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Упражнения в усвоении материала 6 глава

Herron Jerry, 1949. Universities and the myth of cultural decline, Detroit, Mich., 1988.

Hill Brian V. Education and the endangered individual: a critique of ten modern thinkers, New York, 1973.

Hinchey Patricia H., 1951. Finding freedom in the classroom: a practical intro-duction to critical theory, New York, 1997.

Hinton James 1822—1875. The mystery of pain: a book for the sorrowful, London, 1866.

Hirsch Eric Donald, 1928. Cultural literacy, New York, 1988.

Histoire mondiale de 1'education / ed. Gaston Mialaret; Jean Vial, 4 v., Paris, 1981.

Hobhouse Leonard Trelawney, 1864—1929. Morals in evolution: a study of comparative ethics, New York, 1968; The elements of social justice, London, 1965.

Hocking William Ernest, 1873—1966. The meaning of immortality in human experience, Westport, Conn., 1973; Man and the state, Hamden, Conn., 1968; What man can make of man, N.Y., 1942.

Hollins Etta R.i 1942. Culture in school learning: revealing the deep meaning, Mahwah, N.J., 1996.

Holt John. Freedom and beyond, Portsmouth, NH, 1995; How children fail, Reading, Mass., 1995; Learning all the time, Reading, Mass., 1989; Escape from childhood: the needs and rights of children, Harmondsworth, 1975.

Holtstiege Hildegard. Montessori-Padagogik und soziale Humanitat: Perspektiven fur das 21. Jahrhundert, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1994.

Hook Sidney, 1902—1989. Education for modern man: a new perspective, New York, 1973.

Hoppers Wim H.M. L. The structure and social context of non-formal training, Lusaka, 1981.

Horkheimer Max. The eclips of reason, New York, 1985; Die gesellschaftliche Funktion der Philosophic: ausgewahlte Essays, Frankfurt am Main, 1974; Vernunft und Selbsterhaltung, Frankfurt am Main, 1970; Um die Freiheit, Frankfurt am Main, 1962; Universitat und moderne Gesell-schaft, Frankfurt am Main, 1959.

Huizinga Johan. In the shadow of tomorrow, Engl. transl. New York, 1964.

Human behaviour and adaptation / ed. N. Blurton Jones; V. Reynolds, London; New York, 1978.

Human behaviour in geographical space: essays in honour of Leo H. Klaassen / ed. J.H.P. Paelinck, Aldershot; Brookfield, Vt, 1986.

Hutch Richard A. The meaning of lives, London; Washington, D.C., 1997.

Hutcheson Frencis, 1694—1746. An essay on the nature and conduct of the passions and affections, New York, 1971.

Hutchins Robert Maynard, 1899—1977. The higher learning in America, Westport, Conn,, 1979; Education for freedom, Baton Rouge, Luis., 1965.

Huth Albert, 1892. Padagogische anthropologie, Leipzig, 1932.

Hyun Eunsook, 1962. Making sense of developmentally and culturally appropriate practice in early childhood education, New York, 1998.



Ignatov Assen. Anthropologische Geschichtsphilosophie: fur eine Philosophic der Geschichte in der Zeit des Postmoderne, Sankt Augustin, 1993. Illich Ivan, 1926. Ivan Illich in conversation, Concord, Ont, 1992. lilies Joachim, 1925. Anthropologie des Tieres, Munchen, 1973. Interpretive ethnography of education: at home and abroad / ed. George Louise Spindler, Hillsdale, N.J., 1987.

Itard Jean, 1775—1838. The wild boy of Aveyron, Engl. transl. New York, 1962.


Jacob Andre. Anthropologie du langage: construction et symbolisation (avec Noella Baraquin), Liege, 1990.

Jager Werner William, 1888—1961. Paideia: die Formung des Griechischen Menschen, Berlin, 1934.

*Jakobson Roman. On language, Cambridge, Mass., 1990; Studies on child language and aphasia, The Hague, 1971; The framework of language, Ann Arbor, 1980.

*James William. Writings, 1902—1910, New York, 1987; Human immortality: two supposed objections to the doctrine, Norwood, Pa., 1978.

Jaschke Helmut, 1942. Das Bose in der Erziehung: ein Beitrag zur padagogischen Anthropologie, Dilsseldorf, 1974.

