Ex. 5. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian.
1. Shipping containers range from large reusable steel boxes used for intermodal shipments to the general corrugated boxes. 2. Bulk cargo is classified as liquid or dry. 3. Another effective use of unaccompanied trailers is called piggyback. 4. The European Union and UK government are committed to the promotion of intermodal transport. 5. During the first twenty years of growth containerization meant using different and incompatible, container sizes and corner fittings from one country to another. 6. Cargo that is not containerized can cause severe accidents and lead to the loss of cargo, the loss of lives, the loss of vehicles, ships and airplane; not to mention the environmental hazards it can cause. 7. Twist-locks are used for securing freight containers to the trailers on which they are transported. 8. Transshipment is normally fully legitimate and an everyday part of the world's trade. 9. Henry Robinson Palmer is credited with inventing corrugating iron which renders the sheets much stronger. 10. The containers are loaded one on top of the other by the overhead crane. Ex. 6. The suffix - able/-ible is used to form adjectives from nouns and verbs: comfortable, suitable, flexible. Quite often, - able/-ible is equal to can be done. For example: stackable, reliable, washable. A. Add the suffix- able/-ible to the verbs given in the box. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Translate the adjectives into Russian.
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjectives. Translate the sentences. 1. The snow had a … effect on traffic. 2. Computers should be made readily … to teachers and pupils. 3. This knowledge may be... from studying similar types of operation that are undertaken by other companies. 4. This is the … box van or body, which is used in a similar way to a standard container. 5. Advice will be given as a … service. 6. All … loadsrepresent some sort of security risk. 7. When there is a mixed load of light and heavy goods, it can be much worse because of the … spread of the load within the vehicle. 8. If a vehicle is …, it can be moved or turned easily. 9. This camera has … lenses. 10. An object that is … can be arranged in a different way so that it can be used as something else. 11. Some transport modes are more … to certain types of operational requirements than are others. Ex. 7. There are some rules of saying fractions and decimals in English, for example:
A. Read fractions and decimals.
B. Match the numbers with the way they are read.
C. Match the numbers with the way they are read. Practice reading these numbers.
Ex. 8. Adverbs tell you how something happens or how somebody does something: The train stopped suddenly. The road vehicles are specially designed for the purpose. Adverbs are formed as shown in the box below:
Translate the sentences into Russian using a dictionary. Pay attention to adverbs! 1. This ability to move freight swiftly and safely aids the logistics process. 2. These standards allow the same container to be safely carried by truck, train, container ship and aircraft. 3. Containerization has considerably improved in recent years. 4. More conventional rail freight systems have the major benefit of being a relatively cheap form of transport. 5. The use of air freight as an alternative transport mode has grown rapidly. 6. The ability to move goods very quickly over long distances means that it is unnecessary to hold stocks of these items. 7. The air freighting of products allows for a great deal of market flexibility, because any number of countries and markets can be reached very quickly and easily. 8. The location of raw material or component suppliers will clearly impact on route and modal choice. 9. The opportunities to use rail will be significantly affected by the rail network that exists within a country. 10 Deep-sea and air freight transport are mainly concerned with intercontinental freight movements. 11. All of the major modes of transport can be considered for the movement of goods internationally. 12 There are three primary areas in transportation that need to be carefully assessed – efficiency, economy and legality. Ex. 9. Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form of the underlined verbs. Model: Greg’s classes interest him. → a. Greg’s classes are interesting. b. Greg is an interested student.
1. Emily is going to Australia. The idea of going on this trip excites her. a. Emily is … about going on this trip. b. She thinksit is going to be an … trip.
2. I like to study sea life. The subject of marine biology fascinates me. a. I’m … by marine biology. b. Marine biology is a … subject.
3. Mike heard some bad news. The bad news depressed him. a. Mike is very sad. In other words, he is …. b. The news made Mike feel sad. The news was….
4. The exploration of space interests me. a. I’m … in the exploration of space. b. The exploration of space is … to me.
5. The nation's leader stole money. The scandal shocked the nation. a. It was a … scandal. b. The … nation soon replaced the leader.
6. I bought a new camera. I read the directions twice, but I didn't understand them. They confused me.
a. I was … when I tried to understand the directions. b. They were … directions.
7. I spilled my drink on the dinner table. This embarrassed me.
a. I was very … when I spilled my drink. b. That was an … experience. 8. Jane’s classes bore her. a. Jane’s classes are …. b. Jane is a … student.
9. An article in the newspaper surprised Mrs. Perez. a. It was a very … article to her. b. Mrs. Perez was very … when she read it.
10. The loud noise frightened the children. a. It was a … sound. b. The … children ran into their house.
Ex. 10. Use Past Participle of the italicized verbs to form word combinations. Model: … politicians (to shock) → shocked politicians → политики в состоянии шока
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