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III . Составьте предложение из двух частей.

1. Recent achievements in superconductivity research are… fundamental theory to explain this unexpected phenomenon.
2. They may be compared with… 3. Superconductivity is known to… 4. While carrying out his low found the electrical resistivity of mercury to disappear when cooled to the temperature of 4 Kelvin.
temperature research he… 5. For 50 years after the discovery to the development of superconductivity theory.
there was no… 6. In the 1950s Russian and have been discovered by a Dutch physicist.
American physicists made a great contribution… of great importance for science and technology.
7. Research in the field of superconductivity became since the discovery of superconductive metallic ceramics.
especially active… physics discoveries that led to the development of electronics and nuclear power.

IV. Просмотрите текст и ответьте на вопросы.

ØWhat is superconductivity? What field of science studies this phenomenon?

ØWho was the first to discover this phenomenon?

ØWhat scientists are known to have worked in the field of superconductivity?

ØWhat contribution to the development of superconductivity theory did Landau and Ginzburg make?

ØWhat great discovery was made by IBM scientists in 1986?

ØIs it possible to return superconducting material to the normal state? How can it be done?

ØWhat event made possible to obtain superconductors of temperature 100 Kelvin and higher?

ØWhat are the potential technical uses of superconductivity?

V. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста. Неправильные утверждения исправьте:

1. The latest achievements in superconductivity mean a revolution in technology and industry. 2. Superconductors were once thought to be physically impossible. 3. The achievements in superconductivity cannot be compared with the discoveries that led to electronics and nuclear power. 4. The electrical resistivity of a mercury wire disappears when cooled below 4 K. 5. Landau and Ginzburg introduced a model which was useful in understanding electromagnetic properties of superconductors. 6. Scientists from IBM found a ceramic material that became a superconductor at a temperature of 23 K. 7. Scientists lack a full understanding of how ceramics become superconductors. 8. Potential technical uses of high temperature superconductivity are unlikely to be possible and practical.

VI. Повторите, как образуются инфинитивные конструкции "сложное дополнение" и "сложное подлежащее". При необходимости обратитесь к грамматическому справочнику (Grammar Reference). Выполните следующие задания:

Ø выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие данные инфинитивные конструкции; переведите эти предложения на русский язык;

Ø поменяйте данные предложения на предложения с инфинитивным оборотом:

Пример: It is likely that superconductors will find applications we don't even think of at present. – Superconductors are likely to find applications we don't even think of at present.


1. It appears that the phenomenon of superconductivity have been discovered as early as 1911. 2. It is certain that the latest achievements in the field of superconductivity will make a revolution in technology and industry. 3. A Dutch physicist found that a superconducting material could return to normal state when a strong magnetic field was applied. 4. It seems that a lot of alloys and compounds become superconductors under certain conditions. 5. We know that many materials are used as superconductors. 6. Scientists in many countries consider that new conducting materials will be found.

VII. Выполните следующие задания:

Ø разбейте текст на несколько частей;

Ø озаглавьте каждую из них;

Ø выпишите несколько ключевых слов из каждой части;

Ø перескажите текст, используя данные слова.

VIII. Работа с диалогом.

Задание 1. Выпишите значения данных слов, пользуясь словарём:

light n., deal with v., demand п.,pure a.,soil п.,conserve v.,inexhaustible a.,raw a.,distribute v.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

Professor Brown: Hello, glad to meet you, prof. Smith, haven't seen you for ages, since I left the University.
Prof. Smith: How do you do, prof. Brown, I haven't expected to see you here. Are you interested in superconductivity problems? By the way, how are you making your living? I haven't heard anything about your work lately. I spent the last two years in Geneva as a member of a special UN committee.
Pr. В.: I am with Bell Telephone company. It is a global leader in electrical engineering. And I deal with new technologies.
Pr. S.: Oh, your work is so important nowadays. Mankind needs energy for producing light, heat and transportation. This is the basis of our civilization.
Pr. В.: Sure, that's so. And as the population grows, so does the demand for better quality of life. Energy consumption increases daily.
Pr. S.: But with it the threat to clean air, pure water and soil increases too. These natural resources are not inexhaustible.
Pr. В.: Of course. We are developing new industrial systems to improve productivity, reducing the amount of raw materials and energy required. Our new advanced systems help to conserve energy too.
Pr. S.: In Geneva one of the problems I studied was the problem to generate, transmit and distribute energy with great efficiency. I think Doctor Carter's work in this field is the most promising. From the Agenda (повестка дня) we have all just received you can see that Dr. Carter will speak on his work tomorrow.
Pr.B.: I have already seen this paper on the program. I'll not miss (пропустить) it. Have you attended the morning session?
Pr. S.: The most interesting was the discussion on problems of the balance between the needs of the mankind and the conservation of the natural resources.
Pr. В.: Have you taken part in it?
Pr. S.: Certainly. I've spoken about clean and efficient technology in the field of electrical engineering.

Задание 3. Выучите данный диалог, воспроизведите по ролям.

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