*Jaspers Karl. Reason and Existenz: five lectures / Engl. transl. Milwaukee, 1997; Erneuerung der Universitat: Reden und Schriften, 1945/46 / Nachw. Renato de Rosa, Heidelberg, 1986.

Jean Piaget, agir et construirre: aux origines de la connaissance chez 1'enfant et le savant / ed. Daniel Hameline; Jacques Voneche, Geneve, 1996.

Jeanniere Abel, 1946. Anthropologie sexuelle, Paris, 1969.

Jespersen Jens Otto Harry, 1860—1943. Language: its nature, development and origin, Boston, 1980; The philosophy of grammar, London, 1975.

Jimenez Nunez Alfredo. Antropologia cultural: una aproximacion a la ciencia de la educacion, Madrid, 1979.

Joad Cyril Edwin Mitchinson, 1891—1957. The meaning of life, London, 1928.

Johann Robert 0. The meaning of love: an essay towards a metaphysics of intersubjectivity, Glen Rock, N.J., 1966.

Jonsen Albert, 1931 and Toulmin Stephen Edelson, 1922. The abuse of casuistry: a history of moral reasoning, Berkeley, 1988.

Jordan William Amos. Crossfire education: metaphor, cultural evolution, and chaos in the schools, Lanham, Md., 1996.

Judd Charles H. Educational psycology, Boston, et al., 1939.



Kafka Gustav, 1883—1953. Geschichtsphilosophie der Philosophie-Geschichte, 1933,

Kail Robert V. Children and their development, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1998.

Kaiser Herbert. Jean Paul lesen: Versuch fiber seine poetische Anthropologie des Ich, Wurzburg, 1995.

Kallen Horace Meyer, 1882—1974. The Book of Job as Greek tragedy, New York, 1959.

Kamper Dietmar, 1936. Die Anthropologie Leopold Zieglers, Munchen, 1964.

Katz David. Studien zur Kinderpsychologie, Darmstadt, 1972.

Katz Jack, 1944. Seductions of crime: moral and sensual attractions of doing evil, New York, 1988.

Keigwin Albert Edwin, 1869—1930. The meaning of life, New York, 1922.

Kelly Ursula Anne Margaret, 1956. Schooling desire: literacy, cultural politics, and pedagogy, New York, 1997.

Kelsen Hans, 1881—1973. Whan is justice?: justice, law, and politics in the mirrow of science, Berkeley, 1971.

Kern Peter, 1940; Wittig Hans-Georg. Notwendige Bildung: Studien zur padagogischen Anthropologie, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1985.

*Kerschensteiner Georg. Das Grundaxiom des BildungsprozeBes und seine Folderungen fuer die Schulorganisation, Berlin, 1917.

Kerstiens Ludwig. Erziehungsziel: humanes Leben; eine Orientierung filr Erzieher und Lehrer, Bad Heilbrunn/Obb., 1991.

Kiel Albrecht. Philosophische Seelenlehren als Leitfaden fur die Psychologie: ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie von Karl Jaspers, Konstanz, 1991.

Kirn Soo Bae. Die Entstehung der Kantischen Anthropologie und ihre Beziehung zur empirischen Psychologie der Wolffschen Schule, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1994.

Klunker Wolf Ulrich. Selbsterkenntnis der Seele: zur Anthropologie des Thomas von Aquin, Stuttgart, 1990.

Kneller George Frederick, 1908. Educational anthropology: an introduction, Huntington, N.Y., 1978; Educationists and their vanities: one hundred missives to my colleagues, San Francisco, Calif., 1994; Science as a human endeavor, New York, 1978; Introduction to the philosophy of education, New York, 1971; Education and economic thought, New York, 1968.

Knorr Jacqueline. Zwischen goldenem Ghetto und Integration: ethnologische Autobiographic und Untersuchung fiber das Aufwachsen deutscher und schweizer Kinder und Jugendlicher in der Dritten Welt am Beispiel Ghanas und ihre anschlieBende Eingliederung in Europa, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1990.

Kohn Hans, 1891—1971. Revolutions and dictatorships: essays in contemporary history, Freeport, N.Y., 1969; The idea of nationalism: a study of its origins and background, New York, 1967.

Kottler Jeffrey A. What's really said in the teacher's lounge: provocative ideas about cultures and classrooms, Albany, NY, 1996.

*Kovalevsky Maxim. Modern customs and ancient laws of Russia, New York, 1970.

Kozdon Baldur, 1938. Der Operationalismus in der neueren Didaktik, Frankfurt am Main; Haag, 1983.

