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Hospital planning. Planning and site selection ,,,. Area for hospital. Department of operations. . Department of infectious diseases


A modern hospital is a place where people come to get well and not to die The main role of the hospital service is to provide investiga­tion and treatment facilities

The goal of hospital sanitation, is prevention of disease transmis­sion inside the hospital (cross infection)

Planning and site selection,,,

The types of the hospital planing (buildings). .

1 Compound planning (central building) All departments in one building

Disadvantages The cross infection


2 Non compound planning Every department in separate small buildings


• economic factor

• the shortage of workerf (especially paramedical), to s^rve the

hospital I


3 Mixture planning This is the most efficient type of planning where all departments in one building except those departments, which might be a source of infections as the department of infectious diseases and maternity

Area for hospital

• there should be sufficient area for all buildings in the plan

• minimize sound pollution

• good transportation routes

• good water supply and drainage ijn,

• Away from factories

There are five zons in the area of the hospital i

•  zone of the mam building (the departments)» i! '

•  zone of infection diseases department

•  zone of the morque ч

•  green zone

rt, / f\

•  thrifty zone

The space of hospitals area depends on a) The system of hospital planing b) Numbers of the beeds c) Profile of the hospital

12 15% of the area for buildings 50% of the area for natural il lumination and ventilation

Hospital departments m every department there are one or two sections Every sections contains 30 beds

For good natural lighting Orientation of the windows must be to the south-east, L С -1 5 16

1) Hospital wards contain 1-2-3-4 beds, about 7 m2 for every bed

2) Room for doctors ^

3) Dining hall

4) Room for treatment and injections

5) Room for medical personals

6) Room for sisters on duty

7) Dressing room

There must be a good source of natural and artificial lighting

Temperature 25-18° Humidity 35-60%


Picture 4 The area of the Hospital 1 Mam building, 4 Infection diseases department, 5 Morgue





Write your conclusion about a department of internal diseases af­ter studying the design (plan) of department


1 - How many sections there are"?

2 - Are there enough numbers of rooms'

3 -Numbers of beds''59

4 - Is there dining room'                                  »\
I »  5 - Are their room with one or two beds'                 i

6 - Is there (room) for sister on night duty'         nf, л

Department of operations.

Operation block is an important section of surgical department < ' The block must have:

• good connection with surgical wards

• a good connection with reception                     " J"

• an easy connection with laboratory

• it must be at the end of the building (to control cross-
,           • orientation - north-west

9                                                 i'f> l r\ ,

The sections of operational block:

1 Operation hall capacity depend on the number of the beds in the surgical words one operational bed - for 30 patients, two operational beds - for 60 patients, three operational beds - for 100 patients The Height of the hall must not be less than 3, 5 m, area 36-48 m2

2 Room for surgeon and his assistants

3 Anestesian room


4 Room for local sterilization

1 j

5 Post operational room for patients after operation i^rth 1-2 beds (intensive care)


Exercise > • Write your conclusioa-about the operation block after. studying the design (plan)               -            .. 4 < t  -, > '-•«, Questions                          . rt, t>, wi>, )> , «•»« tisrpf*

1 - Situation of the block'  , ,., < is < ч *«•>! ' mv t »< > < >

2 - Is there a good connection with wgkattwordjtod ibe recep­tion? ,;,,, • гмь f '. »a «

3 - Sections of the block' г, Jx. л t «•

4 - How many operational beds are there'

V, f'K. '., *

Department of infectious diseases

j. •

1 The word for treatment and isolation of patients

2 It must be in a distant building

3 The building with two entrances one for medical personals and the other for patients

4 There must be a special room for reception

5 There are two types of rooms for patients

A - Highly secured room (box) for one or two patients These rooms must be on the ground floor Direct from out side there are special entrance for each and every room These rooms are for patients with

1 Contagious air born diseases e g measles and diphtheria

2 Patients with undiagnosed infectious diseases В - Secured room (polubox) for one or two patients These must be in the first floor Patients must enter the room through department

These rooms are for patients with disease which can be transmitted indi­rectly e g infective hepatitis and typhoid fever


Write your conclusion about the department of infectious dis­eases, after studying the plan


1 - Situation of the department?

2 - Types of rooms' "              J '

3 - Total number of beds' •    '

4 - Number of beds in each room?



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