The class furniture. Height of child. Planing of schools and kinder-gardens. / - school building. Types of rooms
The class furniture Seat and desks are important for the health of schoolboys The arrangement of the size of the furniture depends upon their height They must feel comfortable and sit in the correct position The desks should be with a slope for writing and reading There should be space below the desk for the knees The construction of the class furniture is very important and it should support the spine m the correct position, and prevent the child from physical defects There are three types of relationship between the seats and desks a) Zero position b) PIUS position, c) Minus position The suitable is the minus-position
Picture 7. Correct position of the child
Table 13. The size of the furniture
Height of child up to 130cm 131-145 cm 146-160 cm 161-175 cm The black-board should be green or brown The distance between the black-board and the desks should not be less than 2m The height of the black-board from the floor should be 8? -95 cm, and must be visible with proper light Exercise 1 Writ your conclusion about the time-table for 6th class for one week Example Write the correct time-table of 6th class on Monday History Drawing - '_, , „ j. mioioj < t t * - $ ' You have to alter the time-table depending upon the physio-fecal activity of the children's and complicity of the subjects к The correct time-table n-ff '. - ' 2 Write your conclusion about the physical and emotional activity of 10 schoolboys, after the first and the 5th lessons The evaluation was done with mathematical testing
The formula to be used „ r. -ioo „ > yioo л ————, л, — „, t • n • 60 n - numbers of schoolboys V - number of mathematical tests for all schoolboys '*" •" • t - time Vi - number of exercises solved V? - number of exercises solved with correct results К - % of exercises solved • ki - % of exercises solved with correct results ti - time to solve one exercise (second) " " ' Example: after first lesson t = 2min V=15x 10= 150 V, = 120 V2=60 n= 10 schoolboys и„ ч. i/ after 5th lesson ! lf-t = 2 min ' Vi=100 V2=50 / n= lOschoolbo^ Table 14. Table for evaluation
The school, and kinder-gardens buildings should be in a healthy area and as possible far from factory, and the main street. The child should not become a victim of a diseases due to bad environmental condition of the building. The space of the area for the school must be about 40-50m2, for kinder-gardens with 90 children's - 40m2 for each child, with 140-320 children's - 35m2for each child, 15% of the space for building and 40-50% for green zone / - School building The building should provide adequate space for well ventilated of class-room and good lighting Types of rooms a) Common rooms, as classes, workshops, laboratory and sport hall, the space of classes not less than 50m2, b) Official, as cabinet of director, teachers room and medical cabinet, c) Cloak-room and toilets
The school health services There should be a programme to keep healthy schoolchildren more healthy The programme should be a direct continuation of service of pre-school children, as supervision of growth and development of children, prevention of infections diseases, earned out of the immunisation programme Resolved the health education programme for school children's, the health education can be given in the school, through healthful school environment, health teaching by the school teachers The medical inspection is provided by school doctors and school nurses, investigation of all communicable diseases in the school, inspection of the hygienic conditions of the school Exercise After examination the school plan, write your conclusion about the school 2 - The kinder-garden a) The building There are three types of group rooms Rooms for junior groups for pre-school groups official and medical rooms b) The group cell it must be with good natural and artificial lighting In the group cell for junior age there must be reception hall (15m2), dinning room (50m2), bedroom (50m2), latrines (12m2) c) In the group cell for pre-school age there must be, cloakroom (16m2), play room (50-62, 2m2), bedroom (50m2), and latnnes (12m2) In the ground floor there are medical cabinet, music-class, and the kitchen Exercise After examination the kinder-garden plan, wnte your conclusion
Picture 8 Kinder-garden (group cell) с! оа^оот(раздевальная) 1о11е1(туалегная), bedroom (спальная) playmgroom (групповая)
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