Krebs Peter, 1908. Die Anthropologie des Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert, Koln, 1940.

Krieger Wolfgang, 1955. Identitat und Erziehung: die Bedeutung von Identitatstheorien fur die Padagogik, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1985.

Kuh George D. The invisible tapestry: culture in American colleges and uni-versities, Washington, D.C., 1988.



Lobsach Theo. Die letzte Jahren der Menschheit: vom Anfang und Ende des Homo sapiens, Muenchen, 1983.

Lowith Karl, 1892—1973. Meaning in history, Chicago, 1970. La Croix Jean, 1933. Le sens de 1'atheisme moderne, Tournai, 1958.

Lacomb Paul, 1848—1921. Esquisse d'un enseignement base sur la psychologie de 1'enfant, Paris, 1899.

Lallemand Suzanne. La circulation des enfants en societe traditionnelle: pret, don, echange, Paris, 1993.

Lane Homer. Talks to parents and teachers / introd. A. S. Neill, New York, 1969.

Longer Susanne Knauth, 1895—1985. Mind: an essay on human feelings, 3 v., Baltimore, 1967—1982.

Langeueld Martinus Jan. Studien zur Anthropologie des Kindes, Tubingen, 1964.

Laplantine Francois, 1943. Anthropologie de la maladie, Paris, 1986.

Laprea Caterina et al. Studi di epistemologia pedagogica su Althusser, Foucault e Piaget, su Makarenko, Milano, 1985.

Lassahn Rudolf. Padagogische Anthropologie: eine historische Einfuhrung, Heidelberg, 1983.

Lauraie Simon S., 1829—1909. Studies in the history of educational opinion since the Renaissance, London, 1903; Institutes of education, London, 1892.

Lawes L. E. Man's judgement of death: an analysis of the operation and effect of capital punishment based on facts, not on judgement, Montclair, N.J., 1969.

Lawton Denis. Social change, educational theory and curriculum planning, London, 1973.

Lazarus Moritz, 1824—1903. Das Leben der Seele in Monographien uber seine Erscheinung und Gesetze, 2 Bde, Berlin, 1885—1917; Uber die Ideen in der Geschichte, Berlin, 1872.

*Le Bon Gustave. The psychology of revolution, Engl. transl., Washington, D.C., 1995; The crowd, Engl. transl., New Brunswick, N.J., 1995; Psychologie du socialisme, Paris, 1984; Psychologie des temps nouveaux, Paris, 1920.

Le Roy Ladurie Emmanuel, 1929. Le territoire de 1'historien, Paris, 1973.

Learning for tomorrow: the role of the future in education / ed. Alvin Toffler, New York, 1974.

Learning to be: the world of education today and tomorrow, Paris; London, 1972.

Leinfi Gerhard. Japanische Anthropologie: die Natur des Menschen in der konfuzianischen Neoklassik am Angang des 18. Jahrhunderts, Wiesbaden, 1995.

Leonhard Hans-Walter. Padagogische Menschenkunde: deskriptive Phanomenologie des Fuhlens, Denkens und Wollens, Weinheim et al., 1996.

Leui Maurice, 1945. Thinking economically: how economic principles can contribute to clear thinking, New York, 1985.

LeVine Robert Alan, 1932; White Merry, 1941. Human conditions: the cultural basis of educational development, New York, 1986.

* Leui-Strauss Claude. The jealous potter, Engl. trans. Chicago, 1988.

*Lewin Kurt. A dynamic theory of personality, New York, 1935. Lewis Clive Staples, 1898—1963. The problem of pain, New York, 1986;

The abolition of man, or Reflections on education, New York, 1986. Liebman Joshua Loth, 1907—1948. The meaning of life, Cincinnati, 1950. Linde Ernst 1864—1943. Probleme der Kunsterziehung, Leipzig, 1911; Moderne Lyrik in schulmassiger Behandlung, Leipzig, 1905; Personlichkeitspadagogik, Leipzig, 1897.

Linn Ray. A teacher's introduction to postmodernism, Urbana, 1996. Lippman Walter, 1889—1974. Public opinion, New York, 1965. Lift Theodor. Das Bildungsideal der deutschen Klassik und die moderne Arbeitswelt, Bochum, 1967; Berufsbildung und Allgemeinbildung, Heidelberg, 1969; Fiihren oder wachsenlassen: eine Erurterung der padagogischen Grundprobleme, Stuttgart, 1962; Freiheit und Lebensord-nung: zur Philosophic und Padagogik der Demokratie, Heidelberg, 1962.

