Упражнения в усвоении материала 7 глава
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 45 из 45 Pollock Linda A. Forgotten children: parent-child relations from 1500 to 1900, Cambridge, 1983. Pettier Richard. Essai d'anthropologie du mythe, Paris, 1994. Pouchepadass Jacques, 1940; Stern Henri, 1942. De la royaute a 1'Etat: anthropologie et histoire du politique dans le monde indien, Paris, 1991. Prakash Madhu Suri, 1951. Escaping education: living as learning within grassroots cultures (with Gustavo Esteva), New York, 1998. Preuschoft Olaf. Warum kampfen? Wofur sterben?: zur Soziogenese und Anthropologie des Krieges, Frankfurt am Main, 1992. Primhorn Hans, 1886—1933. Artistry of the mentally ill: a contribution to the psychology and psychopathology of configuration, Engl. transl., Wien; New York, 1995; Texte aus der Prinzhorn-Sammlung / hrsg. Inge Jadi, Heidelberg, 1985; Gesprach ilber Psychoanalyse zwischen Frau, Dichter und Arzt / hrsg. Bernd Urban, Frankfurt am Main, 1981; Personlichkeitspsychologie: Entwurf einer biozentrischen Wirklichkeitslehre vom Menschen, Leipzigr, 1932. Q
Quillien Jean. L'anthropologie philosophique de Guillaume de Humboldt, Lille, 1991. R
Radcliffe-Brown Alfred Reginald, 1881—1955. Structure and function in primitive society, Glencoe, 111., 1968. Ranganathananda Swami. Human being in depth: a scientific approach to religion / ed. Elva Linnea Nelson, Albany, NY, 1991. Rank Otto, 1884—1939. Modern education: a critique of its fundamental ideas, Engl. transl. New York, 1968. Reddie Cecil, 1859—1932. John Bull, his origin and character and the present condition of his big property, and two other papers on education, London, 1901. Reforming personnel preparation in early intervention: issues, models, and practical strategies / ed. Pamela J. Winton, et al., Baltimore, Md., 1997. Reist Manfred. Die Praxis der Freiheit: Hannah Arendts Anthropologie des Politischen, Wurzburg, 1990. Renaut Alain. Kant aujourd'hui, Paris, 1997; L'individu: remarques sur la philosophic du sujet, Paris, 1995; Les revolutions de 1'universite: essai sur la modernisation de la culture, Paris, 1995. Richards Ivor Armstrong, 1893—1979. Interpretation in teaching, New York, 1973. *Ricoeur Paul. Philosophic de la volonte: le volontaire et 1'involontaire, Paris, 1949. Riedel Wolfgang. «Homo natura»: literarische Anthropologie um 1900, Berlin, 1996. Riesman David, 1909. The lonely crowd: a study of the changing of American character (with N. Glazer and R. Denney), New Haven; London, 1963. Rosenkranz Johann Karl Friedrich, 1805—1879. The philosophy of education, Engl. transl. New York, 1886. Rosenstiel Annette, 1911. Education and anthropology: an annotated bibliography, New York, 1977. Rostek-Luhmann Fanny. Der Kinderfanger von Hamein: untersagte Wunsche und die Funktion des Fremden, Berlin, 1995. *Rostovtzeff Michael Ivanovich, 1870—1952. The social and economic history of the Roman empire, 2 v., Oxford, 1979. Roth Heinrich, 1906—1983. Vom Kind zum Erwachsenen: aus der «Pada-gogischen Anthropologie», Hannover, et al., 1977; Padagogische Anthropologie: Bildsamkeit und Bestimmung, 2 Bde, Hannover, 1966—1971.
