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Ex. 5.6. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

Ex. 5. 6. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. The management of a dairy cow doesn’t differ from that of beef-producing animal. 2. After birth a calf is put into another stall. 3. The first milk is called colostrum. 4. A calf usually sucks its dam for about a month.

5. Calves should be fed at regular intervals. 6. Calves are provided with whole milk until they reach 5 weeks of age. 7. Dry feeding starts from the age of 10 weeks. 8. Being on poor grass in summer, calves don’t require any other supplementary feed. 9. Heifers can come into heat at the age of 20 months of age. 10. Heifers are bred when a careful watch is kept upon them.

Ex. 5. 7. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations.

The management of a dairy cow, a daily process, the birth of a dairy calf, heifer calves, cattleman, a new-born calf, after calving, put into another stall, to feed whole milk, the udder of the cow, at regular intervals, milk substitute, supplementary feed.

Ex. 5. 8. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Период зрелости, после рождения, оставлять с матерью, начать сосать, молозиво, выделяется, сосать матку, пить молоко из ведра, вызывать понос, иметь доступ к, выгонять на пастбище, молодые телки, приходить в половую охоту, осеменять молодых телок.

Ex. 5. 9. Match the words with their definition.

1. milk   2. colostrum 3. udder 4. pail   5. to suck 6. stall   7. to secrete a) the organ that hangs below cow’s body and produces milk b) to draw liquid into the mouth c) a bucket made of wood or metal d) to produce a liquid substance (especially of an animal or plant organ) e) the first milk after giving birth a calf f) the white liquid produced by cows and goats which people drink and produce butter and cheese g) an enclosure for one animal in a barn or stable

Ex. 5. 10. Choose the correct item.

1. In winter the farmers will keep … in the cowsheds.

a) pigs b) cows c) pasture d) milk

2. Dual-purpose cattle provide both meat and ….

a) cheese b) colostrum c) milk d) roast beef


3. … from dairy breeds also provide excellent beef.

a) pail b) heifers c) concentrates d) udder

4. Meat from … that are less than 3 months old is called veal,

a) calves b) pigs c) cattle d) quality

5. Some think that the Angus is not large enough at ….

a) nursing b) suck c) weaning d) maturity

6. Shorthorns and Polled Shorthorns are used for ….

a) beef production b) hamburgers c) feeding d) calf

7. A cow carries her … in her body for nine months before she gives birth.

a) dam b) calf c) bull d) pig

8. In the fall the calves are ….

a) weaned b) processed c) fed d) adapted

Ex. 5. 11. Read the passage using the dictionary and find the meaning of the italicized words.

In the United States the word cattle usually means cows, bulls, steers, heifers and calves. A cow is a female and a bull is a male. Steers are males whose reproductive organs have been removed by an operation. A young cow is called a heifer until she gives birth to calf. A calf is a young heifer or bull. The mother of a calf is called a dam and the father is called a sire. A group of cattle is known as a herd.

Ex. 5. 12. Fill in the chat (see ex. 5. 11. ).

Female cattle Male cattle

Ex. 5. 13. Answer the following questions:

1. What purposes are cattle kept for? 2. Does the management of dairy herd differ from that of beef producing animals? 3. How many periods is the life of the dairy cow divided into? What are they? 4. Is the new-born calf weaned from its mother? 5. What do farmers usually feed new-born calves? 6. Where are new-born calves put into after weaning? 7. What feed are they provided with after weaning? 8. How many gallons of milk are they given a day? 9. Why are they given milk at the same temperature as milk from the udder of the cow? 10. When are they provided with hay? 11. What is dry feeding? 12. What age is dry feeding increased from? 13. What feeds are given when calves are on pasture? 14. When are young heifers bred?

 Ex. 5. 14. Tell your group-mates about calf’s management and care and different types of female and male cattle.

Ex. 5. 15. Express your opinion about the following questions.

1. Do Belarusian farmers wean or keep the new-born calf with its mother? 2. What feed are new-born calves given? 3. How long do new-born calves suck their mothers? 4. Are they put into another stall? 5. Are they fed whole milk? 6. Do Belarusian farmers face the problem of scours? 7. What are intervals between feeding? 8. What age are they given additional feeds?

9. When are calves turned out to pastures in Belarus? 10. Are they given any supplementary feeds being kept on good pasture in summer? 11. What age are they bred in Belarus?

Ex. 5. 16. Say about calf’s management and care in Belarus.

Ex. 5. 17. Read text B and do the tasks that follow.

Text B

Care and Management of Beef Calves

Beef calves generally need little attention when they are with their mothers on good pasture. A few days after birth, however, it is often best to take calves away from their mothers if the cows are to be milked. The calf should have its own mother’s milk for 4 or 5 days. Then it may drink milk from a pail.

A calf needs 3 or 4 pounds of whole milk daily for the first day or two after it is weaned. Sometimes a calf doesn’t drink from a pail. When this takes place one should not feed the calf until it gets hungry. When the calf gets hungry it will drink milk readily.

Skim milk may be given to the calf when it is two weeks old. As skim milk is low in vitamin A it is necessary to provide the calf with the feed rich in this vitamin until it begins to eat hay, silage or grass.

Calves should be turned out on pasture as soon as possible. If pasture is not available when calves are a month old, a growing crop may be cut and fed to them. A small quantity of silage may be fed until pasture is available.

On some farms beef calves are kept with their mothers on pasture; in this case calves may be given some supplementary feed in a creep.


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