Liu Shao, the 3d century. The study of human abilities, Engl. Iran. New York, 1966.

Livingstone Richard Winn, Sir, 1880—1960. On education, Cambridge, 1960. Loch Werner. Lebenslauf und Erziehung, Essen, 1979; Modelle padagogischen Verstehens, Essen, 1978; Die anthropologische Dimension der Padagogik, Essen, 1968.

Lohde Richard. Die anthropologie Pascals; eine Strukturstudie zur Theorie der Menschenkenntnis, Halle/Saale, 1936.

Lombard Jacques, 1926. L'anthropologie britannique contemporaine, Paris, 1972.

Lombardo-Radice Giuseppe. Didatica viva: problemi ed esperienze, Firenze, 1951.

Lomny Zygmunt. Czlowiek i edukacja wobec przemian globalnych, Opole, 1995.

Lorenz Karl. Innate basis of learning, Harvard, 1969. Lovejoy Arthur Oncken, 1873—1962. The great chain of being: a study of the history of an idea, Cambridge, Mass., 1970.

Ludojoski Roque Luis, 1930. Antropogogia: o, La educacion del hombre: introduccion al problema de la antropologia educativa en la perspectiva de la educacion permanente, Buenos Aires, 1978.

Lukacs John Adalbert, 1924. Historical consciousness, or The remembered past, New York, 1985.

*Luria Alexandre R. The nature of human conflicts, New York, 1932. Lutze Katinka. Wagnis Vertrauen: das Verhaltnis des Menschen zum Fremden in der anthropologischen Padagogik Otto Friedrich Bollnows, Eitof, 1996.

Lyotard Jean Francois, 1924. The hyphen, Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1998; Postmodern fables, Minneapolis, Minn., 1997; Lessons on the analytic of the sublime, Stanford, Calif., 1994; Moralites postmodernes, Paris, 1993;

Toward the postmodern, Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1993; The postmodern explained to children, Engl. transl. Sydney, 1992; Lectures d'enfance, Paris, 1991; The inhuman: reflections on time, Engl. transl. Cambridge, 1991.



Macha Hildegard, 1946. Padagogisch-Anthropologische Theorie des Ich, Bad Heilbrunn, 1989.

Major trends and issues in early childhood education: challenges, controversies, and insights / ed. Joan P. Isenberg; Mary Renck Jalongo; forew. Sue Bredekamp, New York, 1997.

Malinowski Bronismw Kasper. Crime and custom in savage society, Totowa, N.Y., 1989; Freedom and civilization, Westport, 1976.

Malraux Andre, 1901—1976. Les voix du silence, Paris, 1951; La condition humaine, Paris, 1933.

Man in adaptation: the cultural present, the biological background, 2 v., Chicago, 1974.

Mandeville Bernard de, c. 1670—1733. The fable of the bees, or Private vices, public benefits / ed. Phillip Harth, Harmondsworth, 1970.

* Marcel Gabriel. The participant perspective, Lanham, MD, 1987; Man against mass society / Engl. transl., Lanham, MD, 1985; The mystery of being, Lanham, MD, 1983; En chemin, vers quel eveil?, Paris, 1971.

Mariana Juan de, 1536—1624. The king and the education of the king, Engl. trans. Washington, 1948.

Mario Mouzinho. Antropologia da educacao: documentos de base na analise social, Maputo [Mozambique], 1978.

Marion Henri, 1846—1896. L'education des jeunes filles, Paris, 1902; L'education dans 1'universite, Paris, 1892; Devoirs et droits de 1'homme, Paris, 1883.

*Maritain Jacques. Education at the crossroads, New Haven, Conn., 1966; Pour une philosophie de 1'education, Paris, 1959.

Marks Joel 1949. The ways of desire: new essays in philosophical psychology on the concept of wanting, Chicago, 1986.

Marshall James D. Michel Foucault: personal autonomy and education, Dordrecht; Boston, 1996.

Marz Fritz, 1934. Padagogische Anthropologie, Bad Heilbrunn/Obb., 1978.

*Maslow Abraham Harold. Future visions: the unpublished papers of Abraham Maslow / ed. Edward Hoffman, Thousand Oaks, 1996; The farther reaches of human nature, New York, 1993; Motivation and personality, New York, 1987.

