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Topic: Allergy. Gell and Coombs classification of hypersensitivity reactions. Mechanism of types 1-4  hypersensitivity reaction. 



Topic: Allergy. Gell and Coombs classification of hypersensitivity reactions. Mechanism of types 1-4  hypersensitivity reaction.  

Questions to be discussed:

1. Allergens. Classification of allergens based on their origin.

2. Gell and Coombs classification of allergic reactions. Mechanism of class I hypersensitivity.

3. Immunopathogenesis of anaphylactic reactions.

4. Generalized and atopic reactions. Methods of prevention.

5. In vivo skin tests their application in diagnosis of type 1 hypersensitivity.

6. In vitro diagnostic tests and their application.

7. Immunopathogenesis of antibody-dependent cytotoxic reactions.

8.  Clinical examples of type 2 hypersensitivity.

9. Immunopathogenesis of immune-complex-mediated reaction. Serum sickness.

10. Immunopathogenesis of cell-mediated reaction of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH).

11.  Diagnosis and treatment of immunopathological reactions.

Practical tasks:

1. Describe the mechanism of the type-1 allergy.



2. List the drugs used in treatment of type-1 hypersensitivity. Describes the mechanism of desensitization.


3. Draw a scheme of in vitro ELISA test to identify sensitizing allergen.

4. Describe the mechanism of the type 2 hypersensitivity reaction, indicating mechanisms of the tissue damage.


5. Examine a scheme of the type 3 hypersensitivity reaction, indicating localization of the reaction. Describe the differences in type 2 and type 3 reactions.


6. Explain a scheme of the type 4 delayed hypersensitivity reaction, indicating mechanisms of tissue damage

 Teacher’s signature __________________






Topic: Immunodeficiency. Autoimmunity and аutoimmune diseases. Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. Immunomodulators.

Questions to be discussed:

1. Immunodeficiencies. Classification basing on:

- mechanism (primary and secondary);

- type of immunity (innate or acquired);

- type of the immune response (B-cell, T-cell, combined).

2. Examples of B-cell immunodeficiency.

3. Examples of T-cell immunodeficiency.

4. Examples of severe combined immunodeficiency.

5. Immunodeficiency caused by HIV.

6. Autoimmune diseases, mechanism of development.

7. Immunomodulators, their classification:

- immunostimulators (tymosin, interleukins, interferons, interferonogens);

- immunosupressors (hormones, cytostatics, anti-interleukin receptor McAbs).

Practical tasks:



1. Study еру examples of B-cell immunodeficiencies.


1. 1 X-linked Decrease in all serum Ig isotypes; reduced B cell number Pre-B checkpoint defect; Btk mutation
1. 2 Aautosomal recessive forms Decrease in all serum Ig isotypes; reduced B cell number Pre-B receptor checkpoint defect; mutation in IgM heavy chain (m)

Hypogammaglobulinemias/isotype defects

2. 1 Selective IgA deficitncy Decreased IgA; increased susceptibility to bacterial infection and protozoa such as Giardia lamblia Mutations in TACI
2. 2 Selective IgG2 deficitncy Increased susceptibility to bacterial infections Small subsets have deletion in IgHg locus
2. 3 Common variable immu-nodeficiency Hypogammaglobulinemia; normal or decrea-sed B cell numbers Mutations in ICOS and TACI in some patients



2. Study examples of T-cell immunodeficiencies.


NN Disease

Function Deficiencies

Mechanism of defect

Defects in thymus development

  Defective pre-TCR check-point Decreased T cells; normal or reduced B cells; reduced serum Ig

Mutations in CD45, CD3D, CD3E, ORA11 (CRAC channel component– calcium release activated channel), STIMI

  DiGeorge syndrome Decreased T cells; normal B cells; normal or reduced serum Ig

22q1 chromosome deletion;

T-box 1 (TBX1) transcription factor mutation

  Fox N1 deficiency Thymic aplasia with defective thymus cell development

Recessive mutation in FOXN1 causing rudimentary thymus;

Fox N1 gene codes fore Forkhead family transcription factor that is required for the normal development of certain ectoderm–derived cell types



3. Fill in the table for immunotropic preparations:

Natural preparations: -Plant origin -Animal (human) origin -Microbial origin      
Synthetic preparations    
Recombinant preparations      



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