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A Laboratory Book. for Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology. General Immunology. Faculty ____________________________________________________

A Laboratory Book

for Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology

General Immunology

Name ________________________________________________________

Faculty ____________________________________________________


Group ________________________________________________________

Simferopol, 2021




Topic: Immunity. Types of the immunity. Immune system.  Organs and cells of the immune system.


Questions to be discussed:

1. Immunity. Types of Immunity.

2. Features of the Innate and Adaptive immunity.

3. Structure and function of the immune system.

4. Central and peripheral organs of the immune system.

5. Cells of the immune system, their characteristics and functions.

Practical tasks:

  1. Explain a scheme of the types and forms of the immunity.


  1. Study a scheme of the immune cells development from common precursor. Indicate major functions of the cells in immunity.






Teacher’s signature ________________




Topic: Innate immunity of the Body. Mechanic and physiological factors of the innate immunity. Cellular factors. Mechanisms of the microbes recognition: patterns of the microorganisms and “damaged self”. Pattern-recognizing receptors (PRR).


Questions to be discussed:

  1. Innate immunity. Characteristic features.

2. The main factors of innate immunity.

3. PAMPs (pathogen associated molecular pattern) and DAMPS (damage- associated molecular pattern).

4. Classification of PRR (Toll-like receptors, endocytic and soluble receptors).

5. Toll-like receptors of granulocytes, macrophages, their importance in innate immunity activation.

6. Phagocytosis. Stages of phagocytosis.

7. Natural killers (NK) as a part of Innate immunity. Target cell recognition and effecter mechanism.

Practical tasks:

1. Examine microscopically urethral discharge smears taken from patient with gonorrhoea and stained by alkaline methyl blue (demonstration incomplete phagocytosis of Gonococci). Sketch out incomplete phagocytosis.



Fig. 1. Phagocytosis of Gonococci                               

 Staining by alkaline methyl blue                                  


2. Study a simplified scheme of TLR-structure and localization.


3. Study a simplified scheme of PAMP – PRR interaction. Indicate PAMP and PRR.




4. Study a simplified scheme of the macrophage receptors. Indicate receptor functions.




5. Describe the unifying concept of NK-cells cytotoxic mechanism.











Teacher’s signature ________________



Topic: Humoral factors of the innate immunity. Complement system.   

Questions to be discussed:

1. Complement system.

2. Pathways of complement activation.

3. Biological functions of the complement..

4. Antimicrobial peptides- lysozyme, defensins.

5. Interferons (IFNs). Classification. Properties. Mechanism of anti-viral activity.

Practical tasks:

1. Study and explain the scheme of the complement system activation



  1. Describe a simplified scheme demonstrating the mechanism of antiviral activity of interferon-alpha.



4. Learn the major types of interferon-preparations used for treatment and prophylaxis

Interferons used for treatment and prophylaxis of viral diseases


Types of IFNs Preparations

Natural IFNs (1st generation)

Alpha-interferon Human leukocyte IFN, egiferon, villferon
Beta-interferon Human fibroblast IFN, feron
Gamma-interferon Human immune IFN (gamma-IFN)

Recombinant IFN (2nd generation)

Alpha-2А Reaferon, roferon A, viferon
Alpha-2В Intron A, inrek
Alpha-2С Berofor
Alpha-2А- PEG(recombinant IFN modified with PEG to prolong its circulation in the peripheral blood) Pegasis
Beta-IFN Beta-feron
Gamma-IFN Gamma-feron



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