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Ex. 5.25. On the base of questions from ex. 5.24. tell your group-mates about your farm.

Ex. 5. 25. On the base of questions from ex. 5. 24. tell your group-mates about your farm.


Ex. 6. 1. Before reading the text practise the pronunciation of the following words and learn them.

pedigree ['pedɪ griː ] – племенной, породистый

stock breeding [stɔ k 'briː dɪ ŋ ] – разведение скота

domestication [də ˌ mestɪ 'keɪ ʃ (ə )n] – приручение животных

Common Era ['kɔ mə n 'ɪ ə rə ] – наша эра

to derive [dɪ 'raɪ v] – получать, извлекать

matching ['mæ ʧ ɪ ŋ ] – подбор

rearing ['rɪ ə rɪ ŋ ] – разведение; выращивание

maintenance ['meɪ nt(ə )nə n(t)s] – содержание

condition [kə n'dɪ ʃ (ə )n] – условие

artificial [ˌ ɑ ː tɪ 'fɪ ʃ (ə )l] – искусственный,

insemination [ɪ nˌ semɪ 'neɪ ʃ (ə )n] – оплодотворение, осеменение

sire ['saɪ ə ] – производитель (самец, производящий потомство)

genotype ['ʤ enə utaɪ p] – генотип

genealogy [ˌ ʤ iː nɪ 'æ lə ʤ ɪ ] – генеалогия, происхождение, родословная

collateral relative [kə 'læ t(ə )r(ə )l 'relə tɪ v] – родственник по боковой линии

half-sister ['hɑ ː fˌ sɪ stə ] – сестра по одному из родителей

half-brother ['hɑ ː fˌ brʌ ð ə ] – брат по одному из родителей

offspring ['ɔ fsprɪ ŋ ] – потомок

to segregate ['segrɪ geɪ t] – отделять, обособлять

reproducing [ˌ riː prə 'djuː sɪ ŋ ] – воспроизводящий;

group [gruː p] – группа

Ex. 6. 2. Translate the word combinations paying attention to the model given.

Model: domestication ways – способы приручения.

Pedigree animals, selection period, quality development, selection improvement, theory elaboration, stock matching, productivity rate, method introduction, science achievement, animal production, maintenance condition, animal genotype.

Ex. 6. 3. Look through the text and answer the question: What is the effect of artificial insemination in livestock-raising?

Ex. 6. 4. Read and translate the text.

Text A

Pedigree Stock Breeding


The systematic breeding of pedigree animals was preceded by a long period of selection by man, beginning with the domestication of animals and the gradual developing economically valuable qualities in them.

The results of efforts to improve sheep, horses and dogs were already evident several thousand years before the Common Era. Between the 13th and 17th centuries, new breeds of agricultural animals were developed in Europe, Asia, and North America. These animals were subsequently distributed all over the world. Valuable horse, cattle, and sheep breeds were popularly bred in 18th-and 19th-century Russia.

The development of the natural sciences led to elaboration of the theory of pedigree stock breeding and to improvement of the methods used. The main principles are derived from the achievements of modern biology. The most important elements of breeding are selection, matching, and proper rearing of the young animals.

Selection is preceded by an evaluation of animals in terms of their conformation, development, and productivity. In commercial livestock raising, the animals are judged for suitability to maintenance conditions at large livestock-raising complexes.

The development of artificial insemination and its introduction into livestock-raising reduced the need for sires and made it possible to select the most valuable animals. It became essential to establish the genotype of the animals from their genealogy, their collateral relatives (chiefly half-sisters and half-brothers on the paternal side), and the quality of their offspring.

Knowledge of the genealogy of agricultural animals is extremely important for evaluating young stock and selecting young sires for artificial insemination. Valuable animals are segregated into a reproducing group and the best of their offspring are left for breeding.

Ex. 6. 5. Answer the following questions.

1. Did the long period of animal selection lead to systematic breeding of pedigree animals? 2. When were the new breeds of agricultural animals developed? 3. Valuable horse, cattle, and sheep breeds were popularly bred in 15th-century Russia, weren’t they? 4. What are the most important elements of breeding in modern biology? 5. What are the animals in commercial raising judged for? 6. Is the knowledge of the genealogy of agricultural animals important?

Ex. 6. 6. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations.

Reproducing group, improvement, productivity, young sire, offspring, artificial insemination, valuable animal, commercial livestock, suitability, main principle, gradual developing, paternal side, valuable quality.

Ex. 6. 7. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Результаты усилий, несколько тысяч лет, сельскохозяйственные животные, породы овец, ценная порода лошадей, естественные науки, используемый метод, важный элемент, условия содержания, животноводческие комплексы, установить генотип.

Ex. 6. 8. Complete the sentences.

1. Valuable animals (отделяются) into a reproducing group and (самые лучшие из их потомков) are left for breeding. 2. The development of (искусственное осеменение) and its introduction into livestock-raising (снизили потребность) for sires. 3. The development of the (естественных наук) led to (разработке) of the theory of (разведение племенного скота) and to improvement of the methods used. 4. The most (важные элементы) of breeding are (селекция, подбор и правильное разведение) of the young animals. 5. Selection is preceded by an (оценка животных) in terms of their (экстерьера, развития и продуктивности).


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