Rouland. Norbert. Aux confins du droit: anthropologie juridique de la modernite, Paris, 1991. *Russel Bertrand. Education and the good life, New York, 1970; Education, especially in early childhood, London, 1962. Ryle Gilbert, 1900—1976. The concept of mind, Chicago, 1984. S
Saizmann Christian Gotthilf, 1744—1811. Padagogische Weisheiten, Berlin, 1961. Sarano J. Homme et science de 1'homme, Paris, 1968. Sawyer Roger, 1931. Slavery in the twentieth century, New York, 1986. *Schaff Adam. Marxismus und das menschliche Individuum, Deutsch. iiberz., Riebek bei Hamburg, 1972; A philosophy of man, Engl. transl. New York, 1968. Scheffler Israel. Of human potential: an essay in the philosophy of education, Boston, 1985. Schneider Hermann, 1874. Philosophic der Geschichte, 2 Bde, 1923. Schnelle Udo. Neutestamentliche Anthropologie: Jesus, Paulus, Johannes, Neukirchen, Vluyn, 1991. Schutz Alfred, 1899—1959. Collected papers, 3 v., The Hague, 1962—1966. Serres Michele. Detachment, Engl. transl. Athens, Oh., 1989; Hermes: literature, science, philosophy, Engl. transl. Baltimore, 1983; The parasite, Engl. transl. Baltimore, 1982. Seruan-Schreiber Jean Louis, 1937. Le retour du courage, Paris, 1986. Shaftesbury Anthony Ashley Cooper. Characteristics of men, manners, opinions, times, 3 v., New York, 1978. Sherrington Charles Scott. Man on his nature, London, 1975. Sigrist Christian. Das RuBlandbild des Marquis de Custine: von der Civilisationskritik zur RuBlandfeindlichkeit, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1990. *Simmel Georg. The problems of the philosophy of history: essays, Engl. transl. New York, 1977; On individuality and social forms, Engl. transl. Chicago; London, 1971. Simon Yves Rene Marie, 1903—1961. Community of the free, Engl. transl. Lanham, Md., 1984. Skinner Burrhus Frederic. Science and human behavior, New York, 1967. Smith Peter, 1944; Jones O.R., 1922. The philosophy of mind: an introduction, New York, 1986. Sorel George, 1847—1922. Reflections on violence, Engl. transl. New York, 1975. The sources of hope / ed. R. Fitzgerald, 1944, Rushcutters Bay (Australia), 1979. Southey Robert, 1774—1843. Essays, moral and political, Clifton, N.Y, 1973. Spanos William V. The end of education: toward posthumanism, Minneapolis, 1993. Spearman Charts Edward, 1863—1945. The abilities of man: their nature and measurement, New York, 1970. *Spranger Eduard. Das Gesetz der ungewolten Nebenwirkungen in der Erziehung, Heidelberg, 1962; Kulturfragen der Gegenwart, Heidelberg, 1953; Padagogische Perspektiven: Beitrage zu Erziehungsfragen der Gegenwart, Heidelberg, 1952. Stadt und Mensch: zwischen Chaos und Ordnung / Hrsg. Dirk Roller, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1996. Stein Edith.Was ist der Mensch?: eine theologische Anthropologie, Freiburg, 1994. Stern William. Der Student und die padagogischen Bestrebungen der Gegenwart, Leipzig; Berlin, 1913; Forschung und Unterricht in Jugend-kunde (mit Otto Lippmann, 1880—1933), Leipzig; Berlin, 1912; Helen Keller: die Entwicklung und Erziehung einer Taubstummblinden, als psychologisches, padagogisches und Sprachtheoretisches Problem, Berlin, 1905. Stevenson Leslie. Seven theories of human nature, New York, 1974. Stoy Karl, 1815—1885, Enzyklopadie, Methodologie und Literatur der Padagogik, Lpz., 1878.
Strauss Leo, 1899—1973. On tyranny, New York, 1983. Strauss Murray A. et al. Behind closed doors: violence in the American family, Garden City, N.Y., 1980. Strouse Joan H. Exploring themes of social justice in education: readings in social foundations, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1997. Strumpell Ludwig, 1812—1899. Padagogische Pathologie, oder Die Lehre von den Fehlern der Kinder, Leipzig, 1890; Psychologische Padagogik, oder Die Lehre von der geistigen Entwicklung des Kindes, bezogen auf die Zwecke und Ziele der Erziehung, Leipzig, 1880. Suchodolski Bogdan. La pedagogic et les grand courants philosophiques: pegagogie de 1'essence et pedagogic de 1'existence, Paris, 1960. * Sully James, 1842—1923. Illusions: a psychological study, New York, 1982; Studies of childhood, London—New York, 1895. Sydney Hook. Education and the taming of power, La Salle, 111., 1973. Sylver Harold. Education as history: interpreting 19th and 20th century education, London-New York, 1983. Т
Tawney Richard Henry, 1880—1962. Equality, New York, 1964. Taylor Alfred Edward, 1869—1945. The problem of conduct: a study in the phenomenology of ethics, London, 1901. The teacher and the taught: education from Plato to James B. Connant, New York, 1963. Teggard Frederic John, 1870—1946. Theory of history, New Haven, 1925. Theories of personality / ed. G. Lindsay, С. Н. Hall, New York, 1965. Theureau Jacques. Le cours d'action, analyse semiologique: essai d'une anthropologie cognitive situee / pref. Maurice de Montmollin, Berne; New York, 1992. Thomas Aquinas, Saint, c. 1225—1274. Concerning the teacher // Mayer M.H. The philosophy of teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, Milwaukee, 1929. *Thorndike Edward Lee. Human nature and social order, New York, 1940; Individuality, Boston, 1911; Notes on child study, New York, 1901. *Tillich Paul. The courage to be, New Haven, Conn., 1980. Todorov Zvetan, On human diversity: nationalism, racism and exoticism in French thought, Engl. trans. Cambridge, Mass., 1993. Tonnies Ferdinand, 1855—1936. Custom: an essay on social codes, Engl. transl. Chicago, 1971. *Toffler Alvin. Learning for tomorrow: the role of the future in education, New York, 1974. Touraine Allain, 1925. Critique de la modernite, Paris, 1992; Return of the actor: social theory in postindustrial society, Engl. transl. Minneapolis, 1987; The self-production of society, Enlg. transl. Chicago, 1977; The post-industrial society: tomorrow's social history: classes, conflicts and culture in the programmed society, Engl. transl. N.Y., 1971. Transpersonal education: a curriculum for feeling and being / ed. Gay Hendricks; James Fadiman, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1976. Tuchman Barbara, 1912—1989. The march of folly: from Troy to Vietnam, New York, 1985. Twain Mark. What is man? and other philosophical writings / ed. Paul Baender, Berkeley, 1973. U
Ulich Robert. A sequence of educational influences, Cambridge, 1935. Universities, society, and the future, Edinburg, 1983. Unter offenem Horizont: Anthropologie nach Helmuth Plessner / Hrsg. Jurgen Friedrich; Bernd Westermann, Frankfurt am Main, 1995.
Van Doren Mark Albert, 1894—1972. Liberal education, Boston, 1959. *Veblen Thornstein Bunde. The vested interest and the common man, New York, 1969; The higher education in America: a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men, New York, 1967. Velthaus Gerhard. Die anthropologischen Ansatze einer neuen Lernkul-tur: Engagement, Phantasie und Bildung, Rheinfelden, 1992. Verville Eliner, 1920. Habit, Springfield, 111., 1988. Vial Jean. Histoire et actualite des methodes pedagogiques, Paris, 1982. Vinogradoff Paul Gavrilovitch, Sir, 1854—1925. Common sense in law, Westport, Conn., 1987; Self-government in Russia, Westport, Conn., 1979; Outlines of historical jurisprudence, 2 v., New York, 1971; Anthropology and early law: selected from the writings of Paul Vinogradoff, New York, 1967; The collected papers of Paul Vinogradoff, with a memoir, 2 v., Oxford, 1928; Custom and right, Oslo; Cambridge, Mass., 1925; The Russian problem, New York, 1915; The reconstruction of Russia, London; New York, 1919; Russia, the psychology of a nation, London; New York, 1914.
*Viues Juan Luis. A fable about man, Engl. transl // The Renaissance philosophy of man / Ed. E. Cassirer et al., Chicago, 1971; On education, Engl. transl. Totowa, N.J., 1971. * Voltaire. University //A philosophical dictionary, Engl. trans. v. 2, N. Y., 1962. W
Wallace James Donald, 1937. Virtues and vices, Ithaca, N.Y., 1986. Was ist der Mensch?: Beitrage zur Anthropologie des Alten Testaments / Hrsg. Frank Crusemann, et al., Munchen, 1992. Watson Richard A.; Watson Patty Jo. Man and nature: an anthropological essay in human ecology, New York, et al., 1969. *Weil Simone. Attente de Dieu: lettres et reflexions, Paris, 1950. Weiler Gerda. Eros ist starker als Gewalt, Frankfurt am Main, 1993. Welsford E. The fool: his social and literary history, Garden City, N.Y., 1961. Weniger Erich, 1894—1962. Theorie der Bildungsinhalte, Weinheim, 1956; Die Eigenstandigkeit der Erziehung in Theorie und Praxis: Probleme der akademischen Lehrerbildung, Weinheim, 1952. What do anthropologists have to say about dropouts?: The First Centennial Conference on Children at Risk, School of Education, Stanford University / ed. Henry T. Trueba; George and Louise Spindler, New York, 1989. Whewell William 1794—1866. Of a liberal education in general, and with particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge, London, 1880. *Whitehead Alfred Nort. The aims of education and other essays, London, 1962; The organization of thought, educational and scientific, London, 1917. *Willman Otto. Beitrage zur Philosophia und Padagogia perennis, Berlin, 1919. * Wittgenstein Ludwig. Remarks on the philosophy of psychology, Chicago, 1980. Woodbourne A.S. Human nature and education, London, 1926. Z
Zdarzil Herbert. Padagogische Anthropologie, Graz; Wien; Koln, 1978. Ziller Tuiskon, 1812—1882. Grundlegung zur Lehre vom erziehenden Unterricht, Leipzig, 1865. Zirfas Jorg. Prasenz und Ewigkeit: eine Anthropologie des Gliicks, Berlin, 1993.
Educational anthropology is intermediary or mediator between all sciences about man, philosophy, religion and art, on the one hand, and theory and practice of education, on the other hand. Educational anthropology is naturally the hub of knowledge of man about man. This knowledge is called to give the basis to proper education. «If the pedagogics wants to bring up a human being in every respect, it should before learn him also in every respect», — this principle by Constantine D. Ushinsky (1824—1870) was and remains the constant truth for realistic pedagogics. «An educator should know as much as possible about man in his family, in his society and community, in all ages, all classes, all situations, in pleasure and trouble, in greatness and humiliation, in abundance of forces and in illness, among unlimited hopes and on a death-bed, when a word of a human consolation is already powerless», — contended Ushinsky. Parents, teachers, social workers, advisers — psychologists, any tutors and instructors require some understanding of social and individual world. They vitally need to know, what awaits their pupils in the near future, when the former pupils are pressed to manage without the help of the tutors, and how creative and destructive characters, murderers and tyrants, benefactors of mankind and oppressor are being brought up.
The text of the manual is made of adapted works by great men of culture and science. These works are reduced, partially retold, ter-minologically modernised, facilitated for easier understanding. The compiler of the manual bears the complete responsibility for their semantic authenticity. Educational — anthropological interpretation of these documents belongs also to the compiler. The bibliographic descriptions of the sources are given at the end of the book. With rare exception, specially stipulated in the appropriate cases, all texts are grouped on themes, and turned into the uniform document. Thus, the reader is to confront with a certain conditional collective author being of venerable age — he is not less than three thousand years old. And simultaneously this author is quite alive — in the ordinary and the figurative sense. In the first chapter the exigency, the feasibility, and the evolution of educational anthropology are considered. The second chapter «Education and Social Awareness» is devoted to pedagogical interpretation of the data of philosophy of religion, philosophy of knowledge, philosophy of art, philosophy of science, and history of philosophy. In the third chapter «Education and Historical Processes» some pedagogical conclusions from ethnology, historiography, history of culture, history of education, and futurology are considered. The materials assembled in the chapter «Education, Individual, and Society» represent the interpretation of works on social psychology, law, philosophy of law, politology, and ethics. The last chapter «Human Being—Education—Humankind» considers moulding of one's moral character under the influence of society as well as of some individuals (in particular). The data of various pedagogical sciences here are generalised. The leading theme of the book is the education for freedom. A corresponding characteristic curriculum is suggested. All chapters are accomplished with special questions and assignments designed for the application of theory to educational practice.
Foreword.................................................................................................................. 2 What is it - educational anthropology.................................................................... 8 The exigency of educational anthropology............................................................. 8 The feasibility of educational anthropology......................................................... 11 Sources and methods............................................................................................ 19 The evolution of educational anthropology.......................................................... 26 Education and social awareness............................................................................ 37 Faith..................................................................................................................... 37 Reason.................................................................................................................. 64 Feeling.................................................................................................................. 79 Sciences and scholarship...................................................................................... 92 Philosophy......................................................................................................... 118 Education and historical processes...................................................................... 141 Races and ethnic groups..................................................................................... 144 History of societies............................................................................................. 168 History of culture............................................................................................... 187 History of schooling........................................................................................... 213 The future........................................................................................................... 233 Education, individual and society....................................................................... 257 Social psychology.............................................................................................. 258 State and politics................................................................................................ 285 Rights and lack of them...................................................................................... 307
Power and powerlessness of evil........................................................................ 326 Triumph and defeat of love................................................................................ 358 Human being-education-mankind...................................................................... 399 Upbringing of a human being by the humankind............................................... 399 Upbringing of man by man................................................................................ 412 References............................................................................................................ 431 In the Russian language...................................................................................... 431 In Western languages.......................................................................................... 473 Summary............................................................................................................. 504
Предисловие............................................................................................................ 2 ЧТО ТАКОЕ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКАЯ АНТРОПОЛОГИЯ?............................... 8 Необходимость..................................................................................................... 8 Возможность....................................................................................................... 11 Источники и методы........................................................................................... 19 Эволюция............................................................................................................ 26 ПЕДАГОГИКА И ОБЩЕСТВЕННОЕ СОЗНАНИЕ...................................... 37 Вера..................................................................................................................... 37 Разум................................................................................................................... 64 Чувство................................................................................................................ 79 Наука................................................................................................................... 92 Философия........................................................................................................ 118 ПЕДАГОГИКА И ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОЦЕССЫ.................................... 141 Расы и этносы.................................................................................................... 144 История обществ............................................................................................... 168 История культуры............................................................................................ 187 История образования....................................................................................... 213 Будущее............................................................................................................. 233 ПЕДАГОГИКА, ЛИЧНОСТЬ И ОБЩЕСТВО............................................. 257 Социальная психология................................................................................... 258 Государство и политика................................................................................... 285 Право и бесправие............................................................................................ 307 Сила и бессилие зла.......................................................................................... 326 Поражения и победы любви............................................................................. 358 ЧЕЛОВЕК-ВОСПИТАНИЕ-ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВО........................................... 399 Воспитание человека обществом..................................................................... 399 Воспитание человека человеком...................................................................... 412 ИСТОЧНИКИ И ЛИТЕРАТУРА.................................................................... 431 Источники и литература на русском языке..................................................... 431 Источники и литература на иностранных языках.......................................... 473 Summary............................................................................................................. 504
Автор-составитель Борис Михайлович БИМ-БАД
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