Ex.3.30. Tell your groupmates about winter and summer feeding of cattle in Belarus.
Ex. 3. 30. Tell your groupmates about winter and summer feeding of cattle in Belarus. Ex. 3. 31. Read and translate the text without using a dictionary. The Importance of Water for Farm Animals Water is very important for farm animals. They should be provided with the necessary amount of water every day. The quantity of water required by the animals depends on the nature of the feed, the activity of the animal and the season as well. The water content of feeds varies greatly. Roots, for instance, are about 88 per cent water, while hay is only 15 per cent. Dairy cows must be supplied with large amounts of water for milk production as milk is high in water. A high-yielding dairy cow will drink as much as 8–10 gallons of water per day. In warm weather and after eating hay cows require more water than in cold weather and after eating succulent feeds. Water given to the animals should be clean. It should not be very cold or very warm. UNIT 4 Ex. 4. 1. Before reading the text practise the pronunciation of the following words and learn them.
Ex. 4. 2. Read the words and translate them into Russian paying attention to the prefix un-: Favourable – unfavourable, attentive – unattentive, profitable – unprofitable, productive – unproductive, necessary – unnecessary. Ex. 4. 3. Read these groups of words and translate them into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the suffixes. To feed – feeding – feeds, to fatten – fattening – fattened, to breed – breeding – breed, to graze – grazing – grazed, to mix – mixing – mixture, to keep – keeping – kept, to maintain – maintaining – maintenance. Ex. 4. 4. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to word “provided”. 1. Hogs grow and develop rapidly, provided they are fed and managed properly. 2. Children are fallowed to use the swimming pool, provided they are with an adult. 3. Children were permitted into the hall, provided they sat at the back. 4. It would be pleasant to live in Glasgow, provided you were living in a nice flat. 5. I will go, provided you come with me.
Ex. 4. 5. Look through the first passage of the text and answer the question. What cattle do well with very little care? Ex. 4. 6. Read and translate the text. Do tasks that follow. TEXT A Fattening Cattle
Unlike dairy cattle beef animals may do well with very little care. But like all other animals they are healthier and produce higher quality beef provided they are properly fed and managed. Best beef breeds are known to be those that mature early, are fattened rapidly and whose quality of meet is high. The fattening of cattle is a common practice on farms where both beef cattle and corn are raised. Some other grain crops are suitable for feeding beef cattle as well. They are wheat, barley and sorghum. There are many different systems of fattening beef cattle. The method to be used depends on many factors. Some of them are the region, the age of the cattle to be fattened, the quality of pasture to be used and others. The system of fattening on grass is mainly practised in regions where pasture provides most of the feed throughout the year. In recent years the use of pasture in fattening cattle has been increased in the United States. Even in areas where winter grazing is possible, reserves of hay or other roughages or some concentrates to be fed during the periods of drought or unfavourable winter weather should be provided. Pasture and other roughages should be both high in quality and sufficient in quantity to maintain the rate of gain of 1 pound or more per day. There are many farmers who follow another method of fattening cattle. Cattle are kept on good pasture up to midseason. Then they are properly fed dry feeds for 3 or 4 months. They are to be supplied with legure or mixed hay, shelled corn or other grains and sometimes high-protain feed. This system is known as fattening in the dry lot. Having been fattened by this method cattle will be in fair flesh provided they are supplied with highly nutritious and high-quality feeds. Unlike the system of fattening cattle on pasture, the system of fattening in the dry lot is more effective though it is a more expensive one. Ex. 4. 7. Find in the text English equivalents of the following expressions. Copy the expressions and use them in the sentences of your own. Кормить и содержать надлежащим образом; созревать рано; откорм скота; подходить для откорма; возраст скота; в течение года; зимний выпас; период засухи; поддерживать скорость прироста; в день; содержать скот на хорошем пастбище; обеспечивать обмолоченной кукурузой; откорм на откормочной площадке; быть упитанным.
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