Passive Voice. Ex. 6.26. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Article. Ex. 6.27. Fill in the blanks with a or an.
Passive Voice Ex. 6. 26. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. A new house is being built here. 2. The proposal is being heatedly discussed for an hour. 3. This copy has not been read. 4. She was given a clock. 5. His name was not mentioned at the meeting. 6. The work has not been done yet. 7. The books will be returned to the library in time. 8. You are not allowed to smoke here. 9. The girl wasn't allowed to go to the concert. 10. They were not invited to the party. 11. The letter has been sent off. 12. The tape-recorder is already repaired. 13. The letter must be answered at once. 14. He has been told everything. 15. This article will be translated into English. 16. The light has not been switched off. 17. When we returned the door had already been locked. 18. Betty was met at the station. 19. They will not be given this information until Friday. 20. The car has been stolen.
Ex. 6. 27. Fill in the blanks with a or an. 1. That flower is... rose. 2. This is... English class. 3. I spent... hour and... half to fulfil my homework. 4. It takes me half... hour to get to the station. 5. A football match is... interesting thing. 6. That is... hotel. 7. ... apple is... fruit. 8. This is... historical monument. 9. My mother has... headache. 10. ... hotel room in New York is very expensive. Ex. 6. 28. Insert the if necessary. 1. ... youngest boy has just started going to... school, ... eldest boy is at... college. 2. She lives on... top floor of an old house. When... wind blows, all... windows rattle. 3. Do you know... time? — Yes, ... clock in... hall has just struck nine. 4. Peter's at... office but you could get him on... phone. There's a telephone box just round... corner. 5. ... family hotels are... hotels which welcome... parents and... children. 6. Did you come by... air? — No, I came by... sea. I had a lovely voyage on... Queen Elisabeth II. 7. On... Sundays my father stays in... bed till eleven o'clock, reading... Sunday papers. 8. Then he gets up, puts on... old clothes, has... breakfast and starts... work in... garden. Ex. 6. 29. Supply the, a/an or no article. 1. Who opened... windows? 2. She lives in... centre of Glasgow. 3. I'd like... glass of water. 4. ... man in... next flat is French. 5. He's... oldest child in... school. 6. Who's... girl by... piano? 7. Today is... only day that I'm free. 8. Which coat is yours? ... red one. 9. There's... nice garden near my house. 10. This is... room I work in. 11. My grandparents live in... country. 12. ... windows give me... view of... garden.
Number Ex. 6. 30. Give the plurals of the following nouns. 1) Hat, box, day, desk, clock, bus, list, toy, address, brush, face, family, puppy, book, wife, scarf, knife, video, tomato, tree, zoo, shop, man, woman, child, tooth, foot, goose, ox, sheep, deer, means, volcano, church.
2) Schoolboy, postman, hotel-keeper, mother-in-law, passerby, man-servant, woman-doctor, businessman, step-daughter, fingertip, customs-house, housewife, forget-me-not, Englishman. Ex. 6. 31. Make these sentences plural. 1. She's a pretty girl. 2. A hen is a bird. 3. Where's the key of the door? 4. He's a pilot. 5. There's a car behind you. 6. The tooth is broken. 7. There's a bird on the tree. 8. A woman is busier than a man. 9. Here's a pen and a pencil. 10. A lazy boy isn't a good pupil. Ex. 6. 32. Make these sentences singular. 1. The cats caught the mice. 2. Open the windows and shut the doors, please. 3. We saw geese and foxes. 4. The teachers gave some lessons in grammar. 5. The birds were singing in the bushes. 6. The oxen ate the grass. 7. The leaves fell from the trees. 8. The boys had watches. 9. His feet were large. 10. There were pictures on the walls of the rooms.