Mason Steve. The human being: a warrior's journey toward peace and mutual healing, New York, 1990.

Matthews Gareth В., 1929. The philosophy of childhood, Cambridge, Mass., 1996; Philosophieren mit Kindern, Rostock, 1996; Dialogues with children, Cambridge, Mass., 1984; Philosophy and the young child, Cambridge, Mass., 1980.

Maurer Friedmann. Lebessinn und Lernen: zur Anthropologie der Kindheit und des Jugentaltres, Bad Heilbrunn/Obb., 1992.

Mauss Marcel, 1872—1950. The gift, London; New York, 1989; Sociologie et anthropologie, Paris, 1985; Sociology and psychology, London; Boston, 1979.

Maxwell Margaret. Human evolution: a philosophical anthropology, New York, 1984.

McCadden Brian M., 1964. It's hard to be good: moral complexity, construction, and connection in the kindergarten classroom, New York, 1997.

McCormack A.E. Coping with your handicapped child, London, 1985.

McMillan Margaret, 1860—1931. Education through imagination, London, 1905.

Mead George Herbert, 1863—1931. The philosophy of the present, Chicago, 1980.

Medici Angela. L'education nouvelle, Paris, 1970.

Meiklejohn Alexander, 1872—1964. Education between two worlds, Freeport, N.Y., 1972.

Meillassoux. Claude. The anthropology of slavery, Chicago, 1991. Meinberg Eckhard. Das Menschenbild der modernen Erziehungswissenschaft, Darmstadt, 1988.

Melosik Zbyszko. Postmodernistyczne kontrowersje wokol edukacji, Torun, 1995.

Mendel Gerard, 1930. Anthropologie differentielle, Paris, 1972. Mentoring the mentor: a critical dialogue with Paulo Freire, New York, 1997.

*Merleau-Ponty Maurice. The prose of the world, Engl. transl. London, 1974; Humanism and terror, Engl. transl. Boston, 1969; The structure of behaviour, Engl. transl. Boston, 1963.

Merriam Charles Edward, 1874—1953. The making of citizens: a comparative study of methods of civic training, New York, 1966.

*Messer August Wilhelm. Die Wirksamkeit der Apperzeption in den personlichen Beziehungen des Schullebens, Berlin, 1899.

Meyer-Wolters Hartmut, 1949. Koexistenz und Freiheit, Wurzburg, 1992.

Milton John, 1608—1674. On education // Complete Poems and major prose / ed. Merrit Y. Hughes, New York, 1985.

Minazzoli Agnes. L'homme sans image: une anthropologie negative, Paris, 1996.

Miron Louis F. The social construction of urban schooling: situating the crisis, Cresskill, N.J., 1996.

Mitscherlich Alexander, 1908. Uber Feindseligkeit und hergestellte Dummheit, Hamburg, 1993; Society without the father: a contribution to social psychology / Engl. transl., New York, 1993; Das Ich und die Vielen, Munchen; Zurich, 1978; The inability to mourn: principles of collective behavior / Engl. transl., Ann Arbor, 1978; Gliick, Gerechtigkeit: Gesprache, Munchen, 1976; Toleranz, Uberpriifung eines Begriffs: Ermittlungen, Frankfurt am Main, 1974; Bis hierher und nicht weiter: ist die menschliche Aggression unbefriedbar?, Munchen, 1969.

Mohrig Werner. Bose wie Tiere?: Biologisches und Nichtbiologisches, zum Thema «Aggressivitat», Leipzig, 1984.

*Monroe Paul. Essays in comparative education, New York, 1927; A cyclopedia of education, 5 v., London, 1911.

*Montessori Maria. The absorbent mind, Engl. transl. New York, 1989; II segreto dell'infanzia, Milano, 1953; Antropologia pedagogica, Milano, 1911.

Moratscheck Anna Maria. Erfahrung und Spiel als Leitmotive fur Schulbildung, Thahofen, 1996.

Morgan Conwy LLoyd, 1852—1936. Habit and instinct, New York, 1973; The emergence of novelty, New York, 1933.

Morris Desmond. The human zoo. New York; London, 1969.

Morris Van Cleve. Modern mouvements in educational philosophy, Boston et al., 1969.

