CHRISTMAS NORAD comes annually to public attention at Christmas, when it tracks Santa Claus on his journey around the world delivering toys for the world's children. This tradition started in 1955 when a local Sears store in Colorado misprinted the phone number and children thought they were calling Santa, but called CONAD (NORAD's predecessor) instead. The NORAD Christmas patrol was referenced in the book Stuffed Animals by Michael Fry and T Lewis, the fourth Over the Hedge book. COMMENTARY: 1. Terms and Definitions: а) Doppler Effect is the change in the observed frequency of a vibration because of relative motion between the observer and the source of the vibration. To sound this effect is everyday experience; e. g., when a blowing horn is passed at any speed above 10 mph the pitch of the note becomes increasingly lower. b) OTHB is the over-the-horizon-backscatter radar, a system designed to eliminate the line-of-sight handicap of conventional radar. Exercise 5. Translate the following questions by ear and answer them in English: 1. Как вы думаете, в чём причина того, что задачи, решаемые войсками ПВО, усложнились, а круг их расширился? 2. Какие задачи возлагаются на силы и средства ПСО, ПРО и ПКО? 3. При помощи каких средств ведётся обзор воздушно-космического пространства? 4. Почему самолёты и корабли радиолокационного дозора располагаются на значительном удалении от обороняемых объектов? 5. Объединяются ли наземные станции обнаружения в единую систему радиолокационного обнаружения? 6. Какова дальность действия радиолокационных станций, расположенных в Гренландии, на Аляске и в Англии? Exercise 8. Make a two-way translation:
Exercise 9. Translate the following text at sight: Text 1. The tracking radar is in effect the slave of the computers. In theory, the detection radars are in operation at all times, sending their ‘fans’ out over the polar horizon. When an object passes through these fans, the information is passed along to the computers. The computers, in turn, calculate the position and velocity of the object, and feed these data to the tracking radars. The tracking radars then rapidly swivel to the correct azimuth and degree of elevation (as indicated by the computers), lock-on the missile, and continue to track it as it comes in — all the while gathering new data which are also fed into the computers. Text 2. The Aerospace Defense Command's air defense warning continues to be provided by the DEW line, coupled with the OTH-B system. The latter is along in its development. It is to eliminate the line-of-sight restrictions of conventional radar, and increases detection capability from hundreds of miles to thousands of miles. Four of these radars would give 360-degree coverage from the very ground up to extreme ranges. Text 3. A fully automatic AD system — the first to integrate IR sensors with conventional radars and correlate the returns — has been successfully tested by Hughes and is used aboard US Navy ships as the improved Point Defense Target Acquisition System to speed the detection, identification, and tracking of approaching targets so that single ships can quickly defend themselves against threats — especially low-flying targets.
Exercise 10. Translate the following text at sight: В период конца 70-х начала 80-х годов в практику рода войск входит отработанная методика вывода частей и соединений на государственный полигон для проведения тактических учений с боевой стрельбой. Соединения и части выводились на полигон в полном составе, со штатным вооружением и военной техникой. Учения проводились комплексно, на сложном тактическом и оперативном фонах, с реальным совершением длительных маршей комбинированным способом. Руководили учениями общевойсковые командиры (командующие).
В последние десятилетия войска ПВО сухопутных войск в ходе реформ, проводимых в Вооружённых силах, претерпели существенные изменения, в первую очередь, связанные с сокращением их боевого и численного составов. Сегодня основу войсковой противовоздушной обороны составляют войска ПВО военных округов, соединения, воинские части и подразделения ПВО Сухопутных, Воздушно-десантных и береговых войск ВМФ. Они предназначены для: - ведения разведки и отражения ударов средств воздушного нападения противника; - защиты группировок войск и объектов от ударов с воздуха во всех видах боевых действий, при перегруппировках войск и расположении их на месте.
Exercise 11. Translate the following text in writing:
The US Command holds that the modern equipment installed in the Cheyenne Mountain is being outdated by new developments. To counter an attack from orbiting satellites, parts of the AD system are being converted to the needs of the space age. This phase of the network is called SPADATS. The BMEWS radars, and other radar systems operated by the AF, Army and Navy, have been following more than 3000 orbiting objects (the number increases almost weekly) ranging from burned-out booster motors to pay-load satellites. Every one of these sightings, plus their paths and characteristics, are fed into NORAD computers – just in case they are needed. The 1, 500-lb satellites in the SEWS system carry two types of sensors and a ground-activated TV camera. One of the sensors detects and reports missile launches by picking up IR emissions given off by the rockets' engines, while the second records the rise of the rockets into the atmosphere by tracking light reflections. For defense planners the possibilities inherent in these satellites are enormous. For the first time they can envision a ballistic missile defense system that will permit accurate interception of the enemy warheads in mid-flight and before they can release their decoys and multiple warhead re-entry vehicles.
Exercise 12. Translate the following text in writing:
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