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Fill in the forms, where the importance of daily morning exercises and substantial breakfast is ranged. Ask your partner about these subjects.


Form 1

daily morning exercises
  me my partner
very important    
quite important    
not important    
don’t know    


Form 2

substantial breakfast
  me my partner
very important    
quite important    
not important    
don’t know    


Discuss these problems in the group:

- It is important to do morning exercises.

- It is necessary to have substantial breakfast.


4.3. Ask your partner about:

- когда он встает, завтракает, уходит из дома, возвращается из университета, идет спать, просыпается;

- где он делает зарядку, завтракает, обедает, делает уроки;

- что он делает утром, днем, вечером, в университете, дома, в библиотеке.

Read and practise the conversation with your partner. Act it to the group.

Nina: Hallo, Mary.

Mary: Hallo, come in. Don't mind the mess. I am just doing the room.

Nina: Oh, what a pity you are busy! Look, I've got two tickets for the cinema. The show begins at five sharp.

Mary: Don't worry. We have time enough for everything. We still have an hour before the show. It never takes me much time to tidy up my room.

Nina: Let me help you. What can I do?

Mary: If you like, you can water the flowers and dust the books while I sweep the floor and put everything in its place.

Nina: Now the room looks quite tidy. There is nothing else to do. Let's go.

Mary: Wait a moment. I've got to wash up.

Nina: Somebody else can do it.

Mary: Of course, but today it is my turn to do it. We all help Mother about the house as much as we can.

Nina: And who does the shopping in your family?

Mary: As a rule, Mother goes shopping after work. Oh, that reminds me I must buy something for supper. Mother has a lecture tonight.


Don’t mind the mess – Не обращай внимание на беспорядок.

That reminds me … – Кстати, я вспомнила; да, не забыть бы

Tell about your working day.



5.1. On your arrival to foreign countries you are
asked to fill in either a landing card or an entry card. You have arrived in Great Britain and received an entry card. Look it through, find the part to fill in and complete it following the instructions given.





Прочитайте слова и выражения, познакомьтесь с их значением.

1. student студент
2. first-year student первокурсник
3. full-time student студент очного отделения
4. to have classes заниматься
5. lecture лекция
6. seminar семинар
7. lesson занятие, урок
8. to attend присутствовать, посещать
9. to miss пропускать
10. to prepare (for) готовиться, подготавливаться
11. to take exams сдавать экзамены
12. to pass exams сдать экзамены
13. entrance exam вступительный экзамен
14. to study учиться, изучать
15. to learn учиться, учить
16. to fail провалиться, потерпеть неудачу
17. university университет
18. professor профессор, преподаватель в университете
19. lecturer преподаватель
20. profession профессия
21. field область, отрасль, поле
22. institute институт
23. faculty (faculties) факультет
24. mark оценка
25. to enter поступать (обычно в какое-л. учебное заведение); вступать (в какую-л. организацию)
26. library ((libraries) библиотека
27. to borrow books from a library брать книги в библиотеке
28. reading room читальный зал
29. gymnasium гимнастический зал, спортзал
30. semester семестр
31. to be angry with smb. for smth. сердиться на кого-л. за что-л.
32. It goes without saying само собой разумеется
33. to make up one’s mind решать

Заполните пропуски словами, данными под чертой.

1. There are 15 … in our university. 2. Peter and Ann took their … 3. Nick is a first-year student, he studies at the Railway …. 4. The … about macroeconomics was very interesting. 5. Ann is ill, she didn’t attend …. 6. Peter visited her grandmother, he had a good …. 7. I usually do my … at 7 p.m. 8. On Sundays Mary didn’t …. 9. There is a well-equipped … in our institute.


University, lecture, study, lessons, faculties, time, library, exams, homework.


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