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Управляемые и неуправляемые ракеты



Exercise 3. Read and learn the following words and word combinations by heart:

rocket motor ракетный двигатель (на твердом топливе)
disposable одноразового применения (действия)
rocket ракета (неуправляемая)
missile ракета (управляемая)
surface-to-surface missile ракета класса " поверхность – поверхность»
stand-off air-to-surface missile управляемая ракета класса ''воздух – земля», запускаемая из зон, находящихся вне досягаемости зенитного огня противника
surface-to-air missile (SAM) ракета класса «поверхность – воздух»
air-to-air missiles (AAM) ракета класса «воздух – воздух»
air-to-surface missile (ASM) ракета класса «воздух – поверхность»
anti-ballistic missile (interceptor) противоракета (ракета-перехватчик)
anti-radiation (antiradar) missile противорадиолокационная ракета
aerodynamic (cruise) missile аэродинамическая (крылатая) ракета
air launched cruise missile (ALCM) крылатая ракета воздушного базирования (КРВБ)
air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) баллистическая ракета воздушного базирования
anti-submarine rocket (ASROC) противолодочная ракета-торпеда
submarine-launched rocket (SUBROC) противолодочная ракета-торпеда, запускаемая с подводной лодки
battlefield missile ракета ближнего (радиуса) действия; тактическая ракета
tactical missile ракета оперативно-тактического назначения; ракета средней дальности (радиуса)
short-range attack missile (SRAM) ракета ближнего радиуса действия
underwater-to-surface missiles (USM) ракета класса «подводная лодка – поверхность»
fleet ballistic missile system баллистический ракетный комплекс морского базирования
multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) разделяющаяся головная часть с боеголовками индивидуального наведения
airframe корпус (ракета); планер (самолета)
Guidance управление, наведение
command (remote-control) guidance командное (дистанционное) управление (наведение)
internal (pre-set) guidance автономное (программированное) управление
hypersonic speed гиперзвуковая скорость
solid propellant твердое ракетное топливо
liquid propellant жидкое ракетное топливо
to be aimed by orienting the launcher наводиться при помощи пусковой установки
to perform a radar-altimeter-controlled level flight in " ground-hugging" fashion over varying terrain совершить горизонтальный полет по траектории, огибающей складки местности на самых различных участках полета, во время которого ракета наводится на цель при помощи радиолокационного высотомера
a small radar cross-section makes the missile practically invisible on the enemy's radar screens небольшая эффективная отражающая поверхность ракеты делает ее фактически незаметной на экранах РЛС противника

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Missiles can be classified in a number of different ways. Some are said to be unguided because, once they are launched, there is no further control over their flight. The German V-2 rockets were unguided missiles. Such missiles can be directed at the launch site in the general vicinity of a target, but once they are on their way, there is no further way that their path can be adjusted or corrected.

The vast majority of missiles, however, are guided missiles. This term refers to the fact that the missile's pathway can be monitored and changed either by instruments within the missile itself or by a guidance station.

Missiles can also be classified as aerodynamic or ballistic missiles. An aerodynamic missile is one equipped with wings, fins, or other structures that allow it to maneuver as it travels to its target. Aerodynamic missiles are also known as cruise missiles. Ballistic missiles are missiles that follow a free-fall path once they have reached a given altitude. In essence, a ballistic missile is fired into the air, the way a baseball player makes a throw from the outfield, and the missile (the ball) travels along a path determined by its own velocity and the Earth's gravitational attraction

The relative location of the missile launcher and the target provides the basis for dividing missiles and rockets into several general types.

Surface-to-surface missiles (SSM). Surface may denote both the ground and the sea. The majority of operational missiles, from the small antitank ones to ICBM's belong to this type. SSMs can be fired from land against troop concentrations, important supply depots, communication centers or industrial areas. V-2 rockets were surface-to-surface missiles since they were launched from a station on the ground in Germany and were designed to strike targets on the ground in Great Britain. This type also includes anti-submarine missiles, such as US Asroc and Subroc.

Surface-to-air missiles (SAM) are effective in destroying high-speed aircraft at all altitudes. In this case the launching point is on the surface and the target is in the air. The first surface-to-air missile used by the United States military was the Nike Ajax, a rocket with a weight of 2, 295 lb (1, 042 kg), a length of 34. 8 ft (10. 6 m), a diameter of 12. 0 in (30. 5 cm), and a range of 30 mi (48 km). This type includes a wide range of missiles from the man-portable Stinger to the recently developed Patriot Anti-Radiation Missile System.

The underwater-to-surface missiles (USM) type is illustrated by the Trident Fleet Ballistic Missile System. It’s an underwater-launched missile system (ULMS) based on submarine-fired missiles carrying MIRV warheads and possessing a range of some 6, 000 nautical miles.

Air-to-air missiles (AAM) are the principal weapons of air-to-air combat. They are used as aircraft-to-aircraft weapons to supplement or replace guns. One of the best known air-to-air missiles is the United States' Sidewinder missile, first put into operation in 1956. The first Sidewinders were 9. 31 ft (2. 84 m) long and 5. 00 in (12. 7 cm) in diameter, with a weight of 165 lb (5 kg) and a range of 0. 68 mi (1. 1 km).

Air-to-surface missile (ASM) constitute the next type. It includes stand-off missiles, anti-radiation missiles such as Shrike as well as ALBM (air-launched ballistic missile) and SRAM (short-range attack missile). After launch SRAM performs a radar-altimeter-controlled level flight in " ground-hugging" fashion over varying terrain. A small radar cross-section makes it practically invisible on the enemy's radar screens.

Military leaders were at one time also very enthusiastic about another type of missile, the anti-ballistic missile (ABM). The ABM program was conceived of as a large number of solid rockets that could be aimed at incoming missiles. U. S. engineers developed two forms of the ABM: the Spartan, designed for long-distance defensive uses, and the Spring, designed for short-range interception. The former Soviet Union, in the meanwhile, placed its reliance on an ABM given the code name of Galosh. The ABM program came to a halt in the mid-1970s when the cost of implementing a truly effective defensive system became apparent.

The missiles which replace interceptor aircraft are called interceptor missiles (IM).

According to their combat missions and range all missiles and rockets of the US Armed Forces are designated as battlefield (short range) missiles, tactical (mid-range) missiles and strategic (long range) missiles.

One of the essentials in the classification of missiles is their airframe design. According to the latter, missiles fall into two broad categories: cruise vehicles (short for aerodynamic cruise missiles) and missiles proper (rocket-powered missiles).

According to guidance and control, missiles are basically subdivided into the following groups:

-those relying on internal (pre-set) guidance;

-those using some sort of command (remote-control) guidance;

-and finally the so-called homing missiles.

The next point in classification of missiles and rockets is their speed or velocity. Most of the cruise-type missiles possess either a subsonic or nearsonic (transonic) speed. Other missiles, such as antitank TOW missiles fly two times the speed of sound. As for long-range ballistic missiles, they are normally hypersonic. For example, Titan ICBM has a speed of up to 18, 000 mph which is 26 times faster than the speed of sound.

According to the propellants they use, all missiles and rockets are usually referred to as either solid-propellant or liquid-propellant. A general trend in missilery now is toward a wider use of the solid-propellant engines because such missiles are claimed to be in a higher state of readiness for action.



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