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Simple Rapid Inductions Pencil Drop

Simple Rapid Inductions Pencil Drop

Hold the pencil up like this. Demonstrate for the client, hold in center with point facing down. Then give the pencil to the client to hold Now look at it firmly.


Hold it and look at it.


As you look at it, I want you to notice that your fingers are slowly pressing harder and harder against that pencil. They are pressing that pencil to the point where, when I count to three, you will be unable to drop it. 11 will be stuck tight to your fingers.


Look at it. Feel your fingers squeezing tighter and tighter. Soon you will be unable to drop it no matter how hard you try. ONE! Fingers tightly closed. TWO! THREE!



You cannot drop it; you cannot drop it! Then say firmly... Close your eyes and SLEEP!


Without hesitation, immediately start a 10 down to 1 deepening technique.

Pencil Drop Version B

Hold the pencil at a 45-degree ·angle above your subject's eyes. Have them focus their attention on the very tip of the pen or pencil Say to the subject.

" Now I want you to focus all of your attention on the tip of the pen, Stare at it and as you do, I want to begin to notice how your eyes begin to get tired, your eyelids begin to get heavier and heavier but you’re not going to close the as I count from 3 to 1 you are going to notice your eyelids getting heavier and heavier


When I count two you’re going to notice your eyes starting to bum and water like they have sand in them and you’re going to want to close them but you won’t be able to.


When I count one your eyelids you will find yourself struggling to keep them open and when I drop the pen and say the words sleep your eyes will close and you will drop easily and effortlessly into a profound state of relaxation. "


" Three" feel your eyes starting to get more and more tired as you focus on the tip of the pen


" Two" notice your eyes becoming more and more irritated wanting desperately to close.

On the next count you will find that you’re struggling to keep your eyes open “One" your eyes are burning, your eyelids are heavy growing heavier and heavier (Drop the Pen and say)



Deepen with the 10 to I deepener

Self-Hypnosis Deepening Standard Version


Whenever you enter this state, you allow yourself to go back into the same beautiful state that you are now in. Each time allowing yourself to go back deeper, each time enjoying it more and more, feeling terrific in every way. Whenever you enter this state, the instant you close your eyes, you mentally reach up and turn your light switch into the off position.


When that switch is in that off position, all electricity flowing from your brain to your body becomes disconnected.


Your muscles become instantly calm, very deeply relaxed and you allow the sound of my voice to guide you deeper into relaxation.


Following my suggestions guides you deeper into relaxation. The deeper you go into relaxation the better you feel, and the better you feel the more and more your body relaxes with just wonderful feelings going through your body and happy thoughts going through your mind.


So relax, and let yourself go.


Now I want you to relax still more to a deeper state of relaxation.


Much more relaxed. So again I'll count from five down to one and as I count from five down to one, your body will double the relaxation you have right now, automatically.


5... Relaxation starting to double.

4... Relaxation doubling more and more.

3... Very comfortable very relaxed.

2... Relaxation is now almost doubled in your body.


1... Relaxation now has doubled in your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Every fiber, every tissue, every organ, every gland every part of you has doubled in its relaxation.


" You feel fine. "


I want you to imagine, or visualize, in front of you is a long staircase that is leading down into relaxation. We have never found a basement, a bottom of a person's ability to relax.


It's endless.


Every breath that you exhale takes you down another step on this staircase of relaxation.


Every breath takes you deeper into an endless state of relaxation. You drift down feeling wonderful, feeling comfortable.

Relax and let yourself go. Just relax and let yourself go. I still want you to relax to a much more relaxed state.


Already with your light switch in the off position, every muscle becomes dormant, quite unable to move. Again l will count, but this time from ten down to one.


As I count from ten down to one, your conscious mind will relax as much as your body is relaxed and your mind and body will double the relaxation that it has at that time on each and every count.


10... Your mind is as relaxed as the body is relaxed and the body is doubling its relaxation.


9... The mind is relaxed as the body is relaxed, and the body is doubling its relaxation again.


8... Mind relaxed as the body is relaxed and the body again is doubling the relaxation it has at this time.


7... The same thing.


6... Keep right on going now.


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