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Task 3. Guess the riddle 1 points. 15 min.

Task 3. Guess the riddle 1 points. 15 min.

1. It is a vegetable that grows under the ground. It can be boiled, baked or fried. It can also be made into chips or crisps. _____________________________________________________________

2. It is the meat from a bull or a cow. ______________________________________________________________

3. It is a vegetable. We eat the dark red part that grows under the ground. ____________________________________________________________

4. It is a shopkeeper who sells fruit and vegetables. _________________________________________________________

5. It is a large shop which sells all kinds of food and things for the house. _____________________________________________________________

6. It is a plant which has seeds called grains. _____________________________________________________________

7. It is a vegetable. It looks like a large ball of leaves. The leaves can be green, white or purple. _____________________________________________________________

Task 4. translate the recipe“Mushroom Soup”into Russian 1 points. 15 min.

- 1 pound mushrooms

- 4 cups fresh or canned chicken broth

- ¼ cup butter

- 2 tablespoons flour

- salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

- ¼ cup dry sherry

- ½ cup heavy cream


1) Remove the stems from the mushrooms and chop the stems coarsely. Reserve the caps.

2) Place the chopped stems in a saucepan and the broth. Bring to a boil and simmer twenty minutes. Strain the broth and reserve.

3) Slice the mushroom caps. Heat the butter in a saucepan and add the caps. Cook, stirring, until lightly browned. Sprinkle with the flour and add salt and pepper. Using a wire whisk, stir in the broth and bring to a boil. Simmer five minutes and add sherry and cream. Heat thoroughly and serve hot.

         Yield: four or six servings.


Task 5. Do the test. 0. 5 point, 15 min.

1) How much … this wine cost?

a) is          b) does         c) do

2) They … serve roast goose today.

     a) don’t      b) aren’t       c) doesn’t

3) My sister … a pie on Sunday.

     a) bakes      b) baked       c) is baking

4) I’d like a table … the window.

     a) by           b) at              c) on

5) The same … me, please.

     a) to            b) for            c) about


Task 6. Translate into English. 0. 5 point, 15 min.

- Добрый день, сэр.

- Вот меню.

- С чего желаете начать?

- Предпочитаете мясные или рыбные блюда?

- Тогда возьмите наше фирменное блюдо – рыбное ассорти.

- Не желаете ли вино?

- Очень хорошо.

- Я принесу Вам вино и закуску прямо сейчас.   


Вывод по практической работе:

I can speak about... ________________________________________________

I learned that... ___________________________________________________

I`d like to learn more about... ________________________________________

Преподаватель:                      Кикавская Л. П., А. А. Колосова




Тема: Изучение видов обслуживания.

Цель: Формирование умений пересказа и перевода текстов профессиональной направленности для достижения порогового уровня владения английским языком, позволяющим общаться в устной и письменной формах; изучение новой лексики для успешной социализации и самореализации межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире.

Обучающиеся должны овладеть:

ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ПК 1. 4. Участвовать в оценке эффективности деятельности организации общественного питания.

ПК2. 2 Управлять работой официантов, барменов, сомелье и других работников по обслуживанию потребителей.

ПК 4. 3. Проводить контроль качества услуг общественного питания.

уметь: общаться устно на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

знать: Грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности

Информационное обеспечение: рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ, англо-русский словарь И. Р. Гальперина

Материально-техническое оснащение рабочего места обучающегося: компьютер, плазменная панель

                                             Ход занятия

Task 1. Read and translate text. 1 points. 25 min.


