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Test for unit 7. 1. The sources of … for animals are many and extremely varied. 2. … seeds are processed by cooking and other procedures to remove the bulk of the oil from them.

Test for unit 7

1. The sources of … for animals are many and extremely varied.

a) groups-growth regulators

b) antibiotics

c) hormones

d) nutrients

2. … seeds are processed by cooking and other procedures to remove the bulk of the oil from them.

a) the same

b) same

c) any

d) some

3. Important animal feed components … roughages, concentrates, animal by-products, minerals from mineral deposits, and nutrients made chemically.

a) include

b) include

c) include

d) include

4. Grain by-products such as …

a) soybeans, peanuts, cottonseed

b) wheat bran, wheat middling, brewers

c) orchard grass, timothy, molasses

d) sunlight, fertile land and high quality feeds

5. All feeds are composed … water and dry matter.

a) of

b) the

c) is

d) to

6. Tubers such as potatoes are also a …

a) silage

b) green roughages

c) dry

d) cereal grains

7. A knowledge of animal …, feed materials and nutrition helps keep animals healthy and productive.

a) psychologies

b) histology

c) physiology

d) anatomy

8. The major sources of … for animals include oil seeds such as soybeans, peanuts, cottonseed, and linseed.

a) vitamin

b) protein

c) feed

d) fat

9. The oil meals … by-products left from making vegetable oil.

a) of

b) is

c) are

d) from

10. Blindness –

a) Малокровие

b) Слепота

c) Деформация костей

d) Плохой рост

11. The feed consisting of ground oil seeds with the oil removed is called … meal.

a) milk

b) blood

c) oil

d) feather

12. Cereal grains provide lesser amounts of ….

a) dry roughages

b) silage

c) protein

d) mineral

13. Feather meal –

a) Рыбная мука

b) Перьевая мука

c) Мясо-костная мука

d) Кровяная мука

14. More specifically, animal protein usually … more of the essential amino acids than does protein from plants.

a) contain

b) contains

c) contained

d) containing

15. Animal protein is generally of … quality than plant protein.

a) higher

b) high

c) highest

d) the highest

16. Nonprotein nitrogen in the form of … can be used as a substitute for protein for ruminant animals.

a) feed

b) nitrogen

c) urea

d) mineral

17. Cane molasses –

a) свекольная патока

b) сухая патока

c) карамельная патока

d) тростниковая патока

18. The feeding of urea should be limited to not more than … of the total dry matter fed.

a) 6%

b) 5%

c) 6%


19. All feeds … of water and dry matter.

a) compose

b) composed

c) to composed

d) are composed

20. Other examples … grass, legume, and, small gram silages.

a) is

b) of

c) are

d) to

21. Young ruminants and all nonruminants are unable to … urea.

a) feed

b) digest

c) see

d) eat

22. Carbohydrates are found in all … materials.

a) antibiotics

b) substances

c) plant

d) diseases

23. Other examples … grass, legume, and small gram silages.

a) is

b) are

c) be

d) am

24. Normal animal rations generally contain adequate levels of ….

a) vitamins

b) by-products

c) carbohydrates

d) concentrates

25. Fats are needed in fairly … amounts in the diets of animals

a) middle

b) average

c) small

d) large

26. Most sources of protein are also sources of ….

a) feeds

b) minerals

c) water

d) fat

27. Ruminants manufacture … -complex vitamins in their rumens.

a) D

b) C

c) B

d) A

28. Exposure to … allows the body to manufacture vitamin D.

a) antibiotics 

b) sunlight

c) low-grade infections

d) bay

29. Such supplements are available wherever animals … in the developed countries of the world.

a) existed

b) exists

c) exist

d) existing

30. mineral supplements

a) минеральные добавки

b) минеральные соли

c) минералы

d) минеральные удобрения


UNIT 8. Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies


blindness - слепота

poor growth - плохой рост

nasal discharge - носовые выделения

diarrhea - понос

scurvy - цинга

slow healing of wounds - медленное заживление ран

rickets – рахит

poor blood clotting - плохое свертывание крови

night blindness – куриная слепота

hemorrhage - кровотечение

          hatchability – выводимость

     retarded growth – замедленный рост

     lameness – хромота

     mange - чесотка  

     thyroid gland [θ airoid glæ nd] – щитовидная железа

     gum inflammation – воспаление десен

     infected navels – зараженные пупки

     edema [idimə ] – отек

     stiff joints – жесткие связки

     poor fertility – низкая рождаемость

     offspring – потомство

     flabby – дряхлый


1. Translate the group of words in Russian: night blindness, poor growth, gum inflammation, slow healing of wounds, deformed young, reproductive failures, degeneration ofcertain muscles, white muscle disease, lowered milk production, poor egg hatchability, internal hemorrhages, weak legs in pigs, low red-blood-cell count, poor coordination, lack of strong growth, poor teeth, abnormal wool growth.


2. Find the correspondences:

 loss of wounds
Slow bone   milk production
slow healing of young
poor egg disease
lowered appetite
reproductive weakness
gum hatchability
stiff lamb inflammation
thin egg failures
poor shells

3. Find in the text the English equivalents: куриная слепота, оставаться здоровым, общие симптомы, диарея, плохое свертывание крови, деформирование кости, медленный рост, проблемы с пищеварением, плохая координация.

4. Make up sentences with the following word combinations: retarded growth, unhealthy appearance, digestive problems, unhealthy appearance, poor milk production.


5. Make up word – combinations:

1. poor, fertility,  appetite, fever, poor, coordination, weak, young, lowered, unhealthy, digestive, poor, liver.

2. growth, poor, deformed, milk, poor, reproduction, poor, legs in pigs, milk production, appearance, problems, health, fatty.

6. Open brackets, using verbs in Present, Past or Future Simple (см. Приложение 8):

1. A doctor (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day.

2. A doctor (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.

3. A doctor (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow.

4. I (not to go) to the hospital every day.

5. I (not to go) to the hospital yes­terday.

6. I (not to go) to the hospital tomorrow.

7. You (to watch) tests every day?

8. You (to watch) tests yesterday?

9. You (to watch) tests tomorrow?

10. When you (to leave) home for vet clinic every day?

11. When you (to leave) home for vet clinic yesterday?

12. When you (to leave) home for vet clinic tomorrow?

7. Expand the brackets, using the verb in Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple:

1)Some common symptoms of nutrient deficiencies … (follow). 2) Shortages or defi­ciencies of various nutrients … generally (produce) observable effects on the animal. 3) Normal animal rations generally… (contain) ade­quate levels of carbohydrates last year. 4) Weakness in the legs … (be) the cause of swine disease a month ago. 5) Vets … (observe) poor blood clotting in cows next year due to lack of vitamin K. 6) Animals … (suffer) from scurvy due to lack of vitamin C. 7) Enlarged thyroid gland in the neck … (be) due to lack of iodine.


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