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Feedings Stuffs. Vocabulary. Ex.2. Give English equivalents to the following. Ex.3. Find in the text synonyms to the following words.


Feedings Stuffs


bulk food [bʌ lk fuː d] – объемистый корм

ensure [ɪ n'ʃ uə ] – обеспечивать

coarse [kɔ ː s] – грубый

palatable ['pæ lə tə bl] – вкусный, аппетитный

substitute ['sʌ bstɪ tjuː t] – замена

linseed ['lɪ nsiː d] – льняное семя

oil cake [ɔ ɪ l keɪ k] – жмых

leguminous [lɪ 'gjuː mɪ nə s] – бобовые

laxative ['læ ksə tɪ v] – слабительное

infertility [ˌ ɪ nfə 'tɪ lə tɪ ] – бесплодие

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Feeding stuffs used on farms can be divided into two main groups: bulk foods and concentrates. Bulk foods contain a limited amount of nutrients in a given weight of food. Hay contains roughly 35 lb of starch per 100 lb weight. Concentrates are richer in nutrients. Barley contains twice as much starch per 100 lb weight, or twice the amount of energy in an equivalent weighing of foodstuff. Both these groups of foodstuff are used in feeding livestock. The bulk foods satisfy the animal's appetite. Concentrates are given to ensure that the animals have taken in sufficient nutrients. Ruminants are particularly suited to consume bulk foods, because of their ability to break down fibre, but their diet should be supplemented with concen­trates. The ration of non-ruminants consists mainly of concentrated foods because their simple stomachs cannot utilize fibre.

Bulk foods consist of coarse fodders such as hays and straws, and succulent foods such as roots, green fodders (kales and grass) and silage. The former are low in protein аnd minerals; the latter have a high moisture content which makes them palatable. Three types of hay can be distinguished: meadow hay, which usually contains a large number of grass species and clovers; clover hay which is produced from fields planted with a clover crop; and seed hay, which is more fibrous and coarse than meadow hay. Because hay is such a commonly used food a table of " hay equivalent" has been drawn up. This table can be used to calculate the amount of substitute food which would be required to replace part of the hay in a food ration.

Concentrates can be sub-divided into foods rich in carbohydrates such as oats, barley, wheat etc.; protein rich foods of vegetable origin, such as oil cakes and meals of linseed, groundnuts or soya beans; protein rich foods of animal origin including fish meals or meat meals; and home-grown foods rich in protein including leguminous crops such as peas and beans. The production of high quality home-grown feed is very important to reduce costs.

Balance is an essential element of animal feeding. The balance of the total food ration should be correct otherwise the animal will be receiving an excess or deficiency of starch or protein. An imbalance in feeding ration may lead to unnecessary expense and so reduce profits. Balance also applies to the effect which the foods in the total diet have on the digestive system. The best balance is a feeding ration which is palatable and mildly laxative. In addition, minerals and vitamins must be balanced to keep the animal healthy and productive. As we have already noted, an incorrect balance in the calcium-phosphorous ratio can lead to infertility in cattle.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following.

Корм, объемистый корм, сено, удовлетворять аппетит животных, достаточный, способность, грубый корм, высокое содержание влаги, виды трав, заменять, пища растительного происхождения, бобовые культуры, льняной жмых, вкусный.

Ex. 3. Find in the text synonyms to the following words.

Quantity, to provide, enough, to fit, juicy, to include, to estimate, flour, significant, to result in, influence, whole, besides.

Ex. 4. Say whether the following statements are " False" or " True" according to the text.

1. Feedingstuffs can be divided into two main groups. 2. Concentrates are lower in nutrients than hay. 3. The bulk foods do not satisfy the animal's appetite. 4. The ration of non-ruminants consists of used food. 5. Hay is a commonly used food. 6. Meadow hay is more fibrous and coarse than seed hay. 7. Balance is not important in feeding animals. 8. An imbalance in feeding ration may lead to unnecessary expense.

Ex. 5. Answer the following questions.

1. On what basis can feeding stuffs be classified? 2. If 100 lb of hay and barley are compared, what percentage of each consists of starch equivalent?

3. Why does the diet of ruminants usually consist of both bulk foods and concentrates? 4. What characteristic of foods such as green fodders and silage make them valuable in a diet? 5. What does a table of hay equivalent show? 6. How can a livestock farmer's costs be reduced? 7. What effect can an imbalance in food rations have (i) on the animal, and (ii) on the farmer?

8. What harm can a mineral imbalance iruthe diet have on an animal?



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