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He needs for correction the daily diet, he can add milk prod­ucts, as a source of calcium, vegetable and fruits as a source of vita­min C.

He needs for correction the daily diet, he can add milk prod­ucts, as a source of calcium, vegetable and fruits as a source of vita­min C.

19. Your conclusion about the sample of milk

Results of analysis:

Colour White yellowish  
Test Standard  
Odour Standard  
Fats   3, 2%  
Specific gravity   1, 032  
Acidity   21°  
Reductase test   7 hours  
Number of bacteria   25000 /ml  
Coli- liter   3ml  


You have to use the sanitary standard for 1979

The normal sp. gravity 1, 028 - 1, 034

Fats - 3, 2%.

The signs of fresh milk:

          Acidity not more than 22°

         Reductase test - not less than 5, 5 hours

         The number of bacteria - up to 5000/ml


         Coli-titer - 3 ml

         The milk must be preserve in 8° C for not than 48 hours


/. Deficiency of food and its problems.

a) The problem of nutrition in different countries

b) Evaluate the quality and the quantity of foods

c) Your recommendations

//. The problem of drinking water in rural area

a) The problem of drinking eater in different countries

b) Evaluate the quality of the quality of water in rural area

d) The way to resolving these problems

///. Health problems of children's

a) Growth and development of children's In different countries

b), Health problem of children's in deferent countries

c) Signs and methods of assessment of growth and development

IV. Prevention of infections disease in kinder-gardens

a) The infections diseases of children's in different countries

b) The isolation principles in kinder- gardens

c)Insecticides, the preventive measures

V. The occupational diseases in rural area

a) There effect on health

b) Preventive measures against chemical poising


VI. Food poising in big dies

a) Classification of food poising

b) Particular feature of food poising in deferent countries

c) Preventive measures

VII. Safety of drinking water

a) The problems of drinking water in developing countries

b) The effect of chemical content of water on health

c) Significant of epidemiological signs of water

VIII. The environmental and ecological problems in cities

a) The problem of ecology of the cites in deferent countries

b) The health problem in relation to ecology

c) Preventive measures

IX. Acceleration as hygienic and social problem

a) The meaning of acceleration

b) The future of acceleration in different countries

c) The causes of acceleration

X. The hygienic of housing in rural area

a) The problem of habitation in rural area in deferent countries

b) The effect of sanitary situation in house on the family health,

c) The role of pet animals and insects

XI. The problem of occupational hygiene in developing countries

a) Occupational diseases


b) The health problems of workers in deferent countries

XII. Computer and health

a) The effect of computer on the health of operators

b)The preventive measures and recommendations

c) Zone of morgue

d) Green zone

e) Thrifty zone

There are 3 entrance, one to the main building; another to the morgue and department of infectious diseases.

The sanitary recommendations says that for morgue must be individual entrance.

18. Your recommendation about the balanced daily diet for 37 years old worker in the factory:

Calorie   3200 unit   calcium   500 mg  
Proteins   90g   Phosphorus   1800 mg  
Animal proteins   30g   Vit. A   l, 5mg  
Fats   80g   Vit. bi   2mg  
Vegetables fats   20 g   Vit. B2   1, 6 mg  
Carbohydrate   600g   Vit. C   70 mg  


You have to use the table of physiological standards of nutri­tion for populations. This man belong to the 4th professional group. The amount of calorie must be 3600 Kcl, the amount of protein must be 102 g, animal proteins must be 56g, (50%), the amount of fats must be 25 % of fats.

The amount of carbohydrate more than normal daily intake (528g), the relation between Prot, fat, carb. is 1: 0, 9: 7, 5. In normal must be 1: 1, 2: 5. Calcium not enough (N- 800 mg), Phosphorus high

than normal (N-1200 mg). The relation between Ca and P is 1: 3, 5, in normal 1: 1, 5. The daily intake of vitamins A, bi, B2 is enough, but vitamin C not enough (N- 150 mg).


He needs for correction the daily diet, he can add milk prod­ucts, as a source of calcium, vegetable and fruits as a source of vita­min C.

19. Your conclusion about the sample of milk

Results of analysis:

Colour White yellowish  
Test Standard  
Odour Standard  
Fats 3, 2%  
Specific gravity   1, 032  
Acidity   21°  
Reductase test 7 hours  
Number of bacteria   25000 /ml  
Coli- liter   3ml  


You have to use the sanitary standard for 1979

The normal sp. gravity 1, 028 - 1, 034

Fats - 3, 2%.

The signs of fresh milk:

Acidity not more than 22°

Reductase test - not less than 5, 5 hours

The number of bacteria - up to 5000/ml

Coli-titer - 3 ml

The milk must be preserve in 8° for not than 48 hours

ESSAY /. Deficiency of food and its problems.

a) The problem of nutrition in different countries

b) Evaluate the quality and the quantity of foods

c) Your recommendations

//. The problem of drinking water in rural area

a) The problem of drinking eater in different countries

b) Evaluate the quality of the quality of water in rural area

c) The way to resolving these problems ///. Health problems of children's

a) Growth and development of children's In different countries

b), Health problem of children's in deferent countries

c) Signs and methods of assessment of growth and development

IV. Prevention of infections disease in kinder-gardens

a) The infections diseases of children's in different countries

b) The isolation principles in kinder- gardens

c)Insecticides, the preventive measures

V. The occupational diseases in rural area

a) There effect on health

b)Preventive measures against chemical poising

VI. Food poising in big dies

a) Classification of food poising

b) Particular feature of food poising in deferent countries

c) Preventive measures

VII. Safety of drinking water

a) The problems of drinking water in developing countries

b) The effect of chemical content of water on health

c) Significant of epidemiological signs of water

VIII. The environmental and ecological problems in cities

a) The problem of ecology of the cites in deferent countries

b) The health problem in relation to ecology

c) Preventive measures

IX. Acceleration as hygienic and social problem

a) The meaning of acceleration

b) The future of acceleration in different countries

c) The causes of acceleration

X. The hygienic of housing in rural area

a) The problem of habitation in rural area in deferent countries

b) The effect of sanitary situation in house on the family health,

c) The role of pet animals and insects

XI. The problem of occupational hygiene in developing countries

a) Occupational diseases

b) The health problems of workers in deferent countries

XII. Computer and health

a) The effect of computer on the health of operators

b) The preventive measures and recommendations




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