Скрипт выполненного задания
I have chosen a photo number three. Last summer holidays were excellent. I took a lot of beautiful photos, and now I want to show you one of them. That’s great! Last August I managed to visit my dear cousin. You know, I remember that moment when I took this photo clearly. In this picture you can see my close relative. His name is John, and he is in his educational institution. You can pay attention to happy expressions of… happy expression of his face. I think his lifelong dream to become a professional cooker. And I am sure he wants to prepare tasty dishes and make people smile … because of it. I keep this photo in my album because it always reminds me about that great moment when I managed to took this picture. And it’s …. this photo always remind…reminds me of happy expression of my cousin’s face. I decided to show this picture to you because I know you have some problems with your mood and I’m sure when you look at this picture you immediately understand that life is brilliant and also you should try to make your dream reality.
ЗАДАНИЕ 8. Просмотрите скрипт ответа экзаменуемого на задание 3 вариант 1 (картинка 3). Какие лексико-грамматические ошибки допустил участник ЕГЭ? Скрипт выполненного задания I have chosen a photo number three. Last summer holidays were excellent. I took a lot of beautiful photos, and now I want to show you one of them. That’s great! Last August I managed to visit my dear cousin. You know, I remember that moment when I took this photo clearly. In this picture you can see my close relative. His name is John, and he is in his educational institution. You can pay attention to happy expressions of… happy expression of his face. I think his lifelong dream to become a professional cooker. And I am sure he wants to prepare tasty dishes and make people smile … because of it. I keep this photo in my album because it always reminds me about that great moment when I managed to took this picture. And it’s …. this photo always remind…reminds me of happy expression of my cousin’s face. I decided to show this picture to you because I know you have some problems with your mood and I’m sure when you look at this picture you immediately understand that life is brilliant and also you should try to make your dream reality. ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Отредактируйте скрипт так, чтобы обучающийся получил максимальную оценку за задание 3. Задание для участника ЕГЭ
· where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo · what is happening · why you keep the photo in your album · why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
Задание 3, вариант 1 (картинка 1), ответ 2 (скрипт) I have chosen picture number one. I took this photo three months ago when me and my sister was at the bookshop. In this photo you can see my sister, and she reads a book about cooking. And that was a good day for us because we decided to go to the shopping centre, and we found a shop of a lot of books. And my sister told me go to the shop. And in this photo my sister founds a very interesting book about cooking, and she tried to read this book. I keep the photo in my album because I want it to save a memory about how my sister beautiful in this moment, and because she was really beautiful. And I decided to show the picture to my friend because I wanted to show how beautiful my sister is. ЗАДАНИЕ 10. Прослушайте и оцените ответ № (051416)6858 на задание 3. Используйте критерии и дополнительную схему оценивания.
Задание 3
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