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Test for unit 6. 1. Fertile soils. 2. Water provides rigidity to the body, allowing it to maintain it’s shape. 3. Growing plants are usually _________% water.

Test for unit 6

1. Fertile soils

a) аминокислоты

b) мягкие ткани

c) плодородные земли  

d) вкусовые качества

2. Water provides rigidity to the body, allowing it to maintain it’s shape.

a) мягкость

b) твердость

c) легкость

d) жидкость

3. Growing plants are usually _________% water.

a) 30 to 40%

b) 70 to 80%

c) 12 to 15%

d) 35 to 65%

4. There are _______ minerals that have been identified as being essential to the health of animals.

a) 15

b) 20

c) 13

d) 10

5. The ….. more varieties of wild plants in this region a century age.

a) were

b) was

c) is

d) are

6. Сложные сахара

a) complex sugar

b) clotting of blood

c) appropriate

d) potassium

7. Составьте предложение 1  

1a) Carbohydrates are

2b) composed primarily

3c) of the elements

4d) carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

8. Examples of simple sugars used in animals feeds are …?

a) glucose, fructose, and galactose

b) amylase, lipase, and pectase

c) glucose, fructose, and pectase

d) fructose, galactose, and amylase

9. Potassium

a) калий

b) натрий

c) хлор

d) йод

10. Dissolve

a) прекратить

b) возобновить

c) растворять

d) разбавить

11. Fat-soluble vitamins

a) быстрорастворимые витамины

b) водорастворимые витамины

c) нерастворимые витамины

d) жирорастворимые витамины

12. The skeleton is composed mostly of ….

a) fat

b) minerals

c) vitamins

d) carbohydrates

13. The … a poultry farm not far from the city which provides fresh eggs for it.

a) is

b) was

c) are

d) were

14. There …. large variations in the necessity for vitamins in various species of animals important to agriscience.

a) are

b) is

c) does

d) am

15. The skeleton is …. mostly of minerals.

a) composed

b) composing

c) compose

d) composes

16. Protein …. also impor­tant for healthful reproduction.

a) is

b) are

c) was

d) were

17. Protein is the major component of ……

a) sugars and starches

b) muscles and tissues

c) minerals

d) fat

18. ... are acquired by animals in several different ways.

a) vitamins

b) minerals

c) fat

d) protein

19. Carbohydrates make up about ….. % of most animal rations.

a) 50%

b) 75%

c) 25%

d) 70%

20. The addition of small amounts... fat to the diet has also been shown to increase milk production and to aid in the fattening of meat animals.

a) of

b) in

c) on

d) from

21. Fats are also necessary... the body as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins.

a) in

b) on

c) of

d) as

22. Water is ….

a) the largest component of nearly all living things.

b) also necessary in the body as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins.

c) composed primarily of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

d) used by animals to maintain the body.

23. Protein is ….

a) the major component of muscles and tissues.

b) has as much energy per gram as do carbohydrates.

c) especially important for animals that spend their lives in confinement

d) make up about 75% of most animal rations.

24. Составьте предложение 2

1a) Carbohydrates come

2b) in several forms

3c) with the sugars

4d) being the simplest

       25. Minerals are ….

a) important parts of soft tissues and fluids of the body.

b) are acquired by animals in several different ways.

c) are also necessary in the body as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins.

d) are very complex materials and are made of various nitrogen com­pounds called amino acids.

26. Therefore, the quality of proteins fed to animals … be considered.

a) must

b) can

c) ought

d) may

27. Monogastric animals need very specific ….

a) amino acids

b) minerals

c) protein

d) calcium

28. Water is … expensive nutrient for ani­mals.

a) the least

b) less

c) little

d) many

29. In ruminant animals, quantity of protein is … important than quality.

a) more

b) much

c) many

d) most

30. Protein is used by animals to maintain ….

a) the body

b) head

c) eyes

d) neck


UNIT 7. Sources of nutrients


con­centrate - концентрат

soybean - соевый боб

legume - боб

hay - сено

alfalfa - люцерна

clover - клевер

carbohydrate - углевод

сorn - зерно

wheat - пшеница

barley - ячмень

oat - овес

rye - рожь

fat –жир.

        major – главный, основной

           tank age – мясокостная мука

      cereal grains –злаки

      orchard grass – садовая трава

      molasses  - патока, меласса        

 1. Find the antonym to each word: 1. major, 2. important, 3. dry, 4. able, 5. many,       6. ade­quate, 7. small, 8. complex, 9. necessary

1. unable, 2. little, 3. inade­quate, 4. large, 5. simple, 6. unnecessary, 7. moist,                8. secondary, 9. unimportant.


2. Find the definition to each word:

Proteins   orchard grass, timothy, other grasses, and molasses, plant materials
Carbohydrates   sunlight, fertile land, high-quality feeds
Fats   soybeans, pea­nuts, cottonseed, and linseed
Vitamins and Minerals oil seeds and animal by-products

3. Insert instead of underlined words “some” and “any” (см. Приложение 7):

1) These seeds are processed by cooking and other procedures to remove the bulk of the oil from them.

2) Cereal grains provide lesser amounts of protein, but are also important protein sources.

3) Young ruminants andallnonruminants are not able to digest urea.

4) The major sources of carbohy­drates for animal feed are the cereal grains.

5) Ruminants manufacture B-complex vitamins in their rumens.


4. Translate the sentences using the indefinite pronouns “some” and “any”:      1) Некоторые люди считают главным источником белка для животных семена растений. 2)Зерновые используются для производства нескольких продуктов.    3) Некоторое количество жиров должно присутствовать в рационе животных.    4) Другие источники животного белка – это рыба и молоко 5) Существует несколько видов витаминов и минералов. 6) Обычные рационы животных должны включать в себя некоторые уровни углеводов.

5. Make up sentences, write them down: 1)a source of is nitrogen made from and air, water, urea synthetic carbon. 2) and ruminants all no ruminants and are unable to urea young digest. 3) are materials in all plant found carbohydrates. 4) sources also sources of fat protein are most of. 5) body exposure sunlight vitamin allows the to manufacture D to. 6) is true for oil this the by-products seeds animal and especially.


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