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II. Oral answer.. Control questions for oral answer

II. Oral answer.

Control questions for oral answer

1. Allergens. Classification of allergens based on their origin.

2. Gell and Coombs classification of allergic reactions. Mechanism of class I hypersensitivity.

3. Immunopathogenesis of anaphylactic reactions.

4. Generalized and atopic reactions. Methods of prevention.

5. In vivo skin tests their application in diagnosis of type 1 hypersensitivity.

6. In vitro diagnostic tests and their application.

7. Immunopathogenesis of antibody-dependent cytotoxic reactions.

8.  Clinical examples of type 2 hypersensitivity.

9. Immunopathogenesis of immune-complex-mediated reaction. Serum sickness.

10. Immunopathogenesis of cell-mediated reaction of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH).

11.  Diagnosis and treatment of immunopathological reactions.

12. Immunodeficiencies. Classification basing on: -mechanism (primary and secondary); - type of immunity (innate or acquired); type of the immune response (B-cell, T-cell, combined).

13.  Immunodeficiency caused by HIV.

14. Autoimmune diseases, mechanism of development.

15. Antibody-containing preparations. Application.

16. Homologous and heterologous therapeutic preparations.

17. Himeric and humanized antibodies.

18. Anti-toxic immune sera and antibodies Vaccines, their classification based on the antigen preparation.

19. Types of vaccines based on the used antigen.

20. Vaccines use for immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy.

21. Adjuvants. Definition. Types of adjuvants.

22. Possible side-effects of vaccination.

23. Calendar of vaccination. Selective vaccination.

24. The role of APCs in the immune response against SARS-Co-V-2 development.

25. Importance of the humoral adaptive immune response in COVID.

26. Importance of the cell-mediated adaptive immune response in COVID.

27. Main cytokines that mediate the cytokine storm development.

28. Immunopathogenesis of COVID-19.

29. Vaccines developed for protection against COVID-19.




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