Lesson 21. Air defense structure. Air defense (AD)
Стр 1 из 9Следующая ⇒ УРОК 21 СТРУКТУРА ПВО LESSON 21 AIR DEFENSE STRUCTURE Exercise 3. Read and learn the following words and word combinations by heart:
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:
AIR DEFENSE (AD) The term ‘air defense’ denotes defensive measures taken against attack by aircraft or other flying objects. It consists of two types of activities (a) active AD to prevent or oppose enemy penetration of air space or AD and (b) passive AD to reduce the effect of enemy air action. In general, active AD includes the detection, identification, interception and destruction of attacking aircraft or missiles. Passive AD includes dispersion, camouflage, evacuation, provision of air raid shelters, revetments, etc. Active AD of a vast area is termed general AD (or national AD), while that of a small area or an isolated objective is known as area AD for the former and point AD for the latter. The effective AD system should provide necessary warning and protection against aerial (aerospace) attacks as a balanced whole. Detection and warning are afforded by sophisticated radar systems, sensors, electronic means, IR and communication equipment. Protection is provided by the intricate weapons systems of antiaircraft, antiballistic missile and extraterrestrial defense forces. In addition there may be ECM techniques to prevent own radars and communications against jamming and to jam enemy radars and communications. Basic to any AD system is the early warning radar system consisting of two different types of defense radars: (a) search (surveillance) broad-beam radar stations to detect objects in the airspace, and (b) tracking narrow-beam radar stations designed to lock-on any object picked up by the detection radars. When unknown aircraft is detected it should be identified as friendly or hostile. For this purpose target identification radars are used. They comprise IFF interrogator and IFF responder systems. Apart from determining such target present data as elevation, bearing and range, the tracking radar can also produce target speed information by means of the Doppler effect. The target data is then passed on to an electronic computer which records and predicts the path of the target, and transmits target designation instructions to the fire control system.
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