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IV . Вместо многоточия вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова из списка.

In 1791 Aloisio Galvani, an Italian..., announced his... which he called 'animal...'. Another Italian, a professor of... Alessandro Volta established the true... of the electric current. During his experiments he developed the first electric....

He tried a number of different... and found that the best... were obtained with silver and.... By connecting... to the top and bottom disks Volta was able to get electric....

physics, current, results, wires, physician, source, electricity, discovery, battery, zinc, materials.

V. В предложениях отсутствует одно слово. Лишь один из четырех вариантов придает предложению правильное, логически осмысленное значение. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The method of... electricity directly from heat attracts attention of scientists all over the world.

1) ending, 2) producing, 3) eliminating, 4) directing.

2. More and more, we are discovering that all biological and... processes are electrical in nature.

1) substantial, 2) possible, 3) chemical, 4) electrical.

3. It is a fundamental law that... results from electricity in motion.

1) conduction, 2) solution, 3) magnetism, 4) battery.

4. A magnetic field... around any conductor carrying a cur­rent, but the field exists only when the current is flowing.

1) is engaged in, 2) is investigated, 3) is favoured, 4) is set up.

VI. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие инфини­тив или инфинитивные конструкции. Переведите их на русский язык.

Text 2

Выпишите значения данных слов, пользуясь словарём; выучите их наизусть. Обратите внимание на их произношение:

bar п.,exist v.,expect v.,failure п.,fine a.,firm a.,horse­shoe п.,instead adv.,later adv.,opposite a.,pocket п.,purpose п.,ring п.,rough a.,settle v.,side п.,slight a.,straight a.,string п.,thick a.,while cj.,wind v.,copper п.,core п.,deflect v.,external a.,feed v.,inch п.,in­duce v.,insulation п.,layer п.,leakage п.,link v.,oscillate v.,rod п.,switch on v.,turn п.,voltaic a., a little, as well as, in spite of, vice versa.

Faraday's Experiment

Faraday knew from his long study of electricity that magne­tism should be able to produce a current, as well as vice versa. In spite of his various failures, the idea of producing a current directly by magnetic action remained firm in his thoughts1. One of his friends said later how at this period of his long life Fara­day used to carry about with him in his pocket a small rough model of electro-magnetic apparatus. This consisted simply of an inch-long straight iron rod, or core, with some turns of copper wire wound round it.

The basic idea he had in mind was this: if an electric current in a wire can produce a magnetic effect, why should not a magnet near a conducting wire produce an electric current? It was really a simple reversal of Oersted's 1820 discovery.

On August 29, 1831, Michael Faraday made his first success­ful experiment. By a happy choice2,he decided to work not with a straight bar or even a horseshoe magnet, but with a ring. He made a soft iron ring, nearly an inch thick and six inches in external diameter. On opposite sides of this ring he had wound long coils of fine copper wire, separating each turn by string and each layer by calico, for insulation purposes. The ends of the left-hand coil he connected to his galvanometer three feet away3, while the ends of the right-hand coil were connected up to a bat­tery. When he switched on the battery circuit, there was imme­diately a slight reaction on the magnetic needle connected to the other coil. In his own words: "It oscillated and settled at last in its original position". On switching off the battery again, there was "a deflection of the needle", but while the so-called voltaic current was flowing through the wire there was no reaction on the galvanometer. This happened many times: each time the battery current came on, the needle linked to the opposite, uncon­nected coil deflected and then came to rest; each time the circuit was broken, the same effect was noticed.

Faraday was a little disappointed, having expected to get a positive deflection of the needle all the time his battery current was switched on. Instead he got it only when the magnetic field in the iron ring was changing – either switching on or switching off.

Nevertheless, he had produced electricity through magnetism, which had never been done before. There was no connection bet­ween the left-hand coil on the ring and the right-hand coil fed from the battery, nor was there any leakage of current from one side to the other. Yet as the galvanometer needle showed, electri­city, however weak, had flowed momentarily each time through the left-hand coil. It was new electricity where none existed be­fore, and it had been produced, or induced, by electromagnetism.


1. remained firm in his thoughts – не оставляла его мыслей;

2. by a happy choice – по счастливой случайности;

3. three feet away – расположенный на расстоянии трех футов.

Задания по тексту " Faraday ' s Experiment "

I. Определите по суффиксам, какой частью речи являются нижеприведенные слова. Дайте русские эквиваленты этих производных:

electricity, magnetism, various, directly, magnetic, action, really, successful, nearly, insulation, immediately, reaction, origi­nal, position, deflection, unconnected, connection.

II. Основываясь на информации, полученной из текста, вы­разите свое согласие или несогласие с нижеприведенными утверждениями. Свое согласие выразите, начиная словами "That's right, according to the text...", несогласие – словами "That's wrong, according to the text...".

1. Faraday wanted to produce electricity by electromagne­tism. 2. A model of an electromagnetic apparatus he used to carry about him consisted of a horseshoe magnet and a straight bar with some turns of iron wound round it. 3. Michael Faraday made his first successful experiment together with Oersted. 4. Faraday worked neither with a straight bar, nor with a hor­seshoe magnet but with a ring. 5. Faraday wound long coils of fine copper wire on opposite sides of the ring. The turns were separated for insulation purposes. One coil was connected to a galvanometer and the other to a battery. 6. The needle on the galvanometer deflected only when the magnetic field in the iron ring was switching on or switching off. 7. Faraday failed to pro­duce electricity through magnetism.

III. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

a) What does the author mean when he says that...

1. Faraday remained firm in his thoughts? 2. It was really simple reversal of Oersted's 1820 discovery? 3. By a happy choice Faraday decided to work with a ring?

b) 1. What was Faraday famous for? 2. Was he an English or a French scientist? 3. When did Faraday conduct his first successful experiment? 4. What device did he use in his experiment? 5. Can anybody repeat Faraday's experi­ment? 5. What is needed for repeating his experiment? 6. Why is Faraday's discovery considered to be very important?


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