The Shock - Confusion Method of Induction
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This method is especially effective with particularly difficult subjects, but is not practical when working with accountants, engineers, or mathematicians, etc., because, it would not be in keeping with their professions to be confused by figures. The subject is told to concentrate on a spot on the ceiling lightly above eye level. He is then instructed to count out loud, backwards, from one hundred to zero. As the subject concentrates on the spot and counts, the hypnotist standing directly behind him, converses with him; usually suggestion relaxation to various parts of the body. Eye fatigue, the concentration required to count and the distraction of the hypnotist's voice, all tend to confuse the subject.
As the subject counts, he may find himself omitting numbers as follows. " 87... 86... 85... 83... 81, " or repeating numbers " 87... 86... 85... 85. " He may suffer long pauses as he tries to remember the last figure he quoted. The hypnotist listens for symptoms of confusion and the moment he detects it, he claps his hands loudly and commands his subject to " SLEEP! "
The hand clap and command have a very shocking effect on the subject who immediately stops counting and goes into a deep state of trance. If the count goes on too long without the generation of confusion, the hypnotist may help the situation by randomly uttering numbers.
It is very important that after the " SLEEP! " command is given that the hypnotist keeps up his patter (talking).
Deepening suggestions are recommended. A period of silence right after trance is obtained will cause the subject to emerge.
Continue with deepening techniques. Hypno-Sleep
Induction to Hypno-Sleep 1. Achieve somnambulism with client.
2. Establish number block on the # 7 when counting from 1to 10.
3. Have person open eyes with the suggestion s/he will still not remember #7 and s/he will not remember the suggestion when the eyes open. Then say, " Open eyes. " ·
4. Have them count fingers and then say, " Close your eyes. "
5. Say, ''Anytime you see me touch my nose you will fall into a sound deep sleep. Just as deep as a normal night’s sleep. It will even be much deeper. "
6. Say, " This sleep will even be deeper than normal. When I have you open your eyes, you won't remember this conversation... open your eyes. 11
7. Touch your nose and let the person go into hypno-sleep.
8. Say several times, " You can hear me but you can't wake up. When you hear me just raise this finger. " Tap the chosen finger.
9. Then say, " I'm going to talk to you now and you'll remain asleep and you'll be able to tell me things that you never could when you were awake. Afterward we'll decide if these memories should be allowed to come forth to the conscious mind. 11
The Therapeutic Technique
10. (Client's name), how long have you had (state problem)?
11. Now when I snap my fingers you will be back at (answer to question 10) and I'll be talking to you, but you will not wake up.
12. Use direct suggestion or necessary hypnotherapy to change perception of causal events.
13. When I rouse you, we will be able to discuss the problem and you will know that the event of (age of client at causal event) can no longer affect you in your present life.
14. Place client into desensitizing events to make sure problem is resolved.
15. Emerge client and, using waking hypnosis techniques, discuss the cause and how s/he has now changed. Inductions Level 2 Shock Inductions - Elements of Shock Inductions:
)> Distraction )> Startling command Sudden Loss of Mental of Physical Equilibrium )> Pattern Interrupts )> Hypnotist Must Have Absolute Confidence and Zero Hesitation )> Immediately begin deepening subject once you have them induced Examples include - )> Hand Shake Induction )> Arm Pull Induction
Confusion Inductions: Confusion inductions work by overloading the conscious mind to the point where it gives up trying to follow the stimuli or instructions at which point a gate way opens to the unconscious mind.
This is very useful for highly analytical people. Examples Include:
Hand roll Induction Multiple Math Induction Finger Following Induction
Rapid Inductions- Rapid inductions are inductions that take less than 4 minutes to perform. (See Elman Induction, Hand Drop, Induction)
Instant Inductions: Instant Inductions are similar to shock inductions although they do not always involve shocking the client but they do to some degree rely on a loss of mental or physical equilibrium or pattern interruption
Instant inductions usually take 30 seconds or less to perform. Hand Shake Induction Sudden Command Arm Pull Induction Inductions 3 Hall of Regression
Emotionally Induced Inductions - Affect Bridge
[1] Functioning like a hologram
[2] In modern terms we would call this the " Human Energy Field"
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