«Why does the Torah [the Hebrew Scripture] places Sodom and Gomorrah in the vicinity of the dead sea? It does so because the ancients knew it to be the lowest geographical point within the promised land [in fact, it was later discovered to be the lowest p
«Why does the Torah [the Hebrew Scripture] places Sodom and Gomorrah in the vicinity of the dead sea? It does so because the ancients knew it to be the lowest geographical point within the promised land [in fact, it was later discovered to be the lowest point on the whole Earth, as it's location is well over 1000 feet below sea level]. What moral teaching does Torah tries to convey with this particular detail? It tries to impress upon us the idea that, he who abides with the Sodomites, is spiritually dead, as he displays the lowest possible sort of human morality. In other words, although things like theft, mass murdering, cheating, or adultery are morally reprehensible, none of these vices is so morally degrading [and vulgar] than the sin of Sodomy (the open promotion of gay lifestyle, as well as same sex marriages). In fact, he who comes close to the Sodomites will in the end eat his own flesh (as attested by Lot's daughters, whom ended up having sex with their own father)»
When will the Messiah come? Our ancient sages taught that a person cannot be a true follower of Reformed Samaritanism until he renounces to theological absolutes. And the subject of Messiah provides a good example of it. You see, from time immemorial, our sages have realized that Scripture teaches men have two different impulses. The first one is known as “yetzer tov”, and represents our impulse to do good. The second one is known as “yetzer ha-ra”, and represents our impulse to do evil.
Three things always true about [secular] Western politicians: (1) They have no regard for truth; thus, everything they say must be taken " with a grain of salt". (2) In the long run, everything they do only makes things worse. (3) Most of them are " desk experts", so only a madman [or an idiot] would blindly trust anything they do or say.
La ló gica que hace que muchos ateos terminen convirtié ndose en Satanistas Ha-Satan (Sataná s), es una expresió n Hebrea que alude a la idea de “un opositor” [como serí a el caso con quien “se opone” a Dios]. Y, el proceso de fabricar un Satanista (es decir, un adorador de Sataná s), es el siguiente: Primero, se convence a la persona de que los religiosos son gente retró grada, hipó crita e ignorante. Luego, se le inculca el desprecio por toda forma de religió n.
El Milagro econó mico de la Alemania que seguí a el orden Divino " Se otorgaron generosos pré stamos, amortizables en diez añ os, a parejas de recié n casados para que pudieran comprar sus propias casas. Al nacer cada hijo, se canceló una cuarta parte de la deuda. Cuatro niñ os, a la tasa normal de un recié n llegado cada dos añ os y medio, fueron suficientes para cancelar la deuda del pré stamo completo. Una vez, durante una conversació n con el canciller, expresé mi asombro por esta polí tica. " Pero entonces, ¿ nunca recuperas el monto total de tus pré stamos? ", Le pregunté. " ¿ Có mo es eso? " é l respondió, sonriendo. " Durante un perí odo de diez añ os, una familia con cuatro hijos aporta mucho má s que nuestros pré stamos, a travé s de los impuestos recaudados en cientos de artí culos diferentes de consumo".
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