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Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. They joined us for lunch. 2. Fresh air and exercise contribute to good health. 3. Congress authorized the project. 4. They all joined in singing the national anthem. 5. She made an outstanding contribution to science. 6. Would you join us for a drink? 7. The ruin of the empire was caused by the loss of freedom and the growth of despotism. 8. She joined in as a volunteer. 9. Public opinion can contribute to government decisions. 10. The board of directors authorized the head of the marketing and sales department to act on the company’s behalf. 11. Unfortunately, the commission failed to determine the main cause of the industrial accident. 12. If you’re a “Dynamo” fan, you should join our club. 13. After finishing military school he joined the army. 14. I’ll join you in your walk. 15. The sales manager demonstrated enough flexibility to cope with difficult situations: he did his best to serve both regular and prospective customers.16. I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me. 17. Fleur encouraged Dana in her ambition to become a model. 18. Employees expect flexibility in the workplace.


Ex.4. Arrange the nouns below into four categories.

• agencies • vehicles • means of transport • cargo

Joint Staff, rail car, joint venture, carrier, rocket, railway, committee, commuter train, oil products, cement, locomotive, grain, frozen fish, administration, liquid goods, white goods, sales department, travel agency, commission, commodity, surface transportation, timber, ministry, sea transport, gas pipe lines, police station, piggyback service, semi-trailer, coach, mini van, truck, container, City Hall, pipelines, fruits and vegetables.

Ex 5. A. Match the word combinations on the left with their translation on the right.

1. joint family a) акционерный капитал
2. joint responsibility b) Генштаб;
3. joint authors c) семья, в которой женатые дети живут вместе с родителями
4. joint ownership d) солидарная ответственность
5. joint efforts e) объединенный комитет
6. joint stock f) соавторы
7. to take joint actions g) единые тарифы
8. Joint Staff h) совместная собственность
9. joint venture i) общие усилия
10. joint committee j) действовать сообща
11. joint rates k) совместное предприятие

B. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. Railway administration and traffic police are to accept joint responsibility for the collision between the local train and the school bus. 2. If we take joint actions we’ll be able to finish the work in time. 3. Joint Staff consists of 400 army officers, representing three Defense Departments and Marine Corps. 4. After leaving business school he started working at a Russian-American joint venture as an interpreter. 5. Joint rates were established between motor and rail carriers according to the regulation introduced last month. 6. Many newly married couples find it very difficult to live in joint families. 7. The chairman spoke on behalf of the joint committee greeting everybody present at the seminar. 8. I have no idea who is the author of this detective story. The only thing I know is that they are joint authors.


Ex. 6. Rewrite the following sentences. Instead of using somebody, they, we, etc, write a passive sentence.

Model: They’re showing that film at the cinema in the city centre. → That film is being shown at the cinema in the city centre.

1. Somebody has cleaned the room.

2. They have postponed the meeting.

3. Somebody is using the computer at the moment.

4. I didn’t realize that somebody was recording our conversation.

5. When we got to the station, we found that they cancelled the train.

6. They are building a new circular road round the city.

7. They have built a new rail section near the airport.

8. They choose plastic containers for many different reasons.

9. We normally produce a preliminary analysis.

10. They cancelled all flights because of fog.

11. People advised us not to go out alone.


Read the text and translate it using a dictionary if necessary.


Intermodal Transport

(1) Innovations in the field of transportation have made possible increased commercial activity promoting greater interdependency between nations. There are two kinds of intermodal transport innovations in the United States:

· technological innovations, enabling commodities and individuals to move with greater speed, efficiency, and economy; and

· regulatory innovation by Federal agencies responsible for regulating the rates and routes of international carriers.

(2) The “container revolution” is perhaps one of the most significant technological innovations because it has done more to encourage the growth of international trade than any other intermodal achievement. Individual commodities are loaded onto the trailer or container at the point of origin. This operation is handled by the consignor. At the point of destination the freight is unloaded by the consignee. Between these two points, the trailer or container may be transported by motor, rail, water, or air carriers with a considerable reduction in transit time, expense, loss, damage, and theft. Containerization may also produce greater energy efficiency in transportation and stabilize transport costs.

(3) By the late 1970s, containerized “piggyback” service represented 7.2 percent of tonnage moved by rail; it was expected that air/motor through movements would exceed 6.5 million billion-ton miles during this period, a growth rate of approximately six percent. Moreover, there are a number of new developments that may cause this trend to accelerate. By the late 1990s, rail intermodal transportation was a $7.3 billion business with an expected annual growth rate of between 6-8%.

(4) The growth of “piggyback” operations provides better coordination of containerized intermodal shipments. “Piggyback” service is a bimodal operation including the movement of commodities on trailers, or semi-trailers of motor carriers and on the flatcars of rail carriers. Such transportation combines the advantages associated with rail transport with the flexibility of motor carriage. The Interstate Commerce Act* authorized the establishment of through routes and joint rates between motor and rail carriers, or between motor and water carriers. The Interstate Commerce Commission** approved such measures, and its efforts were a considerable contribution to the expansion of these innovations in surface transportation.

(5) Intermodal transportation utilizes the advantages specific to each mode involved, creating efficiencies not otherwise possible. The service provided by intermodal traffic is different from and superior to that of either mode alone. Carriers joined in intermodal traffic can provide "seamless" intermodal through service from origin to destination. Carriers whose services have historically been restricted to one mode of transportation are transforming into large multi-modal companies through joint ownership or contractual agreement. Intermodal traffic is aimed at creating new types of service, lowering rates to attract more traffic, reducing costs to increase profitability; all these measures are reshaping transportation.

(6) Of special importance has been the growth of multimodal international movements. Rail/water/motor carrier combinations are often employed to handle import and export traffic between the U.S. and other countries.


Notes: * Interstate Commerce Act - Закон о торговле между штатами (был принят в 1887 г году и предусматривал регулирование тарифов и способов транспортировки

товарных грузов между штатами США);

**the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Комитет по межштатному транспорту

и торговле (США).

Ex. 7. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

регламентировать размер тарифов и устанавливать маршруты; в пункте назначения; значительное сокращение времени в пути; эффективность использования энергии; объем грузовых железнодорожных перевозок; ряд новых разработок; (обеспечить) лучшую координацию разных видов транспорте при осуществлении контейнерных перевозок; одобрить меры; дальнейшее использование новых методов; иначе невозможно; бесперебойные транзитные перевозки.

Ex. 8. Go back to the text, guess the meanings of the following phrases and translate them into Russian:

interdependency between nations; energy efficiency; increased commercial activity; any other intermodal achievement; air/motor through movements; a $7.3 billion business; an expected annual growth rate; a bimodal operation; the expansion of these innovations; to attract more traffic; to handle import and export traffic; contractual agreement.



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