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Ex.4. Say whether the following statements are "false" or "true" according to the text.

Ex. 4. Say whether the following statements are " false" or " true" according to the text.

1. The undigested part is absorbed into the body. 2. Different animals have the same alimentary tracks. 3. A cow eats grass and swallows it at once. 4. From reticulum the food passes into omasum where the digestive juices are secreted. 5. Ruminants are fed mainly roughages. 6. Poultry have a crop which grinds up the food. 7. Cows, sheep and camels are known as ruminants. 8. Non-ruminants are fed on higher quality proteins.

Ex. 5. Answer the following questions.

1. How do the enzymes which are secreted into the digestive tract function? 2. Why are amino acids so important? 3. How is food protein used to build up muscle and milk? 4. What is a cow doing when it is ruminating?

5. Why is it necessary to break down the cellulose in roughage? 6. Why are cows and goats, etc, classified as ruminants? 7. What effect does the difference in the alimentary tract of different animals have on animal husbandry? 8. Why can it be costly to bring up non-ruminants?



Food Requirements



intestinal [ɪ n'testɪ n(ə )l] – кишечный

cell [sel] – клетка

tissue ['tɪ ʃ uː ] – ткань

starch [stɑ ː ʧ ] – крахмал

lactating animals [lakˈ teɪ tŋ 'æ nɪ m(ə )lz] – лактирующие животные

draught animals [drɑ ː ft 'æ nɪ m(ə )lz] – рабочий скот

glycerol consumption [ˈ glɪ s(ə )rɒ l kə n'sʌ m(p)ʃ (ə )n] – потребление глицерина

extract [ɪ k'stræ kt] – извлекать, удалять

residue ['rezɪ djuː ] – остаток, осадок

fibre ['faɪ bə ] – волокно

lignin [ˈ lɪ gnɪ n] – лигнин

species ['spiː ʃ iː z] – вид, род, порода

sufficient [sə 'fɪ ʃ (ə )nt] – достаточный

pregnant ['pregnə nt] – беременная

foetus ['fiː tə s] – утробный плод

placenta [plə 'sentə ] – плацента, мн. м. placentae [plə ’sentiː ]

fever ['fiː və ] – жар, лихорадка

sweating ['swetɪ ŋ ] – потливость

oz (ounce) [aun(t)s] – унция ( 28, 35г)

lb (pound) [paund] – фунт (373, 2г)

cwt (hundredweight) ['hʌ ndrə dweɪ t] – центнер (в Соединенном Королевстве 112 фунтов = 50, 8 кг, в США 100 фунтов = 45, 3 кг)

sterilized ['ster(ə )laɪ zd] – стерилизованный

steamed [stiː md] – пропаренный

bone flour [bə un 'flauə ] – костяная мука

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Food is made up of varying proportions of several substances. These substances include water, carbohydrates, fats and oils, proteins and minerals.

Water has a number of functions. It carries nutrients from the intestinal wall to the cells and tissues. This process of transportation is carried out by the blood, the basis of which is water. Another function is to facilitate digestion by assisting the passage of food through the alimentary tract.

Carbohydrates consist of sugars and starches which are broken down into glucose during digestion. They provide the animal with the energy needed to perform the normal functions of life and movement. These include the production of milk in lactating animals, and the ability to work in draught animals. Fat and oil are also a source of energy. They are changed to liquid form in the reticulum, where organisms reduce some of the fat to glycerol and fatty acids.

However, as fat and oil are valuable for human consumption, the fat content of most foodstuffs used for animal feeding is low. This is because the oil is first extracted from the oil seeds and only the remaining residues are used for animal feed.

Fibre consists mainly of cellulose and lignin. Its nutritive value varies according to species. Ruminants, for example, can easily digest cellulose, whereas animals with simple stomachs are able to use only small quantities of fibre efficiently. Fibre gets broken down by the rumen bacteria into substances which can be used as a source of energy.

In the case of a lactating cow a low intake of fibre may result in milk with a low percentage of fat. On the other hand, a high propotion of fibre in the diet prevents the con­sumption of sufficient protein and starch for milk production. Therefore, the fibre intake of high yielding milking cows should be carefully controlled.

The proteins that animals consume are broken down into amino acids. These are reassembled within the animal to form its own body protein such as muscle, bone, blood etc. Lactating animals use protein to produce milk proteins; the pregnant animal uses protein to enable the foetus and the placenta to grow.

It is not neccssary, however, to feed animals with all the amino acids they need. Some can be synthesized during digestion, as long as there are enough amino acids in the diet to permit synthesis. Those that cannot be synthesized by the animal are termed essential amino acids. It is necessary, therefore, that they are present in the dietary protein.

Minerals play a vital part in the structure of the animal's body and its functions. The most important minerals for dairy cows are calcium, phosphorous and chlorine. A deficiency of calcium can give rise to milk fever in lactating animals. Phosphorous deficiency of calcium may cause sterility. To ensure a satisfactory supply of these major minerals the following mineral mixture can be added to the diet of dairy cattle at 2. 5 lb per cwt of con­centrates:

Common salt                                    1 part by weight

Sterilized steamed bone flour        1 part by weight

Ground limestone                            0. 5 part by weight

For animals grazing during the time me pastures are growing rapidly, as in the spring and autumn, a magnesium supplement may be necessary. Magnezium deficiency in this rapidly growing herbage may cause the disease known as hypomagnesaemia or glass staggers. Animals which are affected by this disease show nervous symptoms such as muscular spasms, sweating and grinding of the teeth. To prevent this, a supplement of 2oz of calcined magnezite per cow per day should be fed to the animals.

Ex. 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following.

Carbohydrates, nutrients, to facilitate digestion, through the alimentary track, to break down, lactating animals, draught animals, a source of energy, a low intake of fibre, to result in, chlorine, deficiency, supplement.

Ex. 3. Translate into English.

Состоять из, кишечный, ткань, обеспечивать, содержание жира, остаток, питательная ценность, жвачные животные, потребление, по­зволять, жизненно важная роль, вызывать, минеральная смесь, трава.

Ex. 4. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the italicized parts:

1. Food includes various proportions of several substances. 2. Fibre consists chiefly of cellulose and lignin. 3. Its nutritive value changes depending on species. 4. In the case of a lactating cow absorbtion of fibre may lead to milk with a low percentage of fat. 5. Minerals play a very important role in the structure of the animals body and its functions. 6. A lack of calcium can give rise to milk fever in lactating animals. 7. For animals grazing during the time the pastures are growing quickly, as in the spring and autumn, a magnesium additive may be necessary.

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:

1. Give two reasons why water is essential to livestock. 2. In what way are carbohydrates essential for lactating animals? 3. Why are only the residues of oil seeds fed to animals? 4. Why aren’t non-ruminants fed large quantities of fibrous food? 5. Give two reasons why care should be taken to lactating cows? 6. What part do amino acids play in the dietary system of livestock? 7. How do essential amino acids differ from non-essential amino acids? 8. What may be the result of insufficient calcium in the diet of a milking cow? 9. How can we make sure that the diet of farm animals is not deficient in major minerals? 10. What effect on the health of an animal may rapidly growing pasture have, and how can it be avoided?


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