Q: Значит, прощение — это одно из сильнейших средств для борьбы с гневом. А что еще может помочь нам удержаться от гнева?
Q: Значит, прощение — это одно из сильнейших средств для борьбы с гневом. А что еще может помочь нам удержаться от гнева? A: One of the biggest causes of anger is disappointment over not getting wha we expect. We expect life to work out in our favor — we want to be loved and appreciated and all that. But the truth is we’ll never get everything we want or expect. If we can accept that feet, it will do a lot to minimize our big disappointments. Second, we can’t choose what others will do — we can’t keep someone from hurt ng us. But we can always choose how we will react. We can prevent adverse circumstances from controlling us by choosing a road away from anger to forg veness and healing. Q: Очень не просто воздержаться от гнева, когда в тебе все кипит. Как нажать на дистанциоике кнопку «выключить»? A: Part of it is realizing that you’re not being singled out as a victim. We all get blasted by life — that’s true no matter who we are. But we won’t grow spiritually from these experiences unless we look for the good things that can come from he pain. Q: Что хорошего может дать боль? A: It’s not the pain itself that’s good, but the things pain can produce in our lives. It can make us more loving, more sensitive and more empathetic if we really search for it. No one would naturally be thankful for being rejected or for losing something they deeply value. But the Bible says “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thess. 5: 18). As we start to become grateful for circumstances that hurt us, we’ll see a change in our attitudes. Our motivation changes, our self-confidence rises, a lot of things improve. One of the best ways to overcome anger is to be thankful for everything that happens. Marriage Partnership, by Ron R. Lee, Spring 1997 Interview with Paul Swope of the Caring Foundation DC: На сегодняшний день противниками абортов собрано очень ^Ного доказательств тому, что ребенок в утробе матери это действительно живой, человеческий организм. PS: That’s true. Of course, I think it’s first of all due to the voice of conscience, the law written on the human heart; but it’s certainly also due to the valiant voice of conscience which the pro-life movement has provided in the last 25 years. DC: Как вы думаете, насколько рискованно взывать к убеждениям сторонников абортов, ведь во многих случаях за этими взглядами стоит ни что иное, как эгоизм? PS: As an ardent pro-lifer, I realize that seeing abortion as the least of three evils is profoundly misguided. However, we must understand that prochoice women, especially those in a crisis pregnancy, will not respond to this issue as you and I might. Psychologically, they see this crisis pregnancy as a kind of death of self, and thus abortion becomes a form of self-preservation, a fundamental instinct of the human person. Their calculation may be wrong; but we cannot dismiss their reaction as superficial selfishness. Take any person in crisis: we will help them best with compassion and sensitivity to their fears, not by reasoned arguments and objective judgments.
Our goal is to help women and save children. In none of our ads do we reject pro-life principles. What we’re doing is appealing to a woman’s better self— her voice of conscience, which tells her abortion is evil, as opposed to the voice of convenience, which tells her abortion is a way out. Our ads can reach the millions of women who call themselves pro-choice but who are uncomfortable with the issue — if we present the voice of conscience to them in a non- hreatening manner. DC: В конце статьи, как я понял, вы утверждаете, что если везде расклеивать фотографии детей-жертв аборта, это может только усилить уверенность противников абортов в собственной правоте. PS: Basically, a woman in a crisis pregnancy is not thinking rationally or dispassionately, as she is overwhelmed by the threat the situation poses to her own life. She usually feels isolated, and despairing over her future. Showing her pictures of babies, whether aborted or young and happy, will tend to deepen this sense of loneliness and despair, thus fuelling her tendency to choose abortion, as no one is addressing the crisis in her own life and future. It might be helpful to consider other forms of crisis management. Most people would realize that a person standing on an apartment ledge about to commit suicide would not be persuaded by a picture of splattered bodies on the sidewalk. They need emotional support and a sense of hope. DC: Как все просто и сложно одновременно. PS: We certainly can hope the despair of a crisis pregnancy will lead to a larger conversion, but in most areas of life, an approach of sensitivity and compassion is much more likely to bring about positive change. And remember, we are talking about trying to get this message on television, and to do that you have to strike a very delicate balance. The message has to be strong enough to influence women, but “soft” enough so that the material is acceptable to the stations. Fortunately, our research suggests that the gentler approach is also the more effective. The Interim, by editor-in-chief David Curtin, July 1998 Ирина ХАКАМАДА: «Я не брошу политику ради любви»
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