Banquet is the most solemn and common form of the event. In accordance with the etiquette of the guests are seated at festively laid tables, served by professional waiters. All cold appetizers are exhibited on the Banquet tables, and hot snacks, main dishes and desserts, one after another, are offered to guests by waiters. The buffet – the main advantage of a buffet is that even in a small room, you can provide services to a significant number of guests, keeping them the opportunity to move freely around the room. The buffet line with food, drinks, crockery and Cutlery are arranged usually along the walls or Vice versa in the center of the room that guests had free access to them. Guests approach the buffet line and choose your favorite dishes. The dinner menu may include hot and cold mini-snacks, special dishes, desserts and fruit. Buffet is an integral part of modern business etiquette. Tables that seated guests are served. Food and drinks as well as crockery and Cutlery are placed on a separate common tables. Guests choose their meals. Menu buffet for different tastes, and include hot and cold appetizers, salads, sauces, a variety of desserts, including fruit and pastries. All dishes are on one line and the guests themselves choose the favorite dishes. Coffee break or coffee break involves a bar with soft drinks, tea (coffee) table, lines for placing snacks, cocktail tables. Menu coffee break may include small snacks, pastries, sandwiches, desserts and fruit. Cocktail. In many countries a cocktail – one of the most common types of techniques. Often a cocktail organized at the exhibitions, at the end of the work at seminars and conferences. Cocktail can accompany guests meet before the Banquet or buffet. During the cocktail guests are free to move around the room. Snacks are usually served on large dishes. The waiters offer refreshments each separately invited. As Cutlery for guests use chopsticks-skewers. BBQ facilities, the name of the form of organization of the event occurred indicate the method of cooking meat outdoors. For cooking meat using different seasonings and ways of marinating, but one thing consistently – it is necessary to cook meat on the fire. This form of organization of the event in popular warm time of year. A children's holiday. The name " children's party" speaks for itself. The main objective of this event is to bring pleasure and joy to the children. When holding a children's holiday table is organized separately for adults and separate table for children. At a children's party the little guests to take the lead and entertainers, while adults can relax in separate " adult" table. Menu children's party tailored to the peculiarities of baby food and includes a more diverse selection of desserts and mini snacks. Hospitality is the art of greeting guests, it's the friendly atmosphere, kindness of the staff, courtesy, attentiveness and willingness to help. To anticipate the guests wishes and meet his expectations - that is the main task of service! The waiter is the General opinion of experts, the work of a waiter is an art. The ability to apply themselves, to serve guest, to create a feeling of comfort – all these skills not only improves, but initially must be present in some measure in the nature of man. The ideal of the waiter, according to Western experts, can be described in one word – shadow. This is the man who appears at the right moment, and not in so many words, does its work with measured precision. However, his presence does not create discomfort for visitors. The ideal waiter never touch the customer, stand behind him without having to talk a lot or to be overly helpful. His work should be unobtrusive.


Встреча, обслуживание, оплата счёта, прощание с гостем.

кафе cafе

ресторан / закусочная с блюдами на вынос takeaway

шеф-повар chef

официант waiter 

официантка waitress

клиент customer

меню menu

советовать / рекомендовать to recommend

заказать столик на двоих to book a table for two


обслуживать (обслуживание) to serve (service)

кредитная карточка credit card

наличные cash

счёт bill

платить to pay

оставлять чаевые to tip

чаевые (не) включены в счёт service (not)included

не включено excluded

у Вас зарезервирован столик? Do you have a reservation?

Вас устроит этот стол? Is this table OK?

Не хотите ли взглянуть на меню? Would you like to see the menu?

Вы готовы заказать? Are you ready to order?

С чего бы Вы хотели начать?  

В качестве закуски?

What would you like to start with?

As an appetizer?

Вы завтракаете рано? Do you have breakfast early?   

Прекрасно, Ваш заказ скоро будет готов. Fine. Your order won’t be long.

Что-то будете пить? Would you like anything to drink?

Это готовят быстро (долго) It won’t (will)take much time to prepare

Вы хотите еще сока? Would you like some more juice?

Все в порядке? Is everything OK?

Извините, я заменю этот стакан. I am sorry. I will bring another glass.

Извините, что прошлось ждать… I am sorry about the wait.

Вы будете что-то еще? Would you like anything else?

Вам принести счет? Should I bring the bill?

Хотите побросать наш десерт? Would you like to try our dessert?

Вам понравилось у нас? Did you enjoy your meal?

Хорошего дня. Have a wonderful (good) day.  

Спасибо, что пришли к нам. Thank you for coming.


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