increase this relaxation even more.
There are two ways in which you can relax, you can relax physica1ly and you can relax mentally. You've proven that you can relax physically, now let's relax mentally.
Now here is how you do that.
In a moment, not yet but in just moment I want you to start reciting the alphabet backwards starting from Z with me silently in your mind with the idea that you are going to relax the letters right out of your mind.
In other words, you're going to dispel those letters by commanding your mind to relax as you recite.
Now, in a moment not yet but in just a moment, I want you to start from the letter Z and recite back with me mentally so that when you get to X or even sooner, you'll find that all of a sudden, all the letters after X have completely vanished from your mind Now, say the first letter with me silently and relax as you do so. (Z) That's right, now relax completely and when the next number comes up they'll begin to fade if you order them to be dispelled from your mind.
(Y) Now get rid of those numbers. Just say to yourself, they must disappear. And as you relax mentally, they will disappear and you'll feel a surge of relaxation.
Now say the last letter (X). Now notice they')] be gone. You just can't find those letters anywhere.
Now this is what's known as complete physical and mental relaxation. If for any reason the letters have not yet disappeared, don't worry, because they'll leave as I continue to talk with you.
Proceed with 10 to 1 Deepening Technique and Begin Your Group Session
Remember, somnambulism is indicated by the creation of amnesia for anything through suggestion. In. this case it is achieved by relaxing the numbers out of the mind
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