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NOTA: Teclee AQUI para descargar una copia gratuita (en formato “pdf”) de la Completa Enciclopedia que describe La Sagrada Fe Del Judeoislanismo

NOTA: Teclee AQUI para descargar una copia gratuita (en formato “pdf”) de la Completa Enciclopedia que describe La Sagrada Fe Del Judeoislanismo



La locura teoló gica de creer que Jesú s (paz y bendició n sean con é l) es “la Simiente” de Abraham

El apó stol Pablo (paz sea con é l), era una de esas personas capaces de decir cosas que, a primera vista, parecí an ser perfectamente ló gicas; pero que, cuando se examinaban a fondo, resultaban ser singular locura. Un buen ejemplo de esto, podrí a ser el aná lisis que Pablo hací a del texto que se encuentra en Gé nesis 22: 18. Allí, la Escritura dice lo siguiente: “En TU SIMIENTE será n benditas todas las naciones de la Tierra, por cuanto obedeciste a mi voz”.
Escribiendo en la carta a los Hebreos (cuyo autor el Cristianismo asume ser Pablo), el apó stol aduce que, en el anterior pasaje, la palabra “Simiente” representa a un individuo en particular (Jesú s); lo cual no serí a el caso, si la palabra utilizada hubiese sido “simientes” [pues entonces habrí a hecho referencia a los Israelitas]. Este razonamiento de Pablo, es perfectamente ló gico. El ú nico problema, es que es un tipo de locura; pues está completamente desconectado de la realidad. Es que, la palabra Hebrea que el pasaje traduce como “simiente”, es “zera” (ז ר ע ); y, en el Hebreo de la Escritura, el plural de esta palabra, simplemente no existí a; Es decir, la palabra “Simientes”, no aparece en ninguna parte de la Escritura Hebrea.
¿ Como explicamos este fenó meno? ¡ Pues de forma muy sencilla! Es que, originalmente, la palabra “zera”, no intentaba evocar la idea de “la semilla” de algú n á rbol [o planta], sino la idea de “la Semilla” [“el Semen”] del hombre. Es decir, del mismo modo que siempre decimos “Semen” (una palabra singular), y nunca decimos “Semenes” (una palabra plural); de ese mismo modo la Escritura Hebrea siempre se referí a a “la Simiente” de una persona, y nunca a “sus Simientes”.
¿ Podemos confirmar objetivamente estas cosas? ¡ Pues claro que si! Verá usted, en Gé nesis 13: 14-16, la Escritura dice lo siguiente: «Y י ה ו ה (Yah) dijo a Abram... “Alza ahora tus ojos, y mira desde el lugar donde está s hacia el norte y el sur, y al Oriente y al Occidente. Porque TODA LA TIERRA QUE VES, LA DARÉ A TI Y A TU DESCENDENCIA para siempre. Y HARÉ TU DESCENDENCIA COMO EL POLVO DE LA TIERRA; que si alguno puede contar el polvo de la tierra, tambié n tu descendencia será contada”». En el anterior pasaje, la palabra Hebrea traducida como “DESCENDENCIA”, tambié n es “zera” (ז ר ע ), la misma palabra que Gé nesis 22: 18 traduce como “Simiente”. Pero, ¿ Cual fue la “zera” que se hizo tan numerosa como el polvo de la tierra? ¿ Cual fue la “zera” (simiente) de Abram que heredo la Tierra prometida? Obviamente, fueron los Israelitas, y no Jesú s de Nazaret.
Así que, el pasaje en Gé nesis 22: 18, que promete hacer de la “zera” de Abram una bendició n para todo el mundo, hace en realidad referencia al Pueblo de Israel, y no a Jesú s de Nazaret. ¿ Por que serí a Israel de bendició n para el resto del mundo? Pues porque [a diferencia del Cristianismo, del Islam, y de todas las demá s naciones del Mundo], Israel serí a el ú nico pueblo que nunca olvidarí a [por completo] la Ley de Dios. Y, ya que la bendició n del mundo está en guardar esa Ley (Deut. 28: 1-14), el ejemplo de Israel iluminarí a al mundo entero.
Como está escrito: «Mirad, YO OS HE ENSEÑ ADO ESTATUTOS Y DECRETOS, como י ה ו ה mi Dios me mandó, para que hagá is así en medio de la tierra en la cual entrá is para tomar posesió n de ella. GUARDADLOS, PUES, y ponedlos por obra; PORQUE ESTA ES VUESTRA SABIDURÍ A Y VUESTRA INTELIGENCIA ANTE LOS OJOS DE LOS PUEBLOS, LOS CUALES OIRÁ N TODOS ESTOS ESTATUTOS, Y DIRÁ N: CIERTAMENTE PUEBLO SABIO Y ENTENDIDO, NACIÓ N GRANDE ES ESTA» (Deuteronomio 4: 5-6)


