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Ex. 5.18. Answer the following questions.

Ex. 5. 18. Answer the following questions.

1. Do beef calves need little or much attention when they are with their mothers on good pasture? 2. What age are they taken away from their mothers? 3. What may they drink milk from after weaning? 4. What should be done if a calf doesn’t want to drink from a pail? 5. What age are they given skim milk? 6. Why is it necessary to provide beef calves with additional feed when they are given skim milk? 7. What feed are they provided with? 8. When should they be turned out to pasture? 9. What do farmers provide beef calves with if pasture is not available? 10. When are calves given supplementary feed in a creep? 11. Are there any differences in management of dairy and beef calves?

Ex. 5. 19. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Первое молоко называется молозиво. 2. Оно выделяется в течение нескольких дней после отела. 3. Теленок сосет свою мать в течение недели. 4. Теленка отнимают от матери и ставят в другое стойло. 5. Когда теленка кормят холодным молоком, это вызывает понос. 6. Телят кормят цельным молоком в течение 8-10 недель. А затем им дают сепарированное молоко и другие корма. 7. После отъема телят кормят из ведра. 8. Сепарированное молоко бедно витамином А. Поэтому телятам дают силос, траву и сено. 9. Телят выращивают на пастбище весной. 10. В возрасте 18-20 месяцев молодые телки приходят в половую охоту и их осеменяют.

Ex. 5. 20. Fill in the gaps with the words or word-combinations from the text. See the prompts below.

Some days after birth calves … (1) from their mothers. Irregular feeding causes … (2). After weaning calves drink milk from a … (3). Calves … (4) their dams for about a week. Colostrum is very important for a … (5) calf. … (6) milk is low in vitamin A. Milk is … (7) with the … (8). Calves should be … (9) to pasture in spring. When a calf is taken away from its mother, it should be put into another … (10). At the age of 18-20 months young heifers being watched carefully come into … (11). Sometimes beef calves are given some supplementary feed in a … (12).

Prompts: newly-born, are taken away, turned out, scours, creep, suck, heat, pail, secreted, skim, stall, udder.

Ex. 5. 21. Insert necessary prepositions.

1. In summer cows are kept … pasture. 2. In addition … milk a calf is given silage or grass. 3. Calves should be fed … regular intervals. 4. Some feeds are low … vitamins. 5. When calves are put … another stall, cattleman teaches them to drink milk … a pail. 6. Newly-born dairy calves are taken … … their mothers at the age of 7 days. 7. Whole milk should be … the same temperature as milk from the udder of the cow. 8. When heifers are kept well they come … heat at the age of 20 months. 9. In spring calves are turned... to pasture as soon as possible.

Ex. 5. 22. Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

1. Many … use a process called artificial insemination to improve the quality of their stock. 2. Beef cattle have also been bred to … earlier than dairy cattle. 3. Hereford also require less care and … than many large breeds. 4. Shorthorns and Polled Shorthorns are used for beef …. 5. After the birth of the calf, the cow usually gives … for about 10 months. 6. When cows no longer give milk, they usually are sent to a livestock market for … into beef. 7. The farmer or rancher sells the … calves to farmers. 8. Hogs today … faster on less food and produce more lean meat than were raised in the past. 9. The grain is mixed with protein …, such as soybean, meal or meat by-products. 10. To improve the offspring only …, vigourous rams are chosen for breeding purposes. 11. Little grain is fed to the ram when … are good. TO BREED MATURITY ATTENTIVE TO PRODUCE TO MILK TO PROCESS TO WEAN GROWTH SUPPLEMENTARY HEALTH   TO PASTURE

Ex. 5. 23. Read the passage using the dictionary and find the meaning of the italicized words.

Cows have a suspendedorgan called an udder which holds their milk. The udder hangs from the cow’s body between and in front of the hind legs. The udder has four sections, that hold milk. When a cow is milked by hand, pressure causes the milk to skirt out of the udder through large nipples called teats. Today farmers rarely milk their cows by hand. They use electrically operated milking machines. Milking machines use suction to draw the milk from the cow’s udder into a container.

Mastitis is the most costly disease of dairy cattle. The disease is caused by germs, that enter the udder. The germs do the greatest damage when the udder is injured orexposed to cold, wet surfaces. The udder then becomes hard, swollen and painful. Mastitis causes a drop in milk production and quality. Antibiotics can be used effectively in treatment.

Ex. 5. 24. You are a private farmer. A newspaper correspondent came to see your farm. Answer his questions.

1. How many cows do you have? 2. Do you keep cattle for beef or milk production? 3. What breeds do you keep? 4. How much milk do they produce? 5. Do you milk them by hand or use milking machines? 6. Do you face the problem of mastitis? 7. Where do you keep your cows in winter? In summer? 8. Do you breed your cows? 9. Do you wean a newly-born calf or leave it with its mother? Why? 10. What age do you put a calf into another stall? 11. What feeds do you use for calves? 12. When do you turn your calves out to pasture? 13. How long are they kept on pastures? 14. Are they given any supplementary feed? 15. Do you buy any feeds? What do you buy feeds? 16. What breeds are more productive for Belarus? 17. Do you sell milk? Where? 18. Is your farm profitable? Why?


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