7. Is this sentence true water provides rigidity to the body, allowing it to maintain its shape? Prove it with the help of text.
7. Is this sentence true water provides rigidity to the body, allowing it to maintain its shape? Prove it with the help of text.
Protein is the major component of muscles and tissues. Proteins are very complex materials and are made of various nitrogen compounds called amino acids. Some amino acids are essential for animals and some are not. Therefore, the quality of proteins fed to animals must be considered. Monogastric animals need very specific amino acids. So it is important that they receive high quality proteins containing the appropriate amino acids. In ruminant animals, quantity of protein is more important than quality. They can convert amino acids in their rumens to other amino acids to meet their needs. Protein is used by animals to maintain the body. Body cells are continually dying and being replaced. In young animals, large amounts of protein are used for body growth. Protein is also important for healthful reproduction. 8. Say whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements: 1. Proteins are very complex materials and are made of various nitrogen compounds called amino acids. 2. Monogastric animals need some amino acids. 3. Protein is used by animals to feed the body. 4. Protein is also important for healthful reproduction. 9. What do you think about the main idea of the text? Carbohydrates These are a class of nutrients composed of sugars and starches. They provide energy and heat to animals. Carbohydrates are composed primarily of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The energy obtained from carbohydrates is used for growth, maintenance, work, reproduction, and lactation (milk production). Carbohydrates come in several forms, with the sugars being the simplest. Examples of simple sugars used in animal feeds are glucose, fructose, and galactose. Compound sugars include sucrose, maltose, and lactose. More complex forms of carbohydrates include starch and cellulose. Carbohydrates make up about 75% of most animal rations. Yet there is very little carbohydrate in the body at any one time. Carbohydrates in the diet that are not used quickly are converted to fat and stored in the body. Fat has as much energy per gram as do carbohydrates. 10. What are carbohydrates are composed of?
Minerals The functions of minerals in the animal are many. The skeleton is composed mostly of minerals. They are important parts of soft tissues and fluids of the body. The endocrine system is heavily dependent on various minerals, as are the circulatory, urinary, and nervous systems. There are 15 minerals that have been identified as being essential to the health of animals. These are calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, potassium, sulfur, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc. In the past, most of these minerals were provided naturally by feeds grown on fertile soils and by contact with the soil itself. Today it is increasingly important to provide additional mineral matter to the diet of animals. Mineral supplements are especially important for animals that spend their lives in confinement. Additional minerals in feed are called a supplement.
11. Put the sentences into the right order: 1. Additional minerals in feed are called a supplement. 2. These are calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, potassium, sulfur, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc. 3. There are 15 minerals that have been identified as being essential to the health of animals. 4. The endocrine system is heavily dependent on various minerals. 5. Minerals are important parts of soft tissues and fluids of the body. 12. What new have you learned from the text? Vitamins Vitamins are acquired by animals in several different ways. Some are available in roughages and concentrates. Some are available in feeds made from animal by-products. Finally, some are made by the body itself. Vitamins are required in only minute quantities in animals. They act mostly as a catalyst in other body processes. There are large variations in the necessity for vitamins in various species of animals important to agriscience. Some of the specific ways that vitamins are used in animals include clotting of blood, forming bones, reproducing, keeping membranes healthy, producing milk, and preventing certain nervous-system disorders.
13. Answer the questions: 1. Are vitamins acquired by animals in several different ways? 2. How are vitamins made? 3. In what quantities are they required? 4. What are vitamins used for? Fat Only small amounts of fat are required in most animal diets. The addition of fat to the diets of animals improves the palatability, flavor, texture, and energy levels of feed. The addition of small amounts of fat to the diet has also been shown to increase milk production and to aid in the fattening of meat animals. Fats are also necessary in the body as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins.
14. Ask questions to each sentence, beginning with the word, given in brackets: 1) Water provides rigidity to the body, allowing it to maintain its shape (What). 2) The addition of fat to the diets of animals improves the palatability, flavor, texture, and energy levels of feed (What). 3) They act mostly as a catalyst in other body processes (How). 4) Carbohydrates come in several forms, with the sugars being the simplest (What). 5) Protein is used by animals to maintain the body (What for). 6) More complex forms of carbohydrates include starch and cellulose (What).
15. Refer the texts: 1)Мышцы и внутренние органы животных содержат более чем 75 % воды. 2) Вода взаимодействует со многими химическими компонентами. 3) У молодых животных белок в большинстве случаев уходит в рост. 4) Углеводы встречаются в различных формах. 5) Скелет состоит из минералов. 6) Витамины помогают формированию кости, воспроизводству, свертыванию крови. 7) Добавление небольшого количества жира в корм способствует увеличению молока и помогает откормить животное.
16. Match two parts of the sentences, using the texts:
17. Make up the sentences complete, using the texts: 1)Water reacts with…. 2) Monogastric animals need…. 3) The energy obtained…. 4) In the past, most of these minerals…. 5) Some of the specific ways that vitamins…. 6) The addition of small amounts of fat…. 18. Translate the sentences into Russian, don’t use the dictionary: 1) Similarly, the muscles and internal organs of animals contain 75% or more of water. 2) Water is also important in regulating the body temperature of animals through perspiration and evaporation. 3) Protein is also important for healthful reproduction. 4) Carbohydrates in the diet that are not used quickly are converted to fat and stored in the body. 5) There are 15 minerals that have been identified as being essential to the health of animals. 6) Vitamins are required in only minute quantities in animals. 7) Fats are also necessary in the body as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins.
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