The God of the Hebrew Bible hates political correctness

The Hebrew Bible teaches that the God of Israel hates political correctness. Why? Simply because [for the most part] political correctness isn't about pleasing the Creator (obeying His Ten Commandments), but rather about pleasing powerful (and often morally corrupted) men. And pleasing the sinful men in charge of the current establishment often means submitting ourselves to their shameless lies and morality [something the Creator abhors].
A good example of it might be the story of king Jeroboam (peace be upon him). The Hebrew bible tells us that once king Jeroboam rose to the throne of Israel (the ten northern tribes), he realized that if he wanted to stay in power he couldn't allow the politically incorrect situation where his Israelite subjects would go up to worship their God at Jerusalem's Temple.
What was the politically correct solution for Jeroboam's dilemma? To come up with new Gods, new priests, new feasts, and new Temple [in order to sever Israel's psychological submission to the religious leaders of the southern kingdom of Judah]. So, Jeroboam provided Israel with different Gods (two golden calves), with a different altar (at Beth-El), with different feast (the fifteen day of the eighth month), and with different priests (common people, not of the stock of Aaron).
Of course, all these were just lies; vain human inventions, with no connection whatsoever to reality... But it was the politically correct thing to do, as nobody had the courage to oppose the powerful king!! Problem is that, again, fraud and deception are the hallmark of political correctness; and government sponsored fraud and deception will always lead a country into moral bankruptcy and political turmoil.
You see, all Israelites knew the Exodus story. They all knew the death and destruction brought about by the golden calf. In fact, they knew that these golden calves were false [man made] gods; that to worship even one of them (let alone two! ) was an attempt to normalize madness; a vain and foolish thing, proven by their history to bring God's anger upon the whole nation. Yet, they were so afraid of offending the sensibilities of their corrupt leaders, that they were willing to play along, abandoning God's truth with their passive submission to a dirty lie.
Why was the former conduct deadly wrong? It was wrong because, such feeble submission would allow wicked men to become the masters of their minds, and their souls. But God doesn't want us to fear [or serve] any wicked man, for man can bring no salvation, as in all things the final judgment is always in God's own hands. As it is written: “Ye shall not respect persons in judgment, but ye shall hear the small as well as the great. YE SHALL NOT BE AFRAID OF THE FACE OF MAN, FOR THE JUDGMENT IS GOD’S”- Deut. 1: 17.
And also says in another place: “Be strong and of good courage, FEAR NOT, NOR BE AFRAID OF THEM; FOR THE LORD THY GOD, HE IT IS WHO DOTH GO WITH THEE. He will not fail thee nor forsake thee”- Deut. 31: 6. And further ahead says: “PUT NOT YOUR TRUST IN PRINCES, NOR IN A SON OF MAN, IN WHOM THERE IS NO HELP”- Psalm 146: 3. And finally says elsewhere: “THOU SHALT FEAR THE LORD THY GOD; HIM SHALT THOU SERVE, AND TO HIM SHALT THOU CLEAVE and swear by His name”- Deut. 10: 20.
And from whence do we know that, if we let political correctness make us forsake God, God will [in the end] also forsake us? We know it from the story of king Rehoboam, who led the people away from God, and was in the end punished along with his people. As it is written: «And Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehoboam was forty and one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the Lord chose out of all the tribes of Israel to put His name there. And his mother’s name was Naamah, an Ammonitess. AND JUDAH DID EVIL IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD, AND THEY PROVOKED HIM TO JEALOUSY WITH THEIR SINS WHICH THEY HAD COMMITTED, ABOVE ALL THAT THEIR FATHERS HAD DONE. For they also built for themselves high places, and images and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every green tree. AND THERE WERE ALSO SODOMITES IN THE LAND, AND THEY DID ACCORDING TO ALL THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE NATIONS WHICH THE LORD CAST OUT BEFORE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL...
... And it came to pass, WHEN REHOBOAM HAD ESTABLISHED THE KINGDOM AND HAD STRENGTHENED HIMSELF, HE FORSOOK THE LAW OF THE LORD, AND ALL ISRAEL WITH HIM. AND IT CAME TO PASS THAT IN THE FIFTH YEAR OF KING REHOBOAM, SHISHAK KING OF EGYPT CAME UP AGAINST JERUSALEM, BECAUSE THEY HAD TRANSGRESSED AGAINST THE LORD, with twelve hundred chariots, and threescore thousand horsemen; and the people were without number who came with him out of Egypt: the Lubims, the Sukkiims, and the Ethiopians...
... And he took the fortified cities which pertained to Judah, and came to Jerusalem. Then came Shemaiah the prophet to Rehoboam and to the princes of Judah, who were gathered together in Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said unto them, “THUS SAITH THE LORD: ‘YE HAVE FORSAKEN ME, AND THEREFORE HAVE I ALSO LEFT YOU IN THE HAND OF SHISHAK”. Whereupon the princes of Israel and the king humbled themselves, and they said, “The Lord is righteous”...
And when the Lord saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the Lord came to Shemaiah, saying, “THEY HAVE HUMBLED THEMSELVES. Therefore I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance, and My wrath shall not be poured out upon Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak. NEVERTHELESS THEY SHALL BE HIS SERVANTS, THAT THEY MAY KNOW [TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN THE BENEFITS OF] MY SERVICE, AND THE SERVICE OF THE KINGDOMS OF THE COUNTRIES”...
So Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, and took away the treasures of the house of the Lord and the treasures of the king’s house. He took all: he carried away also the shields of gold which Solomon had made»- 1 Kings 14: 21-24, & 2 Chronicles 12: 1-9


If the all knowing God of the Scripture states that a certain thing (usury, adultery, deception, homosexuality, etc) is evil, and then you pretend to know better than Him [claiming that such a thing isn’t evil at all], then it means you no longer believe in the God of the Scripture. Instead, you believe in yourself (in other words, you’ve become your own god! )




«En la geografí a Bí blica, Sodoma y Gomorra estaban localizadas en el punto mas bajo de la tierra de Canaá n (las inmediaciones del mar muerto). ¿ Por que? Pues para enseñ arnos que la Sodomí a publica y el libertinaje sexual son el punto mas bajo al cual puede descender la moral de un creyente. Es que, el hombre que da rienda suelta a sus pasiones (acercá ndose a la Sodomí a), termina devorando su propia carne (cometiendo incesto), como ilustra la historia de Lot y sus dos hijas»


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