I . Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и выражений:
стеклянная лампа, выкачивать, плавиться, углеродный проводник, хлопчатобумажная нить, вставлять, лампа накаливания, приписывать, гореть, многочисленный, вместо, улучшенный. II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. o What country is Edison from? o Where did he study to work as a telegraphist? o How did Edison spend his free time? o How long did the first vacuum bulb burn? o What are Edison's inventions? III. Нижеприведённые предложения являются ответами на вопросы. Составьте и запишите эти вопросы. 1. T.A. Edison was born on February 11, 1847. 2. He had a laboratory in the baggage car of his train. 3. Because Edison saved his daughter's life. 4. Edison became interested in the invention of an electric light bulb. 5. It took 13 months to produce the incandescent lamp. IV. Расскажите об эксперименте Эдисона, используя фразы из задания № 4 к тексту о Фарадее. Составьте 10-12 предложений. V. Выполните следующие задания: 1. разбейте текст на несколько частей; 2. озаглавьте каждую из них; 3. выпишите несколько ключевых слов из каждой части; 4. перескажите текст, используя данные слова. Supplementary Texts Переведите текст, пользуясь словарём после текста. How an Artist Became Inventor It was not a scientist but an artist who perfected the telegraph. Samuel Morse began his career by drawing portraits of his schoolmates for a few cents, but by the age of 30 he had already risen to great fame and popularity as a painter. When he lost his beautiful young wife he felt unable to continue his work, and went for a journey to Europe. He was over 40 when he returned to America on board a ship in 1882. That crossing was to be the turning point of his life. One of the people on board entertained his fellow-passengers with some scientific tricks1. He had seen Professor Ampere in Paris demonstrate an electromagnet, complete with voltaic pile and wires2. He showed that a piece of soft iron would become a temporary magnet if a current was sent through a length of wire wound around it, but that it would become nonmagnetic again when the current was stopped. An idea had suddenly crossed his mind – in his own words: "If the presence of electricity can be made visible in any part of an electrical circuit closed by an electromagnet, I see no reason why intelligence3 may not be transmitted by electricity". With that idea, the artist turned inventor4. Morse began working on his idea, covering the pages of his notebook with technical drawings of his device. After some weeks the inexperienced Morse had put his apparatus together. It worked, though not too reliably and only over very short distances. When he closed the circuit5 between the electromagnet and the battery, the electromagnet attracted a small piece of iron – the armature. A pencil was attracted to it; underneath ran a strip of paper, pulled by a weight and clockwork gear6, and the pencil made lines on the paper.
For two years Morse worked on this primitive model. He knew that the principle was sound, but he could not get the signals to travel over more than fifty feet of wire: the current was too weak, even from a multi-cell battery. He wondered what to do, and finally conceived a brilliant idea: he called it the 'relay' – a device which was to grow to great importance in all branches of engineering. Later Morse found a job as an art professor at the New York City University. One of the students, Alfred Veil, helped him to perfect the telegraph. On September 4, 1837 Morse and Veil invited the whole university to witness the first demonstration of the new model built by the young man; Morse had added an invention of his own, a 'key' for closing and opening the circuit easily and rapidly (we call it the 'Morse key'). The message was transmitted with the use of the U.S. Navy code. Both Morse and Veil, however, realized that another, simpler code was essential if the Morse telegraph was to be introduced to the general public. So Morse established his own code composing it dots, short signals, and dashes, long ones. Примечания 1. tricks – фокусы; 2. voltaic pile and wires – батарея и провода; 3. intelligence – информация; 4. the artist turned inventor – художник превратился в изобретателя; 5. closed the circuit – замкнул цепь; 6. clockwork gear – часовой механизм. Vocabulary
Ответьте на следующие вопросы: Ø What was Morse's first profession? Ø Why was the crossing to America on board a ship to be the turning point of his life? Ø What apparatus did he begin to work on? Ø What happened when Morse closed the circuit between the electromagnet and the battery? Ø Why was it necessary to attach a pencil to the armature? Ø How long did Morse work on his model? Ø What device did he use to get the signals to travel over any distance? Ø What can you say about Alfred Veil? Ø What did Morse add to the new model? Ø When did Morse and Veil demonstrate their new model? Ø Can you explain what the 'Morse Code' is? o Текст " Transformers " предназначен для письменного перевода со словарем. Время выполнения 45 мин.
Transformers Faraday's experiments of August 29, 1831, gave us the principle of the electric transformer, without which the later discoveries of that fateful year could have little real practical application. For to convey electric current over long distances, say to supply a town, or feed an electric railway, it is necessary to generate it at a very high voltage, or force. By means of transformers based on Faraday's induction coil discovery, it is simple for a current from the grid or direct from a power-station of say 132.000 volts to be stepped down for the electric train to 600 volts and for household use to 240 volts. Smaller transformers in individual prices of electrical equipment, say a shaver or radio, may step the current down still further for special purposes. Similarly, currents may be stepped up in voltage, if required, by the same device. The procedure is quite simple. The current is fed into the transformer across the primary, of input coil, which corresponds to Faraday's right-hand coil on his induction ring. The resultant induced current is taken from the secondary, of output coil, which corresponds to Faraday's left-hand coil. If this secondary coil has more windings of wire than the primary coil, the voltage will be stepped down. So the two related discoveries of 1831 provided not only the means of making electricity easily and cheaply, on as large a scale as required, without any cumbersome batteries, but also the way of using it in a safe and practical way. TEST YOURSELF
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