Ex. 15. Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.
Ex. 16. Answer the following questions to the text. What is containerization? 2. When were the first containers used? 3. What purpose were the first containers used for? 4. What were they made of? 5. Where were motor carrier vehicles and shippers' vehicles loaded on in the US in the first part of the twentieth century? 6. What is piggy-back service? 7. Who developed the modern intermodal container? 8. What was their aim? 9. What kind of design was it? 10. How is non-bulk cargo carried now? 11. What causes the problems of in transporting goods by rail? 12. What kind of gauges do different countries operate on? 13. How does use of container trains in all these countries influence transshipment? Ex. 17. Translate the sentences into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson. 1. Контейнер предназначен для перевозки товаров автомобильным, железнодорожным и морским транспортом и приспособлен для перегрузки с одного транспортного средства на другое. 2. Вагон-платформа предназначен для перевозки контейнеров и оборудования, не зависящих от воздействия погоды. 3. Железнодорожный транспорт перевозит контейнеры, которые можно перемещать на автомобильный и водный грузовой транспорт. 4. В первой половине XIX века использовались как деревянные, так и железные короба для перевозки грузов. 5. В начале XX века использовались закрытые контейнеры, предназначенные для перевозки грузов на железнодорожном и автомобильном транспорте. 6. В первой половине XX века американские железнодорожные компании автомобильные и водные транспортные средства на вагонах-платформах. 7. Контейнеризация революционизировала процесс грузоперевозок. 8. Конструкция универсального контейнера включала запорный механизм, который позволял грузить их при помощи кранов.
PART II Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: consignee, except, utilization, predictability, encourage, warehousing, successful; in recent decades, an enormous growth, optimizing intermodal transportation, typical containerized export movement, aboard a ship, in the above example, would have required, causing increase, containerization considerably reduces, throughout the journey, improved control and coordination, the benefits to be derived, shipment integrity, Among these benefits, terminal congestion, unloading and loading cargo, offloaded containers, the port facilities, certain receivers, loading schedule, over-the-road trailers.
Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 3 (Part II). You are to copy them and memorize their meanings.
Ex. 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings: among – между; среди; из числа; benefit – выгода, прибыль; damage – повреждение, ущерб; empty – пустой; порожний; inland – расположенный внутри страны; удаленный от моря или границы; integrity – целостность, сохранность; theft – хищение; to avoid – избегать, уклоняться, avoidance – избежание, уклонение; to destine – предназначать; to predict – прогнозировать; прогнозировать; to remain – оставаться.
Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian. 1. Some people prefer avoiding the world when they feel unhappy. 2. I rate him among my friends. 3. She managed to avoid being punished. 4. There was no public avoidance of the ex-president. 5. Every room seemed empty now. 6. How often an observer can predict man's actions better than the man himself. 7. An inland area is not near the coast. 8. My parents remained in England. 9. We were among the crowd that gathered there. 10. Mother was advised to remain indoors for a week. 11. One could hardly avoid noticing him. 12. We failed to reach an agreement and went empty-handed. 13. They claimed machine tools destined for Iraq had peaceful purposes. 14. I am sure that he will do everything for your benefit. 15. The insurance covers accidental damage to the vehicle. 16. No damage had been done, and we pushed the van back onto the road. 17. There have been a number of thefts in the area. 18. Industry leaders predict that another 8,000 jobs could be lost by the end of the year.
Ex. 4. Do you know what the word movement means? Have a look at the following phrases and translate them into Russian. Be particularly careful with №№ 7, 11, 12, 13!
Ex. 5. A phrasal verb is a verb combined with an adverb and/or preposition. For example: The price of petrol may go up (=increase) again next week. Who is going to look after (=take care of) the children when she goes into hospital? He doesn’t get on with (=have a good relationship with) his parents. Often the meaning of a phrasal verb is different from the base verb; many phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. A. Guess the meaning of the following phrasal verbs and translate the sentences. to call – to speak loudly, or to shout to someone who is not near you. to call at – if a train, ship, bus, etc. calls at a place, it stops there for a short time. to call back – to telephone someone again, or to telephonesomeone who telephoned you earlier. to call by/in – to visit someone, usually for a short time. to call for – to say publicly that something must happen. to call on/upon – to officially ask a person or organization to do something. to call off – to decide that something will not happen.
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