Ex. 6.9. Read text B and do the tasks that follow.
Ex. 6. 9. Read text B and do the tasks that follow. Text B Ex. 6. 10. Before reading the text practise the pronunciation of the following words and learn them. reproduction [ˌ riː prə 'dʌ kʃ (ə )n] – воспроизводство reproducer [ˌ riː prə 'djuː sə ] – воспроизводитель propagate ['prɔ pə geɪ t] – размножать, разводить Simmental [ˈ sɪ m(ə )ntɑ ː l] – симменталь Brown Swiss [braun swɪ s] – бурая швицкая порода Holstein Black-and-White ['hə ʊ lstaɪ n ˌ blæ k(ə )n(d)'waɪ t] – голштинская чёрно-белая порода Hereford ['herɪ fə d] – херефордская или герефордская порода housing ['hauzɪ ŋ ] – помещение для содержания скота management ['mæ nɪ ʤ mə nt] – содержание, уход state-of-the-art [ˌ steɪ tə vð ɪ 'ɑ ː t] – новейший, передовой software ['sɔ ftweə ] – программное обеспечение semen ['siː mə n] – семя, сперма genomic [ʤ ɪ n'ɔ mɪ k] – геномный embryo ['embrɪ ə u] – зародыш, эмбрион transfer ['træ n(t)sfɜ ː ] – перенос, пересадка, трансплантация Ex. 6. 11. Read and translate the text. EkoNiva’s livestock breeding enterprises have been engaged in reproduction of cattle since 2006. The enterprises in the Voronezh, Kursk, Kaluga and Novosibirsk regions hold the status of Reproducers of cattle. Propagated breeds: Simmental dairy/beef breed, Brown Swiss, Holstein Black-and-White, Red-and-White, and Hereford. All agricultural enterprises raise top quality young breeding stock and implement effective livestock housing and herd management systems, employ state-of-the-art milking and health care technologies and use advanced software systems such as Selex and Dairy Plan (GEA Farm Technologies). The company uses semen of bulls of western genetics (Germany, Austria, the USA, and Canada) for herd reproduction. In order to increase the breeding stock and accelerate genetic progress of the herd, all enterprises holding the status of Reproducers and stock-breeding plants use semen of genomic bulls. The company is planning to start implementing embryo transfer in the nearest future. Ex. 6. 12. Answer the following questions. 1. What have EkoNiva’s enterprises been engaged in? 2. What breeds do EkoNiva’s enterprises propagate? 3. What herd management systems are implemented at the EkoNiva’s enterprises? 4. Are advanced software systems employed at the EkoNiva’s enterprises? 5. What semen is used for herd reproduction? 6. What new technique are EkoNiva’s enterprises planning to implement?
Ex. 6. 13. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Приручение животных позволило человеку обеспечить себя важными продуктами питания. 2. Многочисленные породы скота появились в период с 13-го по 17-ый века в Европе, Азии, и Северной Америке. 3. Развитие современной науки позволило усовершенствовать методы разведения племенного скота. 4. Такие качества сельскохозяйственных животных, как экстерьер, развитие и продуктивность, являются важными в селекции. 5. Применение эффективных методов содержания скота, самых новейших технологий доения и кормления позволяет получать высокие экономические показатели. 6. Разведение племенного скота находится под общим управлением министерства сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Республики Беларусь. 7. В ближайшем будущем такой метод, как трансплантация зародыша, будет применятья на всех крупных животноводческих комплексах. Ex. 6. 14. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations. Nearest future, stock-breeding plant, genetic progress, implementing, status of reproducer, state-of-the-art technologies, health care, agricultural enterprise, beef breed, reproduction of cattle, top quality, western genetics, software, management system, dairy breed. Ex. 6. 15. Translate the following text using a dictionary. The proper management of breeding work requires optimum conditions of feeding and maintenance and accurate pedigree registrations, which can be effectively processed by means of the latest computer technology. The following organizational measures have proved helpful to the development of breeding work: the planned distribution of breeds (breed zonation), the maintenance of studbooks, the organization of exhibitions, the showing and auctioning of animals, and the creation of coucils for different breeds in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. In the Russian Federation, the animals are bred at specialized pedigree stock farms, breeding and artificial insemination stations and incubator houses. Research institutes, experiment stations, and special subdepartments at agricultural institutions work on theoretical problems and practical methods and generalize the facts obtained from breeding experiments with different species and breeds. The breeding of pedigree stock is under the general direction of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Outside the Russian Federation, this work is usually directed by associations of animal owners and by private and cooperative livestock-raising organizations.
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