*Mounier Emmanuel, 1905—1950. Traite du caractere: anthologie, Paris, 1974; Be not afraid: a denunciation of despaire, New York, 1962;

Introduction aux existentialismes, Paris, 1947. Manifesto au service du personalisme, Paris, 1936.

Mourad Roger Philip, 1958. Postmodern philosophical critique and the pursuit of knowledge in higher education, Westport, Conn., 1997.

*Munsterberg Hugo. The crown of life: artistic creativity in old age, San Diego et al., 1983.

Muller Georg Fritz Wilhelm. Die anthropologie des Carl Gustav Carus, Berlin, 1937.

Mumford Lewis, 1895—1990. The condition of man, New York, 1973. Musgrave P. W. Knowledge, curriculum, change, London, 1973. Myrdal Gunnar, 1898—1987. The challenge of world poverty: a world anti-poverty program in outline, New York, 1971.




Nash Paul. Models of man: explorations in the Western educational tradition, New York et al., 1968.

*Natorp Paul. Philosophic und Padagogik, Marburg, 1923.

Ndjimbi-Tshiende Olivier. Das «Bild des Kindes» im afrikanischen Erziehungswesen: zum Problem einer padagogischen Anthropologie am Beispiel Zaires, St. Ottilien, 1996.

Neuenzeit Gertrud. Grundfragen der padagogischen Anthropologie unter empirischen, interpretatorischen und normativen Aspekten, Dusseldorf, 1975.

Newman John Henry, 1801—1890. The idea of a university defined and illustrated, Chicago, 1987; University sketches, Staten Island, N.Y., 1964.

New visions for the developmental assessment of infants and young children / ed. Samuel J. Meisels; Emily Fenichel, Washington, D.C., 1996.

Niebuhr Reinhold, 1892—1971. The nature and destiny of man: a Christian interpretation, 2 v.. New York, 1964.

Niemi Hannele. The meaning of life among secondary school pupils, Helsinki, 1987.

Noblit George W. Particularities: collected essays on ethnography and education, New York, 1998.

Nock'Albert Jay, 1873?—1945. The theory of education in the United States, New York, 1969.

Nohl Herman, 1879—1960. Das Verhaltnis der Generationen in der Padagogik // Erziehungswissenschaft und Erziehungswirklichkeit / Hrsg. Hermann Rohrs, Frankfurt a.M., 1964; Charakter und Schiksal: eine padagogische Menschenkunde, Frankfurt a.M., 1949.

Nunn Thomas Percy, 1870—1944. Education, its data and first principles, London, 1963.



Obiols Guillermo A. Adolescencia, posmodernidad у escuela secundaria: la crisis de la ensenanza media, Buenos Aires, 1995.

Ogden Charles Key, 1889—1957; Richards Ivor Armstrong, 1893— 1979. The meaning of meaning: a study of the influence of language upon thought and of the scince of symbolism, San Diego, 1989.

Oliver Donald W., 1928; Gershman Kathleen Waldrin, 1948. Education, modernity and fractured meaning: toward a process theory of teaching and learning, Albany, 1989.

Olivier de Sardan Jean-Pierre. Anthropologie et developpement: essai en socio-anthropologie du changement social, Marseille; Paris, 1995.

Oppenheimer Franz, 1864—1943. The state, Engl. transl. New York, 1972; Weder Kapitalismus noch. Sozialismus, Frankfurt, 1919.

Oswald Paul, 1914. Die Anthropoiogie Maria Montessoris, Munster, 1970.

*Otto Berthold. Volksorganischer Denken, 4 Bde, Berlin, 1925—1926; Kindermundart, Berlin, 1908; Geistiger Verkehr mit Schulern im Gesamtunterricht, Berlin, 1907; Die Zukunftsschule, 2 Bde, Berlin, 1901—1904.

Otto Stefen. Rekonstruktion der Geschichte: zur Kritik der historischen Vernunft, Munchen, 1982.

Overbeck Konrad. Uber den Ursprung der menschlichen Sinnerfahrung: eine Untersuchung zu anthropologischen Grundannahmen in der Strukturpsyc-hologie von August Vetter, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1997.



Pecault Felix, 1828—1898. L'education et la vie nationale, Paris, 1897. Padagogische Anthropologie / Hrsg. Fritz Marz, Bad Heilbrunn/Obb., 1978. Padagogische Anthropologie, biographische Erziehungsforschung, padagogischer Bezug: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Werner Loch, Hamburg, 1993. Padagogische Anthropologie: phylogenetische (bio- und kulturevolutionare) Voraussetzungen der Erziehung / Hrsg. Erich Weber, Donauworth, 1995. Pai Young, 1929. Cultural foundations of education, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1997.

Palmer Martin. What should we teach?: Christians and education in a pluralist world, Geneva, 1991.

*Pareto Vilfredo, 1848—1923. The rise and fall of elites: an application of theoretical sociology / Introd. Hans L. Zetterberg, New Brunswick, N.J., 1991; The transformation of democracy, Engl. transl., New Brunswick, 1984; The mind and society, 4 v., New York, 1983; Ecrits de jeunesse / ed. Giovanni Busino, Geneve, 1982; Borghesia, elites, fascismo / a cura Marcello Veneziani, Roma, 1981; Compendio di sociologia generale, Torino, 1978.

Parker Stuart, 1954. Reflective teaching in the postmodern world: a manifesto for education in postmodernity, Buckingham; Philadelphia, 1997.

* Parsons Talcott. The social system / pref. Bryan S. Turner, London, 1991; Economy and society: a study in the integration of economic and social theory (with Neil J. Smelser), London; Bostoni, 1984; Working papers in the theory of action (with others), Westport, Conn., 1981; Action theory and the human condition, New York, 1978; The evolution of societies / ed. Jackson Toby, Englewood Cliff, N.J., 1977; The system of modern societies, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1971; Politics and social structure, New York, 1969; The American university (with Gerald M. Platt), Cambridge, Mass., 1974.

Passmore John. The philosophy of teaching, Cambridge, Mass., 1980.

Pathways to cultural awareness: cultural therapy with teachers and students / ed. George and Louise Spindler, Thousand Oaks, Calif., 1994.

*Paulsen Friedrich. German education past and present, Engl. transl., New York, 1976; Friedrich Paulsen, an autobiography, New York, 1938; Die hoheren Schulen und das Universitatsstudium im 20. Jahrhundert, Braunschweig, 1901; Philosophia militans, Berlin, 1901.

Pearson Karl, 1857—1936. The grammar of science, Gloucester, Mass., 1969. Pecault Felix, 1828—1898. L'education et la vie nationale, Paris, 1897. Pedagogy, technology, and the body / ed. Erica McWilliam; Peter G. Taylor, New York, 1996.

Perkinson Henry J. Learning from our mistakes, Westport, Conn., 1984.

*Pestalozzi Joahann Heinrich. Samtliche Werke: kritische Ausgabe, 21 Bde, Zurich, 1956—1964; Samtliche Briefe, 8 Bde, Zurich, 1946—1966.

Peters Michael A., 1948. Individualism and community: education and social policy in the postmodern condition, London; Washington, D.C., 1996.

Peters Richard Stanley, 1919. The logic of education (with P.H. Hirst), London; New York, 1989; Moral development and moral education, London; Boston, 1981; Essays on educators, London; Boston, 1981; Education and the education of teachers, London; Boston, 1977; Psychology and ethical development: a collection of articles on psychological theories, ethical development and human understanding, London, 1974; The concept of education, London; New York, 1967.

Pettman Ralph, Human behaviour and world politics-: a transdisciplinary introduction, London, 1975.

Philosophische Anthropologie der M.oderne / Hrsg. Rene Weiland; Helmut Gipper, et al., Weinheim, 1995.

Philosophy of development: reconstructing the foundations of human development and education / ed. Wouter van Haaften; Michiel Korthals; Thomas Wren, Dordrecht; Boston, 1997.

Pickering Marianne. Lessons for life: education and learning, Woodbridge, Conn., 1996.

Pius XI, Pope, 1857—1939. Christian education of youth, Engl. trans. // Five great encyclicals, New York, 1953.

*Plessner Helmuth. Conditio humana, Frankfurt am Main, 1983; Ausdruck und menschliche Natur, Frankfurt am Main, 1982; Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch: Einleitung in die philosophische Anthropologie; Frankfurt am Main, 1981; Macht und menschliche Natur, Frankfurt am Main, 1981; Die verspatete Nation, Frankfurt am Main, 1982; Anthropologie der Sinne, Frankfurt am Main, 1980; Gesammelte Schriften, 10 Bde / Hrsg. Gunter Dux, et al., Frankfurt am Main, 1980—1985.

Pollard Andrew. The social world' of children's learning: case studies of pupils from four to seven, London; New York, 1996.


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