UNIT 1: Great Scientists: How They Lived and Worked
Н.В. Ломовцева
Допущено Ученым советом университета в качестве учебного пособия по дисциплине "Английский язык" для студентов специальности 140211 "Электроснабжение"
Мурманск 2007 УДК 811. 111 (07 5.8) ББК 81. 2Англ. – 923 Л 75 Ломовцева Н.В. Мир электричества (World of Electricity): учеб. пособие по дисциплине "Английский язык" для спец. 140211 "Электроснабжение". - Мурманск: Изд-во МГТУ, 2007. - 93 с.
Составлено в соответствии с программными требованиями и помогает студентам овладеть профессиональным языком. Тексты и упражнения дают студентам возможность усовершенствовать уровень знания английского языка. Предназначено для студентов специальности 140211 "Электроснабжение", а также смежных специальностей.
This manual has been written according to the course programme and helps students to master professional English. The texts and exercises provide opportunities for improving the students' level of English. It is intended for students of the speciality 140211 "Electric Supply" and other closely-related specialities.
Список лит. - 7 названий.
Наталия Владимировна Ломовцева
Редактор Г.В. Зобнина
Введение....................................................................................................... 4 Section 1: Great names in the history of science and electro engineering...... 5 Unit 1: Great scientists: How they lived and worked................................. 5 Unit 2: Great scientific experiments and discoveries................................ 14 Test yourself............................................................................................. 31 Section 2: Electricity and superconductivity............................................... 32 Unit 1: Electricity and electromagnetic machines..................................... 32 Unit 2: Conductivity and superconductivity............................................ 41 Test yourself............................................................................................. 50 Section 3: Branches of electricity. Electric machines................................... 51 Unit 1: Nature of electricity...................................................................... 51 Unit 2: Electric machines.......................................................................... 63 Test yourself............................................................................................. 77 Grammar Reference.................................................................................... 78 Appendix 1................................................................................................. 87 Appendix 2................................................................................................. 89 Литература................................................................................................ 93
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов политехнического факультета, обучающихся по специальности "Электроснабжение", а также студентов смежных специальностей, изучающих основы электричества и электротехники. Целью настоящего пособия является активизация навыков чтения, перевода и говорения по темам, связанным как с историей электричества, так и пониманием его природы, а также принципов работы электрооборудования. Учебное пособие состоит из трёх разделов, включающих в себя подразделы, содержащие основные и дополнительные тексты, послетекстовые упражнения, предназначенные для закрепления новой лексики, развития навыков говорения и повторения различных грамматических структур. В конце каждого раздела приведены тесты, позволяющие студентам проверить успешность изучения пройденного материала.
Наряду с вышеперечисленным материалом в пособии имеются приложения, представляющие собой грамматический справочник, список приставок и суффиксов, а также рекомендации по составлению определений, что существенно облегчает самостоятельную работу студентов.
SECTION 1: GREAT NAMES IN THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND ELECTRO ENGINEERING UNIT 1: Great Scientists: How They Lived and Worked Text 1 Выпишите значения данных слов, пользуясь словарём; выучите их наизусть. Обратите внимание на их произношение: ability п.,announce v.,application п.,below adv., prp.,bookbinder п.,clear a.,decline v.,desire v.,draw v.,elaborate v.,gas п.,impress v.,interaction п.,job п.,move v.,put v.,require v.,rich a.,salary п.,solve v.,structure п.,view п.,weight п.,at once, solution п., refinement п.,capacitance п.,compound п.,cryogenics п.,diagram п.,equivalent a., liquefy v.,molecular a.,pressure п.,quantity п.,scale п. Michael Faraday – English Physicist and Chemist Faraday (1791–1867) was one of the ten children of a blacksmith, who moved with his family to London. It is a rare labouring family with ten children that is rich, so there was no question of an education for young Faraday and he was apprenticed to a bookbinder1. This, as it happened, was a stroke of luck2,for he could read books there. Faraday's second stroke of luck was that his employer was sympathetic to the young man's desire for learning and allowed him to read books and to attend scientific lectures. In1812 a customer3 gave Faraday tickets to attend the lectures of Humphry Davy at the Royal Institution. Young Faraday took careful notes4 which he further elaborated with coloured diagrams and these he sent to the president of the Royal Society in the hope of getting a job that would bring him into closer contact with science. Getting no answer he sent others to Davy himself along with an application for a job as his assistant. Davy was enormously impressed by the clear ability of the youngster. When an opening as his assistant occurred, he offered the young man the job. Faraday took it in 1813, at the age of twenty-two – at a salary that was smaller than the one he had been earning as a bookbinder. Almost at once Davy left for his grand tour of Europe and took Faraday with him as a secretary. Faraday became director of a laboratory in 1825, and in 1833 the one-time bookbinder's apprentice became professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution. In 1823 he discovered how to make an electrical motor. In 1831 he built the first generator, then called it dynamo. In chemistry Faraday made his first mark in 1823, when he devised methods for liquefying gases under pressure. He was the first to produce temperatures in the laboratory that were below the zero mark of the Fahrenheit scale. He may just be viewed as a pioneer in the modern branch of physics called cryogenics (the study of extreme cold). In 1825 occurred his greatest single contribution to organic chemistry. He discovered benzene, a compound that was to play a key role in the development of a means of representing molecular structure. In 1833–1834 Faraday discovered the effects of passing an electric current through certain solutions. He called these effects the laws of electrolysis. This has made possible the refinement of metals, silver and gold plating. So Faraday's laws put electrochemistry on its modern basis. In his honour the quantity of electricity required to liberate an 'equivalent weight' of an element is called a farad. Also, the unit of electrostatic capacitance is the farad, in his honour.
In later years Faraday made more discoveries in connection with electromagnetism and its interaction with light. As a result of Faraday's work, Morse was able to invent the electromagnetic telegraph, Bell, the telephone, Edison, the electric light. Примечания 1) he was apprenticed to a bookbinder – его отдали в ученики к переплетчику; 2) a stroke of luck – большая удача; 3) a customer – постоянный покупатель; 4) took careful notes – вел тщательные записи. Задания по тексту "Michael Faraday – English Physicist and Chemist" I. a) Найдите в тексте слова, являющиеся синонимами данных слов: well-off, to decide, wages, immediately, wish, to invent, suggestion, amount, field. б) Заполните пропуски соответствующими английскими словами: devised, interaction, job, salary, application, solve, desire, below. 1. Faraday hoped to get a... that would bring him into closer contact with science. 2. Faraday sent Davy an... for a job as his assistant. 3. Faraday's... was smaller than the one he had been earning as a bookbinder. 4. The temperatures which Faraday produced in the laboratory were... the zero mark on Fahrenheit scale. 5. Scientists wanted to... the problem to electro-magnetism. 6. Faraday made a number of discoveries connected with electromagnetism and its... with light. 7. Faraday's employer understood his … for learning and allowed him to attend scientific lectures. 8. Faraday … the methods for liquefying the gases under pressure. II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, не обращаясь к тексту. 1. In what country did Faraday live and make his discoveries? 2. What family did Faraday come from? 3. Did he receive any education? 4. What was his first job? 5. Where did he work at the age of twenty-two? 6. What role did Davy play in his life? 7. What was his first mark in chemistry? 8. Was Faraday a pioneer in the field of cryogenics? 9. What was his contribution to electrochemistry? 10. What do we call the laws of electrolysis? 11. What unit is called a farad? 12. What other discoveries did Faraday make? III. Перескажите текст "Michael Faraday – English Physicist and Chemist", используя следующие слово сочетания: the desire for learning; attend lectures; take notes; get a job; offer a job; be in close contact with; application for a job; be impressed; at a salary; leave for; become professor of; build the generator; be a pioneer in; carry on; in addition; a number of; effects of passing an electric current; contribution to electrochemistry; in one's honour; give lectures in. Text 2 Выпишите значения данных слов, пользуясь словарём; выучите их наизусть. Обратите внимание на их произношение: apparatus п.,complete v.,conduct v.,create v.,improvement п.,install v.,receive v.,sufficiently adv.,coherer п.,discharge п.,impulse п.,lightning conductor п.,oscillation п.,receiver п.,reception n., recorder п.,restore v.,sensitive a.,wave п.,wireless a. A. S. Popov – Inventor of Radio A. S. Popov was born on the 4th of March 1859 in a mining village in the Ural Mountains. He was a very inquisitive boy and all who knew Popov from childhood remarked on his thirst of knowledge, great interest in natural science especially in electricity, and talent for creating and building.
Before entering the department of physics of the University Popov completed the course of study first in a theological school and then in the Perm seminary. In 1877 he went to St. Petersburg University and after graduating in 1882 became an assistant in the physics laboratory. Later, he joined the staff of the Mining School for Navy Officers in Kronstadt, subsequently becoming the head of the physics department. There he had a well-equipped laboratory and a good library. Popov performed a lot of experiments with a device for receiving electromagnetic waves. The result of his work has a coherer containing metallic filings with a tapping device for automatically restoring the filings to a sensitive condition after they had cohered on the reception of oscillations. By this means, each received impulse of oscillation caused a bell to ring or a mark to be made on a simple recorder. This apparatus was demonstrated at a meeting of the St. Petersburg Physical and Chemical Society on the 7th of May 1895. Popov's apparatus was later installed at a meteorological observatory, the coherer being connected to a lightning conductor and used for the study of atmospheric electrical discharges received at distances up to nearly 20 miles. The receiver after certain improvements was employed for the reception of signals from a distance, when a sufficiently strong source of oscillations had been discovered. In 1901 Popov returned to St. Petersburg as a professor at the Electrical Engineering Institute, of which he was appointed director in 1905. In his pedagogical activities special attention was paid to the courses of electricity and wireless telegraphy. In delivering these lectures, Popov revealed himself a pioneer in electrical and radio engineering in Russia. Popov devoted much time to practical work with the students. At the Electrical Engineering Institute he had several assistants who conducted the laboratory work. But the professor was invariably present watching the work of each student. Popov died on December 31, 1905, at the age of 47. Задания по тексту "A. S. Popov – Inventor of Radio"
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