Adjective Ex. 6. 33. Give the comparative and the superlative forms of the following adjectives. Cheap, fine, late, full, funny, good, boring, hard, handsome, honest, interesting, lazy, light, old, nervous, sad, soft, far, violent, wet, silly, stupid, uncomfortable, useful, little, young, had, fresh, important, many, pretty. Ex. 6. 34. Supply as... as: not as/so... as. 1. My friend is... clever... his brother. 2. He's... brave... a lion. 3. She isn't... beautiful... her mother. 4. He isn't... young... his wife. 5. The film isn't... interesting... the book. 6. The sea is... blue... the sky. 7. December is... cold... January. 8. The boys are... strong... their father. 9. The clouds are... white... snow. 10. My old flat isn't... comfortable... the new one. 11. My sister isn't... young... yours. 12. Their mistakes aren't... bad... ours. Ex. 6. 35. Complete the sentences with a comparative and than. 1. She's much... her husband, (young). 2. It's a... day... yesterday, (warm). 3. The vegetables in this shop are... the ones in the supermarket, (fresh). 4. The train is... the bus. (expensive). 5. This new TV programme is much... the old one. (funny). 6. Mrs. Davies is a... teacher... Mr. Andrews, (good). 7. My office is... Helen's, (near). 8. The traffic is... it was last year, (noisy). 9. You have a... life... I have, (busy). 10. Drivers in this country are... drivers in my country, (careless). Supplementary Reading
The Digestive System of Farm Animals Vocabulary digestive [daɪ 'ʤ estɪ v] – пищеварительный anus ['eɪ nə s] – задний проход vent [vent] – анальное отверстие у птиц и рыб alimentary canal [ˌ æ lɪ 'ment(ə )rɪ kə 'næ l] – пищеварительный тракт enzyme ['enzaɪ m] – энзим, фермент to secrete [si'kri: t] – выделять excrement ['ekskrə mə nt] – экскременты, испражнение muscle ['mʌ sl] – мышца, мускул to swallow ['swɔ lə u] – глотать jaw [ʤ ɔ ː ] – челюсть ruminate ['ruː mɪ neɪ t] – жевать жвачку rumen ['ruː men] – рубец
ruminant ['ruː mɪ nə nt] – жвачный to regurgitate [rɪ 'gɜ ː ʤ ɪ teɪ t] – изрыгать to chew [ʧ uː ] – жевать oesophagus [iː 'sɔ fə gə s] – пищевод cud [kʌ d] – жвачка molar teeth ['mə ulə tiː θ ] – коренные зубы reticulum [rɪ ˈ tɪ kjʊ lə m] – второй отдел желудка (жвачного животного) to release [rɪ 'liː s] – освобождать omasum ['ə umeɪ sə m] – третий отдел желудка (жвачного животного) crop [krɔ p] – зоб (у птиц) abomasum [ˌ abə ʊ ˈ meɪ sə m] – сычуг, четвертый отдел желудка (жвачного животного) intestine [ɪ n'testɪ n] – кишечник, кишки fibrous ['faɪ brə s] – волокнистый, жилистый caecum ['siː kə m] – слепая кишка gizzard ['gɪ zə d] – второй желудок (у птиц) to grind up [graɪ nd [ʌ p] – измельчать, размалывать Ex. 1. Read and translate the text. When an animal eats, the food passes along the digestive tract. This is the tube which runs from the mouth to the anus, or, in the case of poultry, the vent. It is known as the alimentary canal. Into this tube digestive juices or enzymes are secreted. These enzymes break down the food into a form which the animal can digest, or absorb into its body through the blood- stream and use. The undigested part is rejected in the form of excrement. For example, food protein is broken down into amino acids. These substances are the basic building blocks of body protein. They are absorbed into the body and used to build new proteins in the animal such as muscle and milk. Different types of farm animals have different alimentary tracts. Cattle have slightly developed stomach systems which are made up of four parts. When a cow eats grass, it doesn't chew it but swallows it at once. The grass passes down the oesophagus to the first stomach, or rumen, where it is stored. When the cow has filled its first stomach, it often lies down. But, it goes on moving its jaws. This is because it is ruminating. The cow brings up, or regurgitates, some of the grass from its first stomach for a second chewing, or cudding, with its molar teeth. When the grass is well chewed and broken down, the cow swallows it again. This time the food goes into the second stomach, or reticulum, where organisms start to attack the cellulose in the grass in order to release the nutrients which are enclosed within the cells walls. From here, the food passes through the omasum into the fourth stomach, or abomasum, into which the digestive juices are secreted. These enzymes kill the organisms in the food and make them available for digestion. Digestion and absorbtion of nutrients takes place in the small intestine. What remains undigested is then rejected through the anus as excrement. Cows and other animals with similar stomach systems ruminate because their digestive systems are made to digest and transform roughages. These are fibrous materials such as hay, grass and straw. Hence, cows, goats, sheep and camels are known as ruminants. Non-ruminants such as pigs and poultry have a single or simple stomach in which the acid digestive juices exist. Such stomachs are unsuitable for the activity of organisms. In these animals the caecum is the place where there is most organism activity. However, since the products of this organ will pass out of the animal, the activity of organisms in the caecum is of limited value. Poultry have a crop which stores food before it enters the digestive tract. The gizzard is a muscular organ which grinds up the food in order to make digestion easier.
Differences in the digestive system of animals are reflected in different feeding practices. Ruminants are fed mainly roughages. The stomach organisms use the protein in the roughages and non-protein nitrogenous substances to manufacture their own body protein. Non-ruminants can make little use of hay and straw, unless the caecum is highly developed, as it is in the horse. This is becuuse no conversion of the roughage takes place in their stomachs. Therefore, non-ruminants arc fed on higher quality proteins such as barley and maize or fish and bone meal. However, the very young ruminant is treated as a non-ruminant as regards food protein until its stomach is fully developed. Ex. 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following: Digestive tract, alimentary canal, digestive juice, basic building block of body, to release the nutrients, to digest and transform roughages, fibrous material, unsuitable, to reflect, non-protein nitrogenious substance, bone meal. Ex. 3. Translate into Russian: Пищеварительный сок, разлагать, белок, пищевод, желудок, жвачный, коренные зубы, второй отдел желудка, третий отдел желудка, сычуг, непереваренный, волокнистый, мышечный орган.
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