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Ex.3.20. You visited some British dairy and beef farms. Tell about feeds and pastures used in Britain and compare them with ones used in Belarus.

Ex. 3. 20. You visited some British dairy and beef farms. Tell about feeds and pastures used in Britain and compare them with ones used in Belarus.

Ex. 3. 21. Before reading the text B practise the pronunciation of the following words. You will come across them in the text:

Calcium ['kæ lsɪ ə m], chlorine ['klɔ ː riː n], cobalt ['kə ubɔ ː lt], copper ['kɔ pə ], iodine ['aɪ ə diː n], zinc [zɪ ŋ k], magnesium [mæ g'niː zɪ ə m], sulfur ['sʌ lfə ], sodium ['sə udɪ ə m], iron ['aɪ ə n], potassium [pə 'tæ sɪ ə m], caroten ['kæ rə tiː n], phosphorous ['fɔ sf(ə )rə s], manganese ['mæ ŋ gə niː z].

Ex. 3. 22. Guess the meaning of the words from ex. 3. 21.

Ex. 3. 23. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.


Feeding Dairy Cattle

Nutritious pasture grasses, hay and silage are the most economical sources of nutrients for dairy cattle. Thirteen mineral elements are necessary for the health, growth and reproduction of all animals.

These minarals are calcium, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, magnasium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, sulfur and zinc.

Even the best forages do not contain enough sodium and chlorine. Salt is fed to correct this deficiency. Some forages are deficient in calcium and phosphorous.

Mineral mixture should be fed in this case to provide the cattle with the necessary amount of calcium and phosphorous.

Dairy cows must have forages high in caroten to produce milk rich in vitamin A. Green grasses and legumes from fertile pastures provide all the caroten that dairy cows need.

For the most economical milk production about 80 per cent of the nutrients required by dairy cows should come from green forage, hay and silage. High-producing herds need grain and protein concentrates in addition to forages.

In planning rations for dairy cattle one must select feeds that provide sufficient amounts of the necessary nutrients. One should provide enough carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water. The problem of feeding the dairy herd in winter differs from those of summer feeding.

Winter Feeding. For the winter ration, legume hay should be the main roughage feed. Good-quality hay is leafy and green in colour. Silage is a good roughage for winter feeding. Corn silage is low in protein but it provides carbohydrates for energy. Grass crops and legumes are also used to make silage.

Legume silage is higher in protein than either grass or corn silage. If low protain hay such as tymothy hay is fed, a grain mixture must be fed to provide increased protein. High-producing cows require more protein than low-producing ones. Feed the grain mixture to each cow in the herd in proportion to the milk produced by her.

Summer Feeding. Good pasture is the best feed for dairy cows. Pasture grasses provide cows with vitamin A. Pasture is also desirable because it is an economical form of feed. Even when pastures are good, high-producing cows need some grain. When pastures become scarce additional nutrients can be provided by feeding silage and hay.

Ex. 3. 24. Mention all mineral elements that are necessary for farm animals.

Ex. 3. 25. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Farmers must plant rations for dairy cattle. 2. Forage is the most economical source of nutrients for dairy cattle. 3. Some forages are fed to provide dairy cows with carotene. 4. Green grasses and legumes are additives to forage. 5. Salt is used to correct the deficiency of sodium and chlorine. 6. Ration of cattle in winter and summer feeding is usually the same. 7. For the winter ration grain is the main roughage feed. 8. Grass and corn silage is higher in protein than legume silage. 9. Tymothy hay is used to provide increased protein. 10. Silage is the best feed for dairy cow in summer feeding. 11. Pasture is an economical form of feed. 12. Silage and hay are provided in summer feeding when pastures become scarce.

Ex. 3. 26. Answer the following questions.

1. What elements are necessary for the health, growth and reproduction of all animals? 2. What are the most economical sources of nutrients for dairy cattle? 3. What is salt used to? 4. What are some forages deficient in?

5. What feeds provide all the carotene that dairy cows need? 6. What feeds do most nutrient required by dairy cows come from? 7. What do high-producing herds need in addition to forages? 8. What is the main roughage feed for the winter ration? 9. What is the best feed for dairy cows in summer? Why? 10. What feeds are used for winter feeding? 11. What other feeds are used for summer feeding? Why?

Ex. 3. 27. Fill in the chat.

Feed Deficient in Is corrected by feeding
forage corn  silage tymothy hay    

Ex. 3. 28. Translate the following expressions into Russian and make up your own sentences.

Be sources of nutrients, to contain enough, be deficient in, to correct deficiency, high in, high-producing herds, in addition to, in planning rations, to provide sufficient amount of, good quality hay, winter feeding, be low (high) in, make silage, scarce pastures.

Ex. 3. 29. Answer the following questions.

1. Do Belarusian farmers use salt in feeding cattle? 2. Do cows suffer from the deficiency of nutrients on collective and state farms? 3. What can you say about the rations of cattle in Belarus? 4. Does winter feeding in Belarus differ from summer one? 5. What are the main feeds in winter ration in Belarus? 6. What are the main feeds used in summer ration of cattle in Belarus?


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