Interceptors. AD artillery. Avenger self-propelled air defense system. M163 Vulcan air defense system
INTERCEPTORS These are represented in the USADC by F-16 Fighting Falcon and F-5 Eagle aircraft equipped with Sparrow, Sidewinder and Falcon air-to-air missiles to attack targets not only from astern as in the case with gun-armed interceptors but also on collision courses. Fighter-interceptor is a high performance supersonic aircraft capable of rocketing to 40, 000 ft in two or three minutes and of attaining Mach 2 to identify and/or destroy other aircraft. This requires a high wing loading and a highly swept and low aspect ratio wing. In addition, it requires a reliable navigation system (e. g. inertial navigation based on inertial platforms), a nose AI radar and communications and weapon control gear for a so-called ‘all-weather’ capability, to ensure position advantage of the interceptor over the target since the high closing speeds involved in present-day attacks mean that even in daylight the task of locating an enemy and maneuvering into an attacking position is virtually beyond the ability of the human eye and brain to react fast enough. The interceptor's low payload usually consists of air-to-air missiles and guns with very high rates of fire; these are fired automatically by the ranging radar or electronic fire control unit, which releases the weapons when the target is in range and within the attack area. AD ARTILLERY Since no single weapon system is able to counter the variety of available aerial attack weapons, the defense must be composed of complementary AD weapons. Thus, ADA is the principal Army AD means. It also provides for the protection of important objects. Current ADA weapons are the Avenger and the M163 Vulcan Self-propelled Anti-aircraft Gun System. AVENGER SELF-PROPELLED AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM
COMMENTARY: 1. Terms and Definitions: All-weather interceptor is the aircraft that can make a ‘blind’ Intercept (ground control guides the aircraft to the target area, until the airborne radar can take over and home in for the final intercept). Inertial platform is the platform that consists of a gyroscopically stabilized assembly on which some accelerometers are mounted. The gyroscopes have the well-known property of retaining stability. If an object containing an inertial platform is moved, the platform will ‘sense’ and record the movement. It is, therefore, possible to navigate by using an inertial platform, since it can locate accurately its own position relative to its known starting position: given that one knows where one is at the start. Exercise 5. Translate the following questions by ear and answer them in English: 1. Как американские военные специалисты оценивают потенциальные возможности межконтинентальных баллистических ракет? 2. Что вам известно о тех многочисленных модернизациях, которые претерпели зенитные ракетные комплексы за рубежом? 3. В какой степени в современных зенитных ракетных комплексах применяются электронно-вычислительные устройства? 4. Как вы думаете, почему зенитные ствольные системы не снимаются с производства и состоят на вооружении современных систем ПВО? 5. Почему крыло самолета перехватчика рассчитывается на высокую удельную нагрузку? 6. Для чего предназначена бортовая поисково-прицельная РЛС перехватчика? 7. Является ли система ПРО " Сейфгард" единственной в арсенале средств борьбы с МБР? Exercise 7. Translate the following words and word combinations by ear: Projected antimissile; later AD developments; miniaturized electronics; position advantage; ranging radar; to align towards these coordinated; to re-evaluate an evasive action; electronic fire-control unit; high-acceleration missile; inertial platform; control package; target area; automated control system; AD gun; to deploy AD means; target-seeking head; astern; wing loading, Kорабельная зенитная управляемая ракета; ЗРК; встречно-пересекающийся курс; крыло малого удлинения; аппаратура управления; зона выхода на цель; режим управления на конечном участке траектории; АСУ; групповая цель; сигнал коррекции; носовая РЛС; занимать выгодное положение для атаки; приборы управления артиллерийским зенитным огнем; противозенитный маневр.
Exercise 8. Make a two-way translation:
Exercise 9. Translate the following text at sight:
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