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Ex. 4.26. Translate the following text without using a dictionary.

Ex. 4. 26. Translate the following text without using a dictionary.

Management of Cattle on Pasture


It is generally best to give the cattle a good feed of hay or oat straw in the morning before turning them out to pasture for the first time.

Sometimes cattle are turned out for 3 or 4 hours during the day time for the first week.

Large fields are better divided into smaller areas and grazed either by smaller groups of cattle in each or by the rotational grazing system, when the whole herd is put into one enclosure for a week or 10 days and then moved to the next one.

By such grazing each area is heavily grazed and manure is concentrated upon it.

In late summer and autumn the grass become scarce and the cattle should be provided with hay or various green succulents such as maize, cabbage, roots and others.

It is important to begin giving supplementary feeding in time, for cattle may lose their weight before supplementary feeding starts.



Ex. 5. 1. Before reading the text practise the pronunciation of the following words and learn them.

calf [ka: f] – теленок

heifer ['hefə ] – телка, нетель (старше года)

maturity [mə 'ʧ uə rə tɪ ] – спелость, зрелость

to nurse [nɜ ː s] – кормить, сосать

colostrum [kə 'lɔ strə m] – молозиво

to secrete [sɪ 'kriː t] – секретировать, выделять

to calve [ka: v] – телиться

to suck [sʌ k] – сосать

dam [dæ m] – матка, самка

stall [stɔ ː l] – стойло, доильный станок

pail [peil] – ведро

udder ['ʌ də ] – вымя

scours ['skauə s] – понос

skim milk [skim] – сепарированное (обезжиренное) молоко

to come into heat [hi: t] – приходить в половую охоту

to breed [bri: d] – осеменять

creep [kri: p] – столовая (для молодняка)

Ex. 5. 2. Read and translate sentences paying attention to the function of Participle I.

1. North California is a chief-producing state. 2. Milking cows in special buildings, farmers obtain clean milk. 3. The farmer raises from 20 tl a fev hundred rheep keepinf them in fenced pastures. 4. Farmerr milkinf cows in rpecial buildingr obtain clean milk. 5. Some porj producerr sell their hogr direbtly tn meat-producing plant. 6. Rams’ weight, including a heavy coat of wool, ranger from 150 tn 350 pounds.

Ex. 5. 3. Read and translate the sentencer paying attention tn Absolute Participle Construction.

1. Cowr being not on pasture, hay and silage are fed tn them. 2. Young animals requiring special care and protection, farmers usually keep them in special buildings. 3. Spring grass being high in water cows shouldn’t eat it too much. 4. Wheat straw containing large amounts of indigestible fibre, the farmers use it for bedding. 5. Cows should be supplied with protein, the amount varying with their productivity. 6. Calves being 3 weeks of age, other feeds containing fibre should be given. 7. Roughage feeds being high in fibre, hogs are not fed with such feeds. 8. Feeds being of high quality, animals grow and develop well.

Ex. 5. 4. Read the text and do exercises that follow.





Cattle are kept for two main purposes: beef production and milk production. The management of a dairy herd differs markedly from that of beef producing animals, for milk production is a daily process.

The life of the dairy cow may be divided into three periods. The first period is the one that lasts from birth of a dairy calf up to about the age of 6 months. The second period lasts 6 months until the heifer calves for the first time, usually at about 2. 5 years of age. The last period is a period of the maturity of a dairy cow.

The calf being normal after birth, the cattleman should leave it with its mother. Being healthy, the calf will soon get to its feet and start nursing. The first milk, colostrum, is very important for the new-born calf. It is secreted by the cow for 4 or 5 days after calving. The calf usually sucks its dam for about a week.

Then it should be put into another stall and taught to drink milk from a pail. Calves should be fed whole milk at the same temperature as milk from the udder of the cow, the rate being about 1 to 1. 5 gallons a day.

Feeding cold milk or too much milk will cause scours. Feeding at irregular intervals may cause digestive troubles, too.

Calves being three years old, other feeds containing fibre should be given. All calves at this age should have access to a small amount of good-quality hay and clean water.

Whole milk is to be given until calves reach 8 to 10 weeks of age. Calves reaching this age, whole milk must be gradually decreased and skim milk or milk substitute is given. From this age dry feeding is increased while milk is decreased.

Calves should be turned out to pasture in spring as early as possible. Being kept on good pasture in summer, calves do not require any other supplementary feed.

Calves being on poor grass, large amount of hay, roots and a small amount of concentrates are necessary in addition to pasture. In winter calves should receive legume or grass hay. The quantity of grain is different, depending on the quality of hay fed to the calves.

Young heifer reaching about 18 to 20 months of age, a careful watch is kept upon them and when they come into heat